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Hey everyone, January kind of got away from me there what with preparing for the Golf Quest Kickstarter, dealing with the paperwork that surrounds a parent's death, and aiding the creation of Dead Air (which is out on Kickstarter now and is doing bloody well).

So, my humblest apologies for not having an offering for January.

But, I have something very exciting to offer instead.

As of this morning I have started work on a fun hobby project that I'll be posting piecemeal to Patreon until it's finished. That game is called Shirefolk and it's a solo RPG about burrows and bothers.

In this solo role-playing game you take on the role of a Shireling as they build their Burrow (their house); undertake Jobs around the Shire to make money; make friends, family, and rivals; and get embroiled in Gossip as that’s what Shireling’s do best.

Shirefolk is a slow and purposeful game about the little lives of people often forgotten by the wider world. It is fantasy and such the usual trappings of that genre are present but Shirelings are less concerned with Dark Lords and Magic Rings than they are of fine tobacco, good beer, a decent harvest, and a bit of juicy gossip about ol’ Baggy Crossfoot and you-know-who!


Shirefolk will have a DELVE style Burrow building system where you create a side-on map of your burrow.

It will also have Apothecaria style events out in the various towns, locales, and such of the Shire. Seasonal variants included, of course.

And I've got plans to have all sorts of jobs for your Shireling to undertake from Pest Hunting (a sort of variant on Snap! but with little brain twister rules to try trip you up) to Merchant (travel from town to town buying low and selling high) to Farmer, Innkeeper, Fisher, Cook, and Courier.

But for now, let's start at the beginning by working out just who your Shireling is using this handy name generator!

My Shireling would therefore be called Annwise Blackbottom

A - Ann

April - Wise

B - Black

L - Bottom


This same system can be used to randomly generate NPC names by treating ♥ and ♦ as the first 13 letters and ♣ and ♠ as the second 13 letters in the alphabet.

And while there are 13 cards in each suit and only 12 months, we can treat King as a Your Choice result.

So 6♦ 9♣ 10♠ and 3♦ would be:

6♦ (6th Letter)- Fal

9 (september) - Gin

10♠ (23rd Letter) - Willow

3♦ (3rd Letter) - Cut

Falgin Willowcut

A pretty good name for a lumberjack!


Let me know what names you come up with in the comments and I'll be back with more Shirefolk later in the month :) 

This is a hobby project so it's being made in between work on For Small Creatures Such As We but I'm excited and really wanted to share this with you!



DodDing Everystrump is looking forward to this.

Dr James Butler

I am hesitant to ask this, but... how are you feeling about Rise/Delve now? Was re-reading your first Conquest of Realms last night, and enjoyed it so very much still - love to explore a few new realms! (at some point, hopefully ^_^)


I've actually started the thinking phase for DELVE Reforged which will be a big sequel to DELVE :) Hopefully I'll get to work on that in 2024. As for RISE and DELVE expansions, I'm starting to open up to them again. I'll likely do another Conquest of Realms or DELVE events for the next Patreon expansion :)