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Hey everyone, just a heads up that I'm going to be pausing this Patreon during May as I'm taking two weeks off to de-stress and get my health sorted. As some of you are aware (and have sent many kind messages about) I've been having some health issues and while its not serious yet, I'd rather it not get to that point.

Patreon being paused means you won't get charged during May and service will resume as normal in June.

Thank you all for all the support and I look forward to picking things up again in June.



Take care of yourself! Be well. We'll be here when you get back!

Rachel Powell McCurley

Thank you for letting us know. Please take care of yourself, and we'll be happy to have you back when you're ready. <3


Take care of yourself, please!

Kirstyanne Ross

Health definitely has to come first xxx look after yourself xxxx


Thoughts and prayers


Much love, hope you feel better :) Xxx

Dr James Butler

Hope you spot plenty of mushrooms on The Way

Ryer Tonic

I hope you are enjoying your may break and that new eyes on your work Via Kruggsmash helps buoy your spirits!