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Hey everyone,

I'm really sorry about the continuing delay with the Arena expansion. After realising the core mechanics didn't work all that well and trying to make a new action system, I got hit by some god awful flu that still has me under its greasy claws and I just haven't had the mental or physical fortitude to tackle that beast at the moment.

But rest assured, in one form or another, it will get made. Even if it ends up ticking over to next month. I've attached the unfinished WIP version that still has the original combat system so you can all at least see the sort of track I'm thinking along. 

The last page is my rework ideas and I will do a proper post about the various iterations and what worked/ what didn't work once I find a solution!

I'm now in the unenviable position of having 10 days to get this month's expansion sorted, last month's expansion finished, Tabletop Gaming Magazine written, and find time to work on For Small Creatures before I have to go walk the West Highland Way and likely die if this blood gushing, weird heart beat causing flu doesn't shift by then.

So with my schedule already so f&$£"d up, I'm going to have to push any Dreamsmith stuff back until May rather than rush out something that just isn't going to look good or make anyone happy. Thank you for being patient with me during this nutcracker of a month.

Wishing you all the best,



Esben Heick

Holy smokes that seems convoluted. I dont think it needs to be much more complicated than questing...

Esben Heick

Of course, ignore all you dont agree with, but I think so. The heroes questing really ought to be the pinnacle of heroics and complexity. Questing is a lot more on brand for dwarvws than arenafighting. Maybe even make it possible for a gladiator to become a hero?

Esben Heick

I dunno. The tactical aggressive defensive may be a touch too specific. Have a dude be really generic and let him earn his style. Such as if het gets Skill Aggressive (like the quest skills) And he draws an specifc card in it says, attacks are +1 unless you are aggressive, then they are ×2...

Rachel Powell McCurley

Thank you for keeping us in the loop. I hope you feel better soon!

Ephraim Mallery

Take your time! Delicious self care. We love you.

Dennis Sison

Feel better! Whatever's gotten ahold of you sounds awful. The blood-gushing part has me particularly worried.