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Hey everyone,

As the title says, there's going to be some changes to the stuff I'm doing each month but don't worry, it's still going to be good; just different.

During this past month I've been working hard to finish up Apawthecaria and making the DELVE: Arena expansion and while I've loved working on all the events, reagents, and prompts for Apawthecaria, DELVE has left me... less enthused. I think the culprit is that I somewhat consider DELVE finished. There are a few little things that could be made into expansions that might be fun but really the whole point was to be simple and fun and I feel like I'm bloating it too much at this point.

So for the forseeable future I'm going to put DELVE, RISE, and UMBRA on the shelf. If a particular expansion idea appears that fills me with enthusiasm, I'll make it, but going forward I'm going to be making different things each month and stretching my creative wings.

As a Patron, you'll still be getting something each month so don't worry about that :) And for those interested in Apothecaria expansions, I still have quite a few of those that I'm looking forward to making.

I'm excited to share what I'm making going forward and thank you to everyone who chooses to stay. Your support means a lot to me.

While I find my feet with the new schedule and with the upcoming Dreamsmith stuff, I'm going to work on a couple of Apothecaria expansions that have been rattling around my head and notes folder for a while.

[I mistakenly announced the Dragon's Lair expansion here but as my much more calendar minded partner just reminded me, we're doing the West Highland Way next month so perhaps doing a big ambitious expansion is not the smartest move.]

So instead, an expansion I've been wanting to put together for a while and putting off:


Each of the Locales in Apothecaria is described as if you're exploring it during the day and while that's all well and good, there's a lot that changes under the cover of night that I'd love to explore. The trolls in Moonbreaker Mountain and the Rannoc Ranges, the blastflies in Blastfire Bog and the goblins who collect them, the plants that only open their petals under a certain moon, and more!

This also means that future expansions will have Night events included in them which will be fun to explore :) 

[Dragon's Lair is coming! Just not yet as its going to be bigger than I can handle in just 3 weeks.]


I know this means the RISE: Conquest expansion is left unfinished for the time being and I can only apologise for that. Perhaps further down the line I'll find the motivation to make the rest.


Thanks for reading and I hope you'll enjoy what I make next :)


Dr James Butler

Ah, that is a shame to hear about Conquest being put to the side for the moment (I *really* enjoyed the first installment and was very much looking forward to the others) - but I do completely understand where you must be to make such a call. Particularly with Umbra and Delve, given their respective last expansions. If you don't feel 'it', such vibes would be reflected - gotta go with your own flow. I'll be here as long as you are! ;) Looking forward to seeing more Apothecaria seeing as how I have only just really gotten into it (and having lots of fun!). But I *have* to ask (and I apologise in advance, seeing as it is kinda Delve related - but also its own thing, I think... from what I understand from the teasers) - but might one of those side works possible include the Mork Borg-style adapatation you teased last year...? :)


The Mork Borg one. Gosh, I'd forgotten about that. I think I'll put what I made up as a post but unfortunately it turned out I suck at writing Mork Borg style stuff XD I can't do the grim darkness and vulgarity that makes MB so unique.


This makes sense to me. I was about to start a game of Delve the other day but all the complexity from the expansions made me change my mind. :) Especially the quests one, that stuff looks rewarding but it's so much! Something I think would be good would be like the Inktober stuff, just new events and things. Kind of like how the Apothecaria expansions work, just more things to do and not (much) more in the way of complexity. But I'm the end you should do what makes you excited! Those are the kind of things that get other people excited. :)

Rachel Powell McCurley

I can understand putting the map drawing games to the side for a while. They look absolutely amazing, AND there's already a whole lot to do! I'm looking forward to getting into those soon. However, I do have to admit, I'm most excited for the Apothecaria expansions, and finding out about Night events for everywhere sounds AWESOME!! Dreamsmith looks fascinating as well, though I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around it so far.

Dr James Butler

For what it's worth, in terms of settings, and even though its only 4 pages, The Machine (from Conquest) is one of the most creatively wonderful additions to a game I have seen in many, many a year.

Sew Desu Ne

I must admit Apothecaria is my favorite of your games, so more expansions is so exciting! Thank you for all your hard work! I always look forward to your updates 😊