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Hey everyone, this is just a quick update, I'll write some more comprehensive tomorrow but seeing as we just tipped over the £350 mark, I'm closing the poll and annoucing the winner!

It was a tight race between the Koma Aldri and the Dreamsmith settings and while both of them are my babies and I would be happy to work on either, I'm happy to announce that the Dreamsmith setting has won it by a grand total of...

Drum roll please.

1 Vote!

Koma Aldri - 30
Dreamsmith - 31

It does not get much tighter than that.

Thank you all for voting and I'll be back tomorrow with more news about what to expect from this surrealist clockwork and dream-magic setting :)


Dr James Butler

A good choice - can't wait to see more! I really do hope you might keep Adventure Park in mind for a future Apothecaria expansion, though ;)