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Steel strikes steel, beaks break bone, and over it all the cheers of the dwarves can be heard as we celebrate our first inagural tournament in The Arena.

This expansion is all about gladitorial combat using generative fighter profiles to act out tournaments where you have no idea who's going to win. 

What does that mean?

Well, once you've got your Hold to a certain point, you'll be able to build an Arena and stock it with Dwarvish Gladiators, mercenary warriors from distant lands, captured prisoners, horrible beasts, and arena dangers. Each fighter gets a Fighter Profile that has their weapons and armours and species bonuses as well as 13 Actions that they undertake when the corresponding cards are drawn. This way, you have no direct control over the fighters and can revel in the show as much as your adoring crowd.

For a great video example, check out Kruggsmash's Splatterface tournaments done in Dwarf Fortress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNTMOh1fAXw 

The Arena has three purposes in DELVE:

1) It generates income as you earn money just by hosting the fights. The more dangerous they are, the more customers will arrive. You can also place bets and hope your own dwarvish gladiators win the prize money.

2) Gladiators who survive the tournaments gain great bonuses in Combat.

3) It's a fun way to take a break from the main gameplay loop and try something new.

The Arena isn't due out until the end of the month and I've still got a lot of writing and designing to do but what I'd love to do is run a Tournament right here on Patreon as a way to show off the mechanics and have some fun together. 

So, leave a comment below detailing a Gladiator you'd like to put forward. Tell me their name, what manner of thing they are (dwarf pirate, human knight, elvish wizard, goblin knife juggler, frogperson acrobat, orc face eater, whatever you want) and any backstory/ motivation you'd like to give them and I'll deal with all the mechanical things :)

An example would be:

Name: Dandelion The Swift
Pronouns: Male
Species: Gnome
Despite his soft and gentle name this gnomish thief comes to us from The Golden Cage prison in the far off Elvish queendom of Ersia. Quick on his feet and deadly with a blade this thief wields two daggers that he has used to separate a dozen nobles from their money and their lives. 

He fights for a royal pardon.

I'd like to run a tournament of 12 contestants, if we get more than that I'll run a poll so you can decide who gets included :) 


michael mccarthy

Although she met her end in her fortress, she remains one of my most memorable. Name: Takir Wyrmtamer (She/her) Species: Dwarf Having been blessed with both an artifact axe and metallic skin, Takir was whispered to be invincible. She defeated a dragon in single combat, and bound it to her will with magic. When her hold collapsed after a demonic outbreak, she disappeared and was thought dead. Now, she has resurfaced, not dead - but no longer the proud warrior she once was. Her dragon is gone. Her axe is chipped. She is here to prove to herself that what happened to her hold isn't her fault. And if she's wrong, then she intends to die trying.

Ephraim Mallery

I don't have a name for this one, just a weapon: No one thought a rope could be a legitimate weapon in combat, but then again, no one really had the need before. When all you have is a rope, you use a rope. Eventually, this one ended up with metal ends good for knocking people out, but it's still just amazing piece of rope that slithers across the arena as if alive, wraps you up and leaves you helpless...


I don't know if you are taking any more Combatants (I'm a new Patron) but here is my go. Name: Daedalus "Storm-Hand" Tarvos Pronouns: He/Him Species: Minotaur Occupation: Paladin Weapon: Greataxe and magic that comes from his right hand (often lighting or thunder based) Appearance: He is 7"2' (not counting horns) of almost pure Muscule. This white-furred Minotaur is wearing grey plate mail and under it, he's covered with blue-dyed nordic runes. The fur on his right hand is black as if permanently singed. His Steel grey eyes showcase more intelligence than his looks and his blunt (and kind) way of speaking would lead you to believe. Backstory: Once upon a time Daedalus was a humble shipwright (and amateur sailor) that was until a sea monster attacked his ship while he was travelling for business. The Giant Electric Ell was fierce and relentless. He and the crew fended it off again and again for weeks, but it would take someone each time until Daedalus was the only one left. Daedalus fought with everything he had but he eventually grew tired. As the Eel came out of the water it bit down on his right hand shocking him. Daedalus prayed to any and all gods that would listen and only one answered. With a crack of lighting, the Eel lay dead and Daedalus was unharmed. His new god had given him a new purpose and the power to complete it. Daedalus found that he could control lighting (and after accidentally striking himself an immunity to it) from his now burnt hand, A sign of his pact. Daedalus had sworn that he would spend the rest of his days killing monsters and he had heard rumours of a place to test his newfound strength.