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I'm taking today to get some ideas I've had for various Apothecaria related expansions down on paper and thanks to a tangent, I've ended up making the cover for Dragon's Lair but I'm stuck.

I can't decide which of these covers I like most.

For voting purposes I'm calling them 

A) Spiky Dragon

B) Smooth Dragon

C) Dragon Circle

Let me know which one you like best and hopefully break this indecision.




Voting A. C is also good though


A or C, depending on what impression you’re going for. A gives off a dangerous vibe and implies this is going to be a little high-stakes, while C has pretty clear echoes to the original cover. If the cover symbol 'theme' is something you’d like to keep with the series then C may be what you want.


I agree with the comment above that the circle dragon is a bit small. If it was bigger then it would probably be my first choice but as it is right now I prefer spiky dragon.


Without context I like A the most. But that might change based on the tone of the expansion. Is the titular dragon supposed to more dangerous, regal, or mythic?


I agree with a lot of what others have said - overall, I like A the most but depends a bit on the tone. The other thing about C is that the serpent-ness of it made me think of Bas Bata?

Ephraim Mallery

I'm also A and C might fit the game better, depending on context.


I think A, super excited!

Amazonian Girl

I like B cause A does look more dangerous, and C is definetly small.