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Thank you all so much! We've just hit our first Patron goal of £50 a month which means I'll be making monthly content for my existing games. These will likely be small expansions similiar to Tinker's Troubles.

My idea is to go through on a sort of month by month basis so that each game gets equal attention. So the first one up will be DELVE, then RISE, then UMBRA, and finally Apothecaria.

And as I release more games, they'll get slotted into the list wherever they fit.

I'll post another update once I've gotten through this week of Kickstarter fulfillment and post laser eye surgery recovery (which is life changing and amazing but my god is the light sensitivity kicking my butt).

Until then, thank you all again, y'all are amazing!


Dr James Butler

Hoorays! (All round, to all the news) ^_^ well deserved, Especially looking forward to the Rise pieces.