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I really enjoyed getting to write up my generated Dark Sea Monstrosity in the last post so here's some more of the weird things that can be made (of which there are apparently 2197 possible card combinations).

Hundrog the Gnashing Mother (Frenzy, Shell, Worm)

As long as the Great Hall of Goldtongue, this ancient beast crawls through the hold like a worm. Through its presence alone, Garrosh whips fish into a feeding frenzy. Any dwarf unfortunate enough to be caught at sea when Garrosh arrives would need a miracle to return to dry land.

To make matters worse, for any dwarf that can break through the stony shell that covers Hundrog's hide will come face to face with its young. Deadly little worms that strike out from their mother's corpse.

Blech. Really not a fan of that one. Worst part is when it is defeated, it's corpse blocks 4 grid spaces which can really throw a wrench in the gears.

Apok the Cleansing Nightmare (Grabbing, Flood, Spit)

A machine from the ancient world meant to cleanse the Dark Sea of its evil taint. However, something took hold of the machine's heart and corrupted it and now it serves to spread the taint, raising the sea with every chance it gets.

First come the tentacles silently searching through the hold. Great mechanical things covered in briny hooks. They grab dwarves from their beds and their patrols. Those that live to face it will have to fight through rising waters and the skin peeling force of its water cannons.

May Hudrak watch over you.

I like the idea that not all the monstrosities are actual creatures. The idea of some ancient civilisation accidentally creating something so horrific that once served a useful purpose really intrigues me and makes a great plot hook.

Visteek the Beautiful Horror (Nerve, Parasite, Lure)

Not all monstrosities are monstrous on sight, you would do well to remember that. Visteek appears as a beautiful elf, androgynous enough to catch out men and women. Its more than just beauty though, its something chemical, something magical. Visteek calls out and whole holds of dwarves find themselves marching to it.

But therein lies the true horror. For those that get close enough see the things crawling under the fake flesh. Those that get close enough are devoured by the parasites known as the Visteek.

And for those that resist its call, the Visteek release a paralytic gas that locks them in their bones while it sniffs them out.


That sounds like my worst fear.

And finally, one that mixes both the Dark Sea and the base game:

Galbarog the Shrouded King (Doom, Dark, Burning Armour)

An ancient king who waged war upon the gods. A madman on a crusade of hate. 

Galbarog was the first human to strike back at the gods and while his intentions might have been good at first, they quickly descended into greed and lust for power. Stories tell of him capturing The Forge Father and forcing him to craft a suit of armour from the Forge itself. The result, a black blazing armour that would burn most any foe to a cinder before they even got close. 

With his crusade underway, Galbarog was approached by a demon from the darkest caves. A creature made of shadow that offered him an even greater power than he had already. All he had to do was swallow a gem and be bound to the demon for eternity. Greedy Galbarog didn't ask twice and swallowed the Doom stone without hesitation.

The demon laughed and stole Galbarog back to the shadows and down into the depths of the Dark Sea where he waited... until now.

This awful one can't be damaged in melee combat (unless the units are shielded or can survive the heat like Golems and Skulldwarves can). Can't be hit by ranged attacks and when it dies, it pukes up the Doom Bloodrune which means that Jokers don't get removed from the deck, drastically increasing the chances of getting another Monstrosity.



Thank you :) I love the randomness of their traits and getting to come up with the weird creature they create. I'll definitely be putting up more posts like this (maybe even blend some of the other game's creatures in to see what happens)