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As we're about 15 days away from going to print I'm calling upon everyone who has time and wants to be helpful to help me make sure that For Small Creatures Such As We is the best damn game it can be!

With such an open sandbox, I can't play through every variation of the game and there will be weird edge cases that break the game. I need your help to find where the game is clunky. Where rulings are inconsistent. Where mechanics don't gel with the narrative that you've ended up creating.

You don't need to be a game developer. Anything you come across that you feel isn't right is good to point out. Chances are I know about it and am working on it but on the off chance I don't, you'll have helped out massively

(This version is about 95% complete, just missing some art and there's still a bit of editing and play testing to be done)



love this quote from the manual.


"No-one knows why the humans named aerial combat after a distinctly non-flying mammal but thanks to their… unique propaganda, the term has become common across the galaxy when referring to combat between spaceships."