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Hi everyone, just a quick update on rewards. January rewards went out today (for some reason the print company only sent me half of my prints so the rewards were delayed until they sent me the rest). I announced on Instagram which designs were for January but realized I forgot to make a formal update here, so here they are! The print is the flower crown girl and the sticker is the popsicle girl. For February we have the strawberry head as the sticker and this angel wing girl as the print. These rewards which should hopefully ship out much sooner if everything arrives on time. That's all for now! 




I'm loving what's coming for Feb 😊 thank yuuuu!!


Just curious if the February rewards had gone out? Saw your story about March rewards and wanted to make sure to keep an eye out while checking the mail ☺️


I don’t think I ever received my February rewards either. So I just wanted to check and se did they went out yet too. I haven’t seen anything come through the mail yet 😅


I was really looking forward to the angel and the strawberries girl... I haven't received that yet? (February?)I did get the crying girl and statue with roses, yesterday, which I think might be for March??