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Hi everyone! First of all October's rewards have officially gone out as of today. Please let me know what you think of the new style of print! If you like them I'll keep ordering them. I can do gold foil with this style of print but not holo, unfortunately, that would be the dream. If you guys miss holo I can go back to the old prints. 

November's poll results are in, with the 3 ladies as the print and my Qinni tribute from last year as the sticker. However the polls were super neck in neck with the ramen girl / mask boy so I'm going to make that the reward for December. I have a colored version of the mask boy so I'll hold a poll in the future to see if you guys want it in black and white or colored. I also want to do a double sticker month for december as a little holiday gift so I'll be debating what sticker to do for that, I may make a new one, I'm not sure yet! 

I think that's all for now! Let me know if you guys have any questions!



Tina Gomez

I'm so excited to get all of these! Is mask boi the sticker or print do you know? It's gonna be hard picking between b&w and the colored version, they both look soooo good😁💙✨


Ahhh I'm so excited for the Ramen girl 😁💕 I been meaning to post on IG and tag you but I just got her tattooed on my calf! :')


I absolutely love this, thank you so much for making those Decembers rewards! Can't wait to get Octobers.🖤


If you get the chance would love the additional sticker to be holiday themed 🥰


Is it too late to upgrade my tier for November’s print?


not at all! upgrade any time before the end of the month and you're all good!


They looks so good! I might be the only one, but sometimes I actually like the prints without holo better, because I can see the art more clearly. but that might be just me. The gold foil sounds super cool tho!!


Is the mask boy the print or sticker? It would look really good as a sticker and I’d love it!!!


Definitely upgraded my tier for November and December to get the prints as well 😻


I love the new prints! Also think the gold foil would look amazing!


Have these already gone out I haven't gotten mine yet


I had a problem with my payment for this reward and was not aware :( the qinni tribute sticker was the one I wanted them most I'm so sad I missed it. Everything is fixed now any way I could still have one sent?


Has anyone received either of these yet?


I thought that payments would be on hold for know because of all the things she has going on for her art


Now that I think about it I don't think I've received any stickers since September


I'm not sure what going om


Hiya this patreon reward with quinni sticker hasn't arrived still I waited this long since I'm in australia but still nothing.


Guess we all just get left in the dark