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Hi everyone! I thought I'd pop in here with a general update on what's going on in my universe since I'm a lot less active with this big book project. 

Book stuff:

The current stage I'm at with the book at the moment is getting started on the 'how to make an acrylic painting tutorial' (which will also include my first traditional tutorial on how to make glowing objects). The above image is the general sketch I'd made for the painting I'm hope to teach on. There's still a few things I want to tweak, like I think her neck is too long and I'd like her eyes to be actually looking -at- the stars and less like she's having an existential crisis, but overall I'm happy with it and excited to get started! I think this is the biggest project in the book (at least time wise since paintings take so much longer) and it's been really intimidating to me, for some reason I just got deer-in-the-headlights about picking a design  because of the whole 'once this is printed its here forever' sort of feeling. I feel that way about the cover too, I just try not to think about it. I think for the cover I'm going to make 50 thumbnail sketches and ask you guys to vote on it because I'm so stuck. But anyway I only have this tutorial and one more before I'm done with the tutorials section of the book which is exciting, then it's mostly the writing sections of the book I need to tackle.

Shop stuff:

A week and a half ago now I got all the product I had at my house moved up to a fulfillment center in seattle. yay! That being said the stuff I had at my house was pretty much just the leftover scraps from my 2020 christmas sale so a lot of things needed to be restocked. Currently I'm waiting on a shipment of pins and keychains to arrive at the center, plus we're still sorting out a few kinks with setting up logistics and stuff. Once all the items arrive then the shop can go live. As my patrons you guys of course have 24hrs early access to the shop, as there will be a new limited edition pin and probably a few originals that go on sale as well (also I got a restock of the standees finally!) I'm working on creating a patreon secret shop for you guys so that you can buy the leftover prints and stickers from each month in case you missed out on a past reward. The one issue is because of the base cost of shipping from my fulfillment center I can't have anything in the store less than $10 so I currently have to sell leftover patreon stickers in sets of two. It's not ideal but its the best solution I have at the moment so thanks for bearing with me. 

I think that's all the news now! Thanks for sticking around and being patrons, I'm really excited about this months rewards I think they're super cute!



I’m so pumped for new pins! And I just got into keychains so I’m looking forward to that too!!!


I am looking forward to the book in the future, and the new pins! And I think having past pateron awards available is really nice!! Cant wait to see what you come up with. As always best wishes ✨💕


I’m excited for your shop opening, I would love to get new (more) stickers 🤩