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Hello everyone! 

      I have a few things I would like to announce on here, thanks so much for taking the time to read all this.

         The first one is the big one. I was going to keep this a secret until it was done but I feel like I should probably keep you guys in the loop on it since it may affect you down the road. Earlier this year I was contacted by publishing company about making an art book, it's the same company that makes a lot of the art books you may be familiar with such as the 'Art of Loish', 'Sketch with Asia', or 'Art of Heikala' books. I've been so over the moon ecstatic to have my very first art book but it has definitely been a lot of work trying to put all the assets together and I feel so intimidated because I honestly don't feel like a good enough artist to have a whole book. I'm trying to make sure it's full of lots of tutorials I've seen people ask for over the years on how I make different aspects of my pieces (How to draw hair, how to color sketches digitally, how to make an acrylic painting from start to finish etc) as well as lots of encouraging inspirations for getting started. I also want it to have lots of fun new art in it that hasn't been seen before but I'm not sure how much of that is realistic. The deadline to get everything to them is at the beginning of 2022 and I've been feeling that pressure a lot, I really want to hand you guys the best possible version of this book and not something I hastily threw together in the background, so you may have noticed I've been much slower in my posting / activity than I'm used to. It may be that later this year I have to pause patreon all together, or else set up several months of rewards in advance with designs I've already made instead of producing new designs (pausing patreon would mean you remain a patron but won't be charged/recieve any rewards until I'm ready to release rewards again). I hope an art book is something you guys would be excited for too! I'll probably be coming to you with random polls on things like what to do for the cover because I feel so intimidated about that. If there's something specific you want to learn feel free to comment it below, if I see enough people ask for something I will try to see if it's possible to incorporate (anatomy is something I get asked a lot about but I never feel like I have great advice for anatomy other than to attend figure drawing sessions if you can, or take weird photos of yourself and use that).

The second announcement shouldn't affect most of you very much but I am disbanding the $3 tier on my patron, it's felt like an awkward tier for a long time and very few people use it anyway. The $1 tier will maintain the same perks as the $3 tier ( occasional early shop drop access and original artworks access) so if people still want those perks they can move down to the $1 tier. 

The final announcement which should also be good news is I've found a way to move my merchandise into a fulfillment center! This means my shop can be open much more regularly. Naturally I've been in charge in my own shipping from day 1 so this is sort of a scary move for me to let someone else handle it but the volume was getting too much and the merchandise was taking up my entire house so it was time to move forward with this. I'm hoping to get everything moved in around mid July or so, so sometime around the beginning of August the full shop should be back to shop! If there is something you'd like to see stocked in there let me know (certain designs as prints/stickers/keychains/ etc.)

So that's all for now! Thanks for reading, and thanks for your patience and understanding while I'm working on these projects! Hope you're all having a lovely start to your week~  



That’s awesome news about the book and including some behind the scenes/tutorial content sounds rad!


Personally, I would love an art book.


Congrats!!! This is a very exciting step for you and I am so excited to watch you do it! Can't wait to buy all your stickers from your shop 😍😍


Congratulations!!! 🎉🎈


Congrats! How exciting!!


Ahhh that sounds amazing! I'd buy an art book from you *immediately*. You're one of my favourite artists (if not my favourite artist) and I get so much inspiration from you with my own art 🥰. Do whatever you need with patreon to sort out your other stuff! Don't stress yourself out 😊 this all sounds like such exciting news 😆💕


That’s wonderful! You deserve it! 💖👏🏻


Omg i would love an art book, you got this Gris I believe in you! Congratulations on the new shop arrangements!! I hope that all goes well until august. I cant wait to see what book cover ideas you have in mind! I promise you your art is perfectly capable of being in a book. Im so happy for you!! 🎊🎉💕💕


Super excited about your shop reopening! Would love to see what you have to offer I've only seen your pins and stickers so far


Congratulations!! 🍾 That is amazing to hear you won’t be burdened by all the goodies! Finally your home and can be a home and a place to relax. 🥳


Omg! Congratulations!!!! That's so awesome!!!


Congratulations on getting the chance to make an art book. Can't wait to purchase it from you!


These are all such exciting announcements! So stoked for you and can’t wait to get the book! 🖤

Tina Gomez

Ahhh an artbook omg yessss!😁😆😄🥰😍🤩🥳💙 Also, I have no problem at all with receiving older designs that weren't picked, there's still older poll designs I'd love to vote on as an option, but you make new art so those options don't carry over to the next month's polls usually. I'd love to get designs from before! I'll definitely leave the names here😍🥰🥳💙🎉 but honestly if you need to pause patreon to focus on the book fully, it's ok I'll still be here as a patron☺️💙


That’s so exciting!!!! Congratulations!!!!🎊🎉🍾 Wishing you nothing but the best for the upcoming months!!!!❤️❤️❤️


The art book is so so so exciting!!! Definitely do whatever u gotta do to stay happy and healthy, and I'm kinda guessing that it's already on the list but if you could put your glow tutorial into the book that would be amazing! I also feel a little silly going back to the old facebook post to remind myself how to do it haha


YAY! This news is awesome! I would totally love an art book! I'm not an artist, just an appreciator but would still enjoy anything you put out. ❤💜💙


Thrilled for you!! Can’t wait to buy that book!!! 💕


You've been my favorite artist for well over a year now and having your art book grace my shelves would be amazing!


Congratulations! That is such amazing news! I cannot wait to see the final product!


Wow! Such a bunch of big and cool things together!!! OMGoddess a.lord.gris.book 😱😍❤️ this is like a dream not only for you, for us as well!!!! 🥳 Please take time to work on it, don't feel pressure for us, you can either pause the patreon or offer old art masterpieces, we will be still here 😊 and yeees ask us and do some pulls please!!!! omg omg omg I'm so excited, I know your book will be a great success, don't feel pressure to put a lot of things, tutorials and inspiring texts are great but I will buy the book even if the only letters it has are in the cover 😝 I just pledge my Sibylline Meynet book on kickstarter and I was thinking about having a book of you, Serendipity, Larienne or feefal would be so cool and bam! this wild big announcement arrived 😍 thank you for all your art, you are an amazing artist, you have a lot of talent, you deserve this and remember: your art deserves to be in a book, no matter what, even without a single letter your artworks can speak, tell us stories and take us away up in the sky 💖✨


Take care of yourself this months, don't get stressed or burned out to create new art, you have a bunch of awesome artworks, this book will be awesome too with 13 or 2 or 0 tutorials. And yesss your shop open is so great too and always good news!!! 🤩


This is all great news!!! Plus an art book from you would be amazing!!!


I will absolutely be ordering the book if you do it!!! I would heart this post more than once if able. Just make sure to take care of yourself and your metal health while working. Remember that you are doing your best and you are amazing. We love you no matter what 💜


Congratulations! So exciting for you!


I do wish you the best in the book making! ☺☺ I hope that we will get a link to buy that in support of you as well in the future. I am super hyped about the store! Do you think you can restock on glitch girl? The base one? The inverted is nice but I definitely prefer the other ☺. I love your work and I really love to keep seeing you make more!


The idea of Lord Gris releasing an art book makes me feel so excited since I've been a fan of your work for the longest. Congratulations for all the new changes! We can't wait 🖤✨


Litteraly congrats! I'm so happy for you 💞 I really can't wait to see what comes next! 😄


Wow congratulations! You're amazing!


Seriously congratulations! We're all so happy for you! This book is a testament to your hard work, and I'm very excited to see the final product 🤩. If you're looking for recommendations, I've always wondered how you color your pieces. Your artwork almost "glows" and such an effect would be amazing to learn more about. Regardless, so happy to hear this news! Keep on creating!!


I'm so excited for youuuu!! I cant wait to purchase your art book and see all of your amazing stufff!!❤❤❤


Congratulations on the book and the store movement!!! Take as much time as you need, I’m sure it’ll be amazing :D. As for the ship designs have you thought about the melting angel girls, those look super cool!


All of this is such exciting news! I'm so glad you will be able to have the shop open for longer periods of time, and I am also excited that you're going to be making an art book! Best of luck in all the new endeavors! <3


Congratulations! I'm excited for you and I'm happy to see you making good moves for your passion and yourself. You've got a good group of people here and we support you, so take your time and do what you feel needs to be done. :)


Congrats!! This is so amazing! I'm sure the art book will be wonderful and I can't wait to see it. We will all be here by your side of you ever need help, support or just some fun! Good luck with the move to the fulfilment centre and with the progression of the book!💕


So exciting. Congrats and I can't wait to see the art book


Congratulations!!! 🧡


Please make a frog prince pin. My koi boi is so lonely. And congrats on the book! I'm so excited for you!!


Huge Congrats!!! I'd love to see the blue hands person from The World Next Door as any type of merch, but idk the legal logistics of that.


I’d love to but I’m not allowed :c they own the legal rights to the work and don’t like me doing stuff with it haha


Soooo excited for you! I can't wait to see that book! I would be so hyped to see a mechanical part, like when you draw the half robot girl 😍 you're such an inspo anything will be great am sure of it!

Cameron Craig

That’s so exciting!!! Please do whatever you need to do to get the book done on time and stay healthy! I know I personally will be completely ok if you need to pause things! Do whatever keeps you healthy and sane! 💙💙💙


Congrats!! I'm so happy for you! It's exciting news. You are a great artists and deserved the best. We'll be here, do what you need for your proyects and your health. Thanks for letting us know


Congrats !! <3 you do what’s best for you and take care of yourself ! Super excited for you and to see how the book turns out !! =)


Congratulations!! That's so exciting! 😍 Good luck with everything, I'm so happy we can support you! I hope everything goes really well! 🥳


How exciting! Congratulations!!! You deserve it!


Congrats on getting an art book deal! Please dont let imposter syndrome make you think your art isnt good enough! Your art is spectacular ♡


Congratulations! I love your work. I can't say that I won't miss getting beautiful art from you every month but I totally understand. This is very exciting news!


not sure if it fits the feel of the book concept, but I’d love to learn more about how your shop started and how it’s changed and advice for other creators!


So stoked for you! And instead of pausing, maybe you can just go back and use some of the art pieces that took second place on your monthly polls? But don't feel pressured to deliver to us as the art book is a HUGE deal!


I love this for you despite the pressure! I think this will just be the first of many 💜 I also thought I wouldn't mind if the months that we don't receive prints could go towards either a down payment or full payment for the book? I don't know how possible that is, but just an idea! 💡


Very exciting news! Can't wait to see what you produce!


So awesome! Im so happy for you, you go girl! 💖


This is awesome news! "Upgrades people, upgrades" Go at your pace and take time off patreon if you need, I'm sure we understand! To a book of yours....yes. That is all


Rad af!! You are DEFINITELY good enough! Don’t sell yourself short! You’ve already sold 2 copies here since my mom also loves your work. Congratulations!!


There’s a lot of drawings I’d still love to receive as rewards so if you decide to keep your patreon and just chose the designs in advance, just know I’ll still be happy!


Holy Fried Macaroni. This. Is. AWESOME NEWS GUURL!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 I would buy that book in a HEARTBEAT! And buy them for gifts for all my art friends too! Heck yes. 😎 I know that all us artist doubt ourselves at any given point, but don’t ever think you’re not good enough. You can definitely feel more confident and can rest assured you are doing amazing things that many many people adore. 🥰 We will all support you no matter what, so take the time you need and try not to stress out too much. 👌🏻 (if that’s possible hah) YOU GOT THIS HUN!! 💪🏻💜


Congratulations! 🥰


🎉 That’s great! I can’t wait to get one of your art books!


Congrats!! That’s so exciting!!! I just joined your sticker Patreon, so any stickers stocked in shop would be sooo rad! I would buy them all 🤩


I got a copy of the art books from Loish and Heikala in the mail a couple days ago and I was literally just wondering right before I read this if you had one out too! I am so excited to see this project come together, and I’m so proud of you. Congratulations! You got this! And screw that imposter syndrome. ❤️🙏🏼 Sending you all the support, strength, and confidence. I love your work and you are such an inspiration to me as an artist.


Congratulations on the book! I'll be looking forward to that and the opening of your shop. It's very understandable to do patreon and everything at a slower pace or taking a break because of the book project. And I think you definitely deserve to have your own art book! Regarding the shop opening, I have been really fond of the glitch girl and would especially love to see her in a print! A tote bag come back would be awesome too. Take care!


So darn excited for you!! Woo!!!!!!!!! ArtBookArtBookArtBook!!!!!


I'm really glad to hear that and thanks for the encouragement! I really like the quality of that company's books so I'm super excited, hope you're enjoying them!


Where/when/how inspiration strikes you or how you find it/get over an art block would be even a helpful little note in an art book!


Talking about how the universe of people/creatures/worlds you’ve made in your art would be so awesome


Or just about the universe and worlds! Your art is such a beautiful window into it and I’d love to know more about it!


I would honestly love to see an art book by you, I love seeing your art and how creative and beautiful it is~


Congratulations! Can't wait to see the final product!


I just wanna see looooots of sticker packs and I’d drop a few thousand on some originals too.