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Hi guys! Thanks for answering my October poll, the tentacle girl print + spooky head sticker were the most popular options I saw, so they will be the reward for October. However the crumbling flower girl was a close second for sticker. I thought she'd make a great November sticker but I also think she might look really pretty colored! I was thinking of coloring her and then opening a poll to see if you guys prefer the black and white or the colored version for the sticker if that's ok with you? If so let me know if you have a particular color pallet suggestion! I have a couple in mind but it's so hard to choose. :3 



I think so too!


I would recommend dark skin tone with green hair and pink flowers, that’s how I see her even if she is black and white right now ✨💖


I’d love to see her colored with darker skin and a more autumnal color palette!


Sounds awesome! I can't wait! 💕


Sounds awesome! Id love to see her with some kind of purple, in the flowers, hair, eyes, whatever i just think she'd suit a purple!


... I can't see the image at all but I approve of anything you think of!


Fall theme pallet? Something seasonal?


I feel like she’s look good with a darker skin tone and purples/greens for the hair/flowers maybe?


I’d LOVE to see her colored! I honestly think pastels would be a really nice color palette, maybe contrasted against a darker rich skin tone! Some pastel pink flowers would look amazing with dark skin !


Im feeling a darker skin tone, and some electric pink and orange hair (like split) or pink fading to orange, like a sherbet palette!


That sounds amazing!!! I'm honestly thinking either like dark skin with nice fall orange for the flowers, or maybe like a lotus blue for the flowers??? Or reverse! Have another fun fantasy color gal like the red multi hand sticker a while backkk. Either way I'm so hype for the flower girl in whatever form she becomesss


Which one is the spooky head girl? The one with blue hair? Or the one with long hair and girls in the hair? Sorry im not super sure.


That was definitely one of my ideas! A pink orange hair pallete seemed really fun


She would look so good with a dark golden skin tone and autumn tones in the flowers. Cherry blossom would be beautiful too but is more expected haha


Teal purple and gold


I would love to see it in cool gray tones but then have the flowers and the crumbling pieces look like they glow. Like the tentacle girl’s hair. And have them glow a gold or lavender color. :)


I think yellow when I see her. And it’s not even one my top 5 colors.


I think it would be neat to keep her grey but coloring in her hair, eyes, and flowers.


I absolutely love the idea of a pink/orange hair color and darker skin!

Ciarra Stebbins

I think some very rainbow pastels against dark skin would be very nice!


All the ideas sound great - but make her the print 🐸


I would love her in earthy tones


I would love her as a sticker!! I also love the idea that everyone’s putting out, darker skin tone and orange flowers maybe purple eyes 😍


I would love that as a sticker! Maybe a soft pink for the hair and flowers and a dark, rich brown for the skin?


I think pink/orange colours for her


Darker skin with some yellow, [lime] green, and teal would be really pretty.


And quick question: I caved and bumped up my donation to the 15$ tier, would I be correct in thinking that won't start until november? I just love your art so much, I decided I want more of it. <3


It starts as soon as you upgrade so you’ll officially be getting October’s prints!


I think a medium-dark skin tone with blue mint and pink for the surroundings would look beautiful!


Colored crumbling flower girl! Maybe with light pink hydrangea colored petals and brown skin??

Tina Gomez

Dark skin, pink hair, yellow and blue flowers? I can't view the pic attached


Dark skin and earthy colours would look amazing.


Ohhh color would be so pretty!! She was my fav in this set too


I like the the dark skin and sherbet pink/orange hair or pastels suggestions. I’m really excited to see it in color.


I was thinking the flower girl would be great in color! Excited for her.


Ahhhhh why does your art have to be so good!?!?!?!?!? Like I just want all of them as prints and stickers!!!


Pastels would look super pretty


Oh yes! Colored sounds awesome. Warmer tones like oranges, yellows and pinks


I like the idea of a blue-pink pastel color pallet.