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Hi Patrons! I've just received a notification from Patreon that some states will now require sales tax to be collected from Patreon. They unfortunately have not disclosed to me which states will be enforcing this, so I can't say which of you will be affected, but I wanted to warn you in case you notice an extra charge next month. If this affects your ability to support me and need to cancel your pledge I completely understand. As usual thank you for supporting me, I look forward to sending you guys more rewards!



Thank you for the heads up!


No worries, everyone should pay their due taxes even online 🙏


I'm willing to almost guarantee that one of those states is California...


With art like this, I dont mind lol


Thanks for letting us know. The list of states is on their website but it's the majority of all the states except a small handful. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043055071-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-on-Patreon


I would gladly pay the extra for your wonderful work! 😊


I'm pretty sure UK has always had that tax and can confirm it really isnt much at all - the VAT on my monthly receipt is $2.40 (for two patreon subscriptions)


feels good to be alaskan 💀


Woooo for once florida doesn’t stink! No sales tax here!


Meh, been paying the tax for Finland already so luckily doesn't change anything for me. It's good that you e notified everyone though, since I do wonder if Patreon would send any form of notification about it to the patrons themselves 🤔


As an Oregonian, I'm not sure this will affect me, but thanks for the heads up!


I did get an email this morning from patreon explaining the changes