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I'm working on a new Murry and Lewy comic story, and some folks out there might be interested in seeing how the sausage is hidden. ER no! MADE!! Sausage is made!

This will be an PG13 comic so ill post each step here. 

I've already written the script, but ill save that till last so as not to spoil the story. 

These are 2 pages of blocking. 4 and 5. They're super rough and are only scribbled out so that I know what can or can't fit on a page. These are done on standard US 8.5 by 11 inch sheets of cheep ass printer paper folded in half. You never want to start blind on a sheet of nice paper, so go ahead and waist all the cheep crap you want.

Keep the blocking as rough as you can while still being able to tell what is what and who is where. Its easier to redo or toss out if you goof.

Next time I'll show you the layouts on the big paper.




A PG-13 Murry and Lewy story?... that would be like a vegan hamburger XP...