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A taste of things to come this month:

- Empty Mind: Horse Riding [M4M Hypnosis] - Tier 1

Empty your mind completely, losing your sense of self - then plant the seed of a simple idea: that you are a horse. So, obviously you need to be trained and ridden.

- TF Massage - GShep [M4M Hypnosis] - Tier 2+

Invited to receive a transformative massage that relaxes, shifts and changes your mind and body to become a simple, drooling German Shepherd.

- Bark-Brain [M4A Hypnosis]

What if you could only think in barks, growls and whines? How would it feel if that internal voice... the one that narrates your life and makes sense of everything - could only bark?

- When You Forget... [M4A Hypnosis] - Tier 2+

Trained to forget what you were about to say when you hear a 'snap'. But what comes out of your mouth if you still try to say it? (Take a wild guess...)

- Cage Curse (Lock & Loop) [M4A Hypnosis] - Early Access

Trapped inside the cage that is your own arousal. The more horny you are, the more difficult it becomes to release yourself from chastity.


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