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I'm wagging my tail to announce the launch of my website, link above.

I've wanted to do it for a while and got impatient, which is as good a motivation as any. My hope is that the site will bestow the following boons:

  • Collect all content together in a more accessible and organised format, complete with Search Filters and 'Favorites' functionality.

  • Tidy up the Patreon page itself and result in less post spam, as different versions will all be accessible via the site.

  • Provide relief from the Patreon audio player, which I am told causes some difficulties for some users.

  • In time (when I learn how to code things properly), allow for playlists, embedded accompanying spirals and other fun stuff.

...ETC ETC...

Point is, I think it'll be good. So from now on, I will upload all content to the site and link to it from Patreon posts, ONLY SHARING A PREVIEW HERE. Please sign in to the site with your Patreon account to view.

As this is fresh off the press, please let me know if you notice any problems OR have any feedback/suggestions. I'm keen to make sure we get the best out of the new site - so I'd love to hear what you think.

WOOF! (Thanks)


AshDoge TF

Hypnosis Audio & Transformation Stories



Awsome! Thanks for keeping it linked to patreon!