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Joined by Near-Stranger Jake Hurwitz, the Book Buds continue their bizarre journey through time with another entry in R.L. Stein's "Give Yourself Goosebumps" series. Can the Lore Lords save their crummy younger brother from the void of time? Or is he forever doomed to relive the past? Click play to find out!


Sound Mixing and Editing by Trevor Lyon

8-Bit Book Club Theme by Emily Axford




not the cbd gummies getting him stoned 😭😭 DENNY THATS PLACEBO DENNY THEY DONT EVEN HAVE THC DENNY

Ricky King

Wild that as a culture we’re more familiar with human zoos as a sci fi concept than as a part of history

Ilana Galpert

was curious enough to look up some alt endings for this goosebumps books and here are some highlights: "Forced to leave Denny behind, after causing a wretched fish smell, while saving your family from being hit by a truck." "Spend years watching a video clip of George Washington crossing the Delaware River." "About to be eaten by Wizard, the giant lizard." "Return to the present, but leave behind Denny as a prince in the medieval times." "You save your family from being hit by a truck and save 2,000 mice. If you want to get this ending, you cannot wear green." but honestly all the endings are gold.

Ilana Galpert

the ending that's too 90s, dystopically 90s: You and Denny get transported to a strange land, where the inhabitants make you their king. You get revenge on Denny, by making him your slave.

Kyle Veach

The goosebumps books are always a treat, I hope they revisit this one and complete it!

Timothy Hardy

I've read this book several times, and I think they missed quite a few wild endings, but the couch potato is a good podcast ending.


I’m gen z and studying to work in museums so I think the rad 90s dumbification rly didn’t carry over to the early 2000s


NADDPOD/ 8-Bit Book Club should release their own series of adventure books!! A series especially for 34-39 year olds.

Michael Beck

Petting the wet chicken is 100% a euphemism for masturbation

Elena Mihajlov

If it's any consolation, the school punishment is also a dead end, so there's nothing you could have done at the end there

just a little bawn

Sometimes I go to the comments before listening so I can experience this sort of comment out of context


"if we go back in time we can find the people making those crummy bowls and tell them not to bother" 🤣🤣🤣