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Heya! Lowly Bailiff Jake here. The Supreme Crit is convening tomorrow evening LIVE in Washington DC! Will you be at the show? If you will be in attendance then we would love to try your case. Please submit your brief (1-2 paragraphs, I do beg) case on this thread and we will try you in open court.

Don't forget to let us know your name and the general area you will be sitting in.

Also, there are a few tickets still available for this upcoming tour if you wanna catch a show!





We won’t be at the live show but we will be at the Boston show tomorrow night. Last year, the church blessed the engagement of myself and my then-fiancé after we had gotten engaged and caught Caldwell’s d20 he’d thrown into the crowd after critting at the Boston live show in 2022. We got married on January 6th, two weeks ago. We rolled initiative on our vows and my wife rolled a 19. Crazily enough, I rolled a natural 20. We thought this was Dice Christ speaking out to us, further affirming the court’s blessing. We would love a shout out from the 2-crew as a wedding present from our favorite dungeon crawling crew. See you tomorrow! RJ & Meghan

Joseph Powell

This was the greatest show of my life. Thank you so much for coming to visit us in Washington, Dungeon Court before going on a touring hiatus. Your show has brought me so much joy and gotten me through some of the hardest years of my life. I'm eternally grateful to you for your creativity, humor, jubilance, and, how to put it, just being solid, great people? If you ever come back to DC, I'll be there to cheer (and voraciously boo, when appropriate)! Much love, and here's to what comes next!


Not a NADDPOD live show related question but if someone was going to one of the D20 liveshows in the UK, unfortunately not with a VIP ticket, is there a way to give Emily or Murph a gift at the show?