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Check out NADDPod's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 41: The Giant King's Tournament.



Aslee Graves

i always knew that santa wasn't real because my mom said lying to your children was stupid. weirdly enough i DID believe in the tooth fairy for 2 whole years.


I was crying laughing during the Santa segment. Please launch a Kickstarter for didsantausemybathroom.com, I will invest


My mum was the same, but weirdly we still did stockings and tooth-fairy the traditional way. i.e., Tooth under the pillow, stockings at the end of the bed... We KNEW it was mum & dad creeping in while we were asleep, but for some reason, never just in another room where it would have been much easier... or while we were awake even.


Unrelated, please do lets plays of baldurs gate 3 for a stream. It's just a very good on brand game. Y'all can even play as some bahumia characters (or don't idk I'm not your dad)


Hands up anyone else who was half way through the Santa bit when they realised their 5 year old was in the back seat 🤦‍♀️


I don't know whats the appropriate way to visually indicate this in the bathroom forensics for the kiddos but it has to be clear that Santa showered and then shit, spitting in the face of the gods. Maybe the toilet paper roll is raggedy and just so damp.


Please spoiler tag this for Santa. This was not how I wanted to find out at 39


Caldwell Royale


Please do a Halloween one-shot based on Resident Evil


I found out santa wasnt real when i was like 7 and noticed santa has the exact same unique handwriting as my dad and told everyone christmas morning before we opened gifts like it was an announcement my sister (whos a year younger than me) was devastated

Emma Edmunds

Santa’s manscaped pubes are what fill snow globes

wizard wearing a poodle skirt

Omg, I was thinking the Santa bit sounded like an I Think You Should Leave sketch the whole time and then Murph said it 😭


One of the best short rests yet 😂

Matt Kilsby

Dirty Santa bath water had me laughing silently at work

Alan Ma

It might have been mentioned before, but learning Emily is NOT an only child is astounding to me. She has incredible only child energy.


Santa wrote back to my letter one year asking if I wouldn't mind leaving him beers and a sandwich instead of cookies and that basically unlocked the truth for me. I also pointed out that his and the toothfairy's handwriting were very similar to my mom's.


Does this mean that we’re gonna get a one shot or mini-series of the Band of boobs on the astral plane?

Jamie Matthews

Rude Santa's ranks right up there with the Mouse Hole in terms of Short Rest content that has made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe

Ryan Hogue

Oh I need to go back and listen to Mouse Hole again. It was great


TIL I’m not alone in my 30s, jogging up the stairs in the dark singing “not afraid” to myself


I'm lovin' the tube talk

Rowan Sauer

Emily also put tubes in Hot Boy Summer under the cottage. They did also lead to a lab.


So I'm 24 and I absolutely never believed in Santa (I thought he and God were an inside joke everyone pretends to believe in as a bit) but also would never have thought to google it or anything else. Adults didn't encourage using the internet as a tool, they just tried to get us to stay off it entirely. My mom had a smartphone starting when I was 9 and sometimes I got to borrow it to play doodle jump, and that was it. I used the desktop computer for MS Word, MS paint, and children's computer games. I think young kids today (and a little after me) are exposed to smart devices at a much younger age and therefore are tech savy much earlier, so some probably do think to google it.




Murph yearns for the tubes


Emily's neigh omnipotent intelligence and insanely good gameplay moves juxtaposed with her genuinely forgetting entire bits is phenomenal A++


I'm in tears at work trying to not burst out laughing at the entire Santa conversation. Holy moly that was funny


"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" deserved a larger shout-out in that discussion; it's honestly a video game moment of "Santa was in our hearts all along."


Accidentally let Jake tell my five year old that the Easter Bunny isn't real. Luckily, I hit the volume before he learned about Santa 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ This is what we get for putting short rest on in the car haha

Ryan Hunt

I think this is the longest conversation I’ve ever heard about Santa and it’s the middle of the summer

Andrew G

I’m crying about Santa leaving a broken bottle of Jack Daniel’s on the kitchen floor

The Silversmith

I'm with Murph. Santa got me socks and underwear growing up. The stuff I asked for was from my parents.


did they just spend 30 minutes of an august ep inventing a nastier grinch

Summer Rose (Grantaire)

The santa bit made laugh so hard because my mom used to leave raisinets around near our easter baskets and say the easter bunny pooped everywhere. Also one year my cat puked on me while i was sleeping the night before easter and I was convinced it was the easter bunny, so I was genuinely relieved to find out he wasn't real and wasn't actually shitting and vomiting all over our house

JR Lonergan

I love everything about the pro wrestling stuff. This is exactly my jam. Great job Murph

JR Lonergan

I'm crying laughing at all of this


You think Santa didn't wipe after leaving that giant dump in the toilet until you find a soiled wash cloth in the trash can.


So talking about if Santa was real I have a short story to share. My sister once asked my mom if Santa was real because all the kids in her class made fun of her for believing in Santa (she was 7). I had found out about 2~3 years prior so without giving my mom the chance to answer I turned to my sister and said "mom and dad can't even afford to buy themselves nice things, what makes you think they can afford all the presents Santa gives us?" She believed in Santa till she was 13 solely because I told her we couldn't afford all the gives ourselves


Spoilers: Santa isn't real. 🤯


I "believed" in Santa until past a seemly age for fear the presents would dry up.

Jackson Mosher

I mean Tim Robinson already has a Santa Clause sketch so that would fit in very well lol


Sad day, pour one out for Terry Funk(Chainsaw Charlie)


A sad thorn for me, Honeysuckle is one of the worst invasive plants around where I live and every time I hear them say it I cringe 😭 far too many hours spent pulling those things out of the ground. But hey willow is a plant we use to stabilize river banks against erosion if you think that’s a cute name 👀


I’m finally listening to this and I cannot breathe


I’ve never laughed harder during NADDPOD than when they described Santa just destroying your bathroom! 😂 I almost had to pull over to the side of the road.


The fact that didsantausemybathroom.com redirects to the Naddpod website is so funny


XDXD😂🤣 i can't believe that didsantausemybathroom.com actually redirects to naddpod.com


You forgot the tubes in Eldermourne! So many tubes in Zirk’s mom’s lab! Fia, Hank and Zirk sneak into the lab and come out of tubes at some point too, I believe.


As an 18 year old what are they talking about? Santa is totally real they must be non-believers.


Knowing Murph was a WWE guy is literally the reason I started listening to you in the first place... and now I'm addicted to so many live plays (and playing myself) 💕


blue hole spooky time: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Bac53g/


Takes me back to all those spooky times spent playing Resident Evil with my brother in a dark basement taking turns trying not to get too scared. Murph gets it.


the santa bit made me laugh so hard i needed to pause to breathe 😭😭


My parents never gave me the "Santa isn't real" conversation, the way I found out was my parents going "look you might not believe in these things but your brother still does so pretend you do" and I just went "wait they're not real???"


My friend's youngest son (10 yrs.) left a note for Santa this year asking why Santa enters everyone's home without permission and does he consider himself a criminal trespasser.