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As Jake's paternity leave continues, Jasper William Cartwright joins the two crew for another 8 bit book club! This month, we're reading "Monster Mix-Up".  Join us as we baptize Jasper in the dripless waters of a Mario Adventure book!!!! 

Driplessly Yours,

The Two Crew



Jordon Brown

Super cool to have a guest host on 8BBC. Has that ever happened before?


8 Bit Book Club is becoming. More and more my favourite secondary show.


HELL yeah.

Ben Beckwith

Holy fucking shit! I saw the notification and missread it as "as Jake's leaving party continues" Thank god I was wrong! You all know now you have started, you are stuck doing nadpod for life. You didn't chose the nad pod life , it chose you!


Beware the what?

Tyler Dowd

Dammit McKay. You did it again!

Ilana Galpert

my only complaint is this isn't main feed so we probably wont get a part two. alas...

Sam Ninegar

I had this book as a child and absolutely remember this issue with the page where Mario yells "Seven!" to start it off. Several different scenarios loop back to that page. Truly a baffling game book construction.

Summer Rose (Grantaire)

I'm obsessed with the 8bbc renaissance, it's so dear to my heart


Lyn and Kevin definitely have tub brisket

Lorelei The Succubus and Kyra her busty Queen

So 2 things. First, as someone's who's favorite Mario game is Paper Mario for the N64. The fact that they cage the koppas and such is horrible, they and the bombombs have villages and their own cultures. And second the dripping brother is Dr.Mario, he is definelty a different brother as you don't refer to your doctor by via first name, they are also famously the Mario "Brothers" with brothers being their last names

Alan Ma

When will we get Cartwright, William Jasper on a main campaign episode?


I’m pretty sure Luigi is dripless too. I remember you guys did one where Luigi was the main character and he also introduced himself as dripless


i know only my sister's shoe sizes (i also have two brothers) because my siblings and my mom and i used to share shoes on occassion until i ended up being a size bigger


I know my all my siblings shoe sizes (there's 4 of them) and my brother in law's. Only really through buying shoes for them, it's an easy and practical gift. It helps that three out of five have the same shoe size.



Will M.

Ah yes, the infamous magmagate

JR Lonergan

I need this whole book thoroughly explored

Lynsey K

Can Jasper be made an official, permanent member of the cast please?

Evan Schmidt

Absolutely incredible choice to have the book open with Mario taking in a freak show and being a douche to Luigi, this is the quality you only get from Bill.


🎵 ch ch ch chip and dale, chompin' munchers 🎵


I. Would. Kill. to be able to buy a cardboard cutout of murph.


Moistful Luigi

Mae B

I only know my sister and mom's shoe size because we've all had the same sized feet since I was like 9


How did none of them think of calling the Hammer brothers the “Hamsworths”

The Fun Yaunt

I’ll never get tired of Caldwell yelling “GET ‘EM!”

Apple Slapple

Insane that not only did you get punished for being right about the crown puzzle, but then got punished again for using a special choice only possible if you found a hammer.

Dorian Doran

really excited for the possibility someday of having both jasper and jake as special guests because the lord lords will be able to introduce jasper as a it being his third 8bbc to jake’s first


my sister and i started calling each other “slut muncher” so chopmuncher was TOOOO much omfg what good bits