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The Three M's are still here and we are STILL SQUEAKING! Join us behind the screen as we discuss collaborating with your players to build their characters, our favorite starter sets and how to prevent magic from meddling with your murder mysteries!

Sound Mixing and Editing by Trevor Lyon




y’all better squeak every time lmfao


I am part of the pro-squeak initiative, my brethren let us gather meakly and mousely

Billie Ash

I'm just a humble wife worm, thank you for this bounty

Ryan Hogue

I can't believe Caldwell didn't throw out "two orb jorb"


The fantasy world/post-apocalyptic earth campaign sounds so fun

Petri, no not that Petri, the other one.

Thanks for answering my question!! I bought the Kobold Press books thanks to Murph’s love for them! I remember him talking about the fey lords and ladies when the boobs went to the feywild and fought that bear king guy. Super cool books!!

Garga Lenoir

Guys, if you want to play something like investigation or really anything that isn't larger than life fantasy, DON'T PLAY DND/PATHFINDER! There are hundreds of simpler AND more realistic system for other genres, look them up! Trying to force DnD into a murder mystery is like trying to create a dating sim on the Doom engine. It's possible, but there are way better options.

Brandon R

Little bummed that they seem to have spoiled an unreleased sonic murder mystery live show :(

Brandon R

Not 👏 everyone 👏 learns 👏 new 👏 systems 👏 as 👏 easily 👏 as 👏 you 👏 do. Also sometimes people just wanna throw a little murder mystery into a pre established game already being played in dnd or pathfinder. Don’t tell people how to play games that are supposed to be about creativity and personal choice.

Garga Lenoir

I'm not a genius, but some systems (like Heaven&Earth) can be learned in about 15 minutes. Add 30 more for character creation. Then you got a super simple and quick but still realistic system that goes straight to the mystery and story. That's faster than creating DnD characters even if you know what you're doing. I just think it's a shame that most people think that TTRPGs start and end with DnD/Pathfinder, despite the fact that they're somewhat niche games (but very good at what they do). Also because apparently this needs to be stated, my comment was a recommendation, not an order. I thought it was implicitly clear.


Emily, putting my therapist hat on to say I think it’s brilliant to turn everything off and stare at the ceiling

Myka Donati

Thanks for the sources and ideas! Really love the faction system, kind of reminds me of old WoW rep in a way

Garga Lenoir

I wouldn't be surprised if it had been made already. I've looked into the doom mods on youtube lately, and these guys are crazy!


Ah yes, the 3 M's: Murph, M-ily, and Mavrus's friend Hungry Dave


Not gonna lie, hearing Murph go "Siickk" about my campaign idea made my day.


I hope y’ll keep doing these! Love it!

Shel B, Kenna’s 2nd fave sprite girl. Murph's roll wasn't cocked... she is in fact Ankara. Gorthalax Said So

They answered my question and liked my idea about the reality show!! It made my day (: Ps if you guys are still reading I’m utilizing “commercial breaks” (aka down time) to enact gossip and following up on alliance or rivalry building, it includes adv or dis on deception to hide sabotage actions (like doing something that causes disadvantage to the targeted player and deception role to prevent getting caught)


The way I jumped when Emily said Stratford upon Avon 🤣 I lived there for ten years as a teenager!


In regards to murder mysteries, I think another fun thing to consider is that while players can use spells to solve mysteries, the culprit could have also used magic to commit it. Maybe the murder was done via a dominated proxy, or an assassin who had their memory modified. If a crime is premeditated in a world with magic, the criminal knows that magic is there and can plan around it in the same way someone might plan around security cameras during a heist by hiring a hacker which helps to add more levels.


Absolutely! That's what I was thinking listening to the episode. Solidly half of these questions could just be answered by "play a different game." There are hundreds of RPGs out there, and half of them are better than D&D for social/noncombat encounters.


Murph is bang on when saying that if you want to write you need to read. Creativity doesn't happen in a vacuum, and often to recharge you need to spend time being exposed to stuff that excites you. All the times I've burnt out as a DM are when my schedule has lost the time to enjoy new kinds of art.

Heather Johnson

You guys. Southeast Virginia. Next round of live shows please.


Everyone needs two orbs and a pic of Murph and Em on their wedding day behind their screen


My question got answered and now I’m obligated to buy an orb


Waah this inspired me to turn off my phone and stare at the ceiling.....so healing + I'd do anything Emily tells me to


It wouldn't be as good for an 8 hour session but re: backup DM wants to do a full campaign I have a "side campaign" I run when not all my players can make it, and it's just a roguelite! They go into a Cursed Dungeon:tm: or whatever, and they go a few (fully incongruous) floors in, face a boss, and either come back out of hte dungeon or die. If they die, they wake up at the mouth of the dungeon, anyways. Outside of the dungeon is a small town that they're basically helping rebuild, with more people coming in and a cast of lovable NPCs. We only play for 2-4 hours per session but they seem to love it, and i've started teasing things about the Dungeon being a curse and needing to be destroyed. It's also a very beginner friendly thing, too, truth be told. Just a handful of maps that don't need to make sense together, and a gaggle of fun NPCs.


Emily’s laugh is pure joy and sunshine


Dude I was at that donkey Kong mystery live show. Shit was so funny, hopefully the couple that got engaged is doing well

Apple Slapple

I'm currently running Spelljammer with my party! It's a lot of fun (except for ship to ship combat). We started from Spelljammer Academy then moved on to Spelljammer Adventures in space definitely recommend if you're a big space person!


As a person who is about 5 sessions from finishing running Curse of Strahd as his first module as a DM, please pick something different. I cut out basically 70 percent of the lore and just put magic items to defeat Strahd at three of my favorite locations and went from there.

Nathan T Wilson

I'm running a ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign and loving it. I wonder why nobody ever mentions that one? To Emily's point about "staring at the ceiling" there have been a few recent YouTube videos about how boredom is good for us. Here's a video: https://youtu.be/LKPwKFigF8U


B B e-mail ronoritnvnwi h un h


did you fall asleep on your phone or something lmao