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With Jake on leave for Paternity, Murph Emily and Caldwell gather to rate, review and relish even more of your delightfully drenched spill stories! Join us as we hear tales of ruined breakfasts, compromised keyboards and a whole bunch of juice on the loose.

Thanks to everyone who submitted their stories, you’ve reminded us all that to share is human, and to spill… Divine.




Congrats Jake!!!


Congrats Jake happy for you!!!


Tucker had a baby and Jake gets paternity leave?


No joke, I'm halfway through listening to this episode and my elbow just hit my water bottle off the end table and now there is water dripping down my wall and under the couch 🤦🏼‍♀️


What about the worst of Jake hurwits episode

Katie P.

Hats off to high DMs! My first DM, my best friends' dad, would quietly excuse himself and come down from the master bedroom red-eyed and smelling of a ton of cologne lol


I was wondering who we send the body pillow to but that clears it up


Love the addition of “Ok…spill”

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord

My doctors office has a pee portal in the wall like Emily’s. If you spill, it’s only you in there.


I almost spilled an IPA (through my nose) when Murph did the 'here's a cup of hot piss' bit

Tyler Dowd

Come on Jake... inappropriate.


Shout out to Canine Companions, an awesome organization.


A 5 gallon hawaiin punch doesnt exist. That would be a 40 pound plus container.


Sometimes I wish Baggin It with Balnor would make a return. I love Mixed Bags, don't get me wrong, but I would love to see Balnor make his return to the bag as well.


Brennan for DnD court pleeeeeease


I'm only realizing how many wonderful and horrible spills I've had while listening. Hoping for a spilltacular 3!


Turned on spilltacular and immediately spilled (a lil) matcha in my car :,(


100% know what Emily’s talking about


I can't remember the first spilltacular. Was there an actual whole episode for one, or was it mixed in with another episode? Anyone know when the first one was posted in case I missed it?


Thank you for sharing my story. I now live easy knowing I didn’t *also* spill all the lube 🫡🍆

Jake Martim de Medeiros

Hey thanks for reading my spill! I’m the train one. Just a comment on what murph said, keeping animals away from spills is actually a big part of our job. We had a spill near the BC/Alberta border of a bunch of dried peas, and it was around the time bears were coming out of hibernation. Animals getting hit by trains is an issue, especially bears, human food is so calorie dense that they’ll happily sit and eat it all day. Electric fences were put up around spill sites, and worked around the clock were warned about bears. As for my grain spill in the yard? You’re right, the deer, rabbits, and birds were very happy with me.


Wow Jake is on one this episode...


Also, I don't know if this counts as a spill but this just reminded me of one time when I was a little kid my grandfather was babysitting me but he fell asleep while I was showing him my Legos. So, logically, I had to go to the upstairs bathroom, clog the bathtub drain and let the water run for god knows how long. Then I went back to my legos. By the time the rest of the family got home, water was pouring from upstairs to downstairs in a magnificent, and expensive, series of waterfalls. An important lesson was learned that day, by my grandfather, about paying attention when I'm talking legos

Myka Donati

You shared the story of the awesome biker mom? That was a journey of a story, well told! As a former adultstore general manager we did have stuff like that occasionally, including a whole shelf of lube crashing into two more below


I’m a trans guy, and I had only ever encountered the piss portal in my life until I transitioned. Unless I’m going to my gyno/trans healthcare, I usually have to hand over the hot piss cup to a human and I truly don’t understand why we’ve made this terrible decision in healthcare.

Dana A

oh my god the reminder about caldwell getting into a hot tub with his phone in his pocket reminds me that i did that a few months ago, fully got into a pool with my phone in my pocket (luckily i realized nearly immediately and phones these days are pretty much all water resistant to a decent point) 😂 love the term reverse spill 😂


It’s a mixed bag released right after the end of campaign

Declane Gilhooley

I drive a forklift for my job, I love it. It's so powerful


You picked good stories!


i did not know the piss portal was another one of those arbitrarily gendered experiences 😂 im nb but the only time ive seen it (just realizing this now) is at a womens MH clinic

Trevor Brown

Yooo east Palestine cleanup crew reporting in


i think murph needs to end every mixed bag with his mixed bag song, the “zipP” at the end killed me

Jennifer S

Blessed to have my spill chosen, cursed to be the cause of the piss portals and mailed shit segment, I can confirm that not only did that location not have a portal they also definitely did not give me a lid so like kind of on them in hindsight


I truly couldn't think of any juicy spill stories from my entire life so either I blocked it from my memory or my time is coming. 😬


I'm sorry you had to go through that, but also I'm glad bc that's so funny

Jack Farley

Murphs little song better end every mixed bag now


+999 points if the rest of the crew just has Amir on and pretends they can't tell it isn't Jake.


i was listening to this before bed, turned off my phone and bedside lamp, went to put my phone on my bedside table, and promptly knocked over a nearly full can of yerba mate all over my very full and messy bedside table. the spillage is never ending


Lol this brought me back to my retail days where I was working at bed bath and Beyond and brok an entire display of bottles of olive oil and bottles of balsamic vinegar, about 50 bottles broke and it was one big stinky mess


I am in hysterics over the dog spill. I was dog sitting for my sister once when I was 16 years old. She had four dogs, a standard poodle, a cocker spaniel, a shih-tzu, and a golden retriever. I decided to walk down to the video store around the corner and rent a video game and get candy. A very short trip. I came back to the front door wide open and all 4 dogs running around the street. I corralled the dogs and with my fingers looped around their various collars, I promptly walked into the wrong house and let all of the dogs loose. I grabbed them quickly. No one saw me release 4 dogs into their house. We rushed out of the house and back to mine. I get the dogs in the right house seconds later. I'm humiliated. It's hot. I dropped my soda and rental. But at least no one saw me right? Nope. As I'm closing the door, I see four of my sister's various neighbors looking my direction with mouths agape. I still got paid and I've never told anyone. 😅

Richa W

sooooo sorry to say but usps will 100% handle shit. When I was in clinical research part of my job was sending out stool kits for people to mail back to us. We used for fedex not usps but the CDC’s rule is basically there need to be multiple levels of protection btwn the poop and the outside world. Not shockingly it was one of the steps of the study with the weakest participation rate. I no longer work in gastroenterology research 👍🏼


I work at a package shipping company and they absolutely will ship shit if it's in the right box and sent by the right person (i.e. a doctor's office probably ships your stool sample to another lab to test).


Came here to say this too. Worked in animal disease diagnostics, and you would be surprised how often there are fecal samples sitting alongside your Amazon delivery 😂


I always love these!!!!


honestly the dildo lesbian one is embarrassing but that sounds like it would be the best thing that ever happened to me because lesbians


I'm late for this but one time I spilled a whole carton of chicken tikka masala in my cousin's bed and was so embarrased I tried to leave


As a medical laboratory professional, i can confirm that they do mail poop 😂. I still find that Sputum is the worst bodily fluid that labs deals with thought 🤢

Rotem Cohen

I’m so sad I missed it I have a monumental spill story I want to share, and also terrified to share


Can’t believe I fell behind and missed my window to submit again! I have the ultimate spill story - middle school social humiliation, massive property damage, 9/11 - it’s got it all.


Totally relate the piss window Emily brings up


This is a super dead thread but i just got the mixed bag tier and am going thru the backlog, but i need to say that Caldwell is right Jackhammers are so much fun lmao. I own/operate a dumptruck for work and was working a road-paving shift one night, and the ground crew would just fuck around because it was 2 am on a random Tuesday. I watched them lay the jackhammer on its side, stand on top of it, and would ride it like a skateboard down the street to see who could go the furthest! Absolutely terrible for the equipment but was way too much fun lol


The orange juice one hurt. I really felt that one.


I'm new to this tear and just listening to all these. Anyhow, while at Tops friendly markets I watched my mother drop a 1.5 liter of soda. She was at one end of the aisle and the bottle dropped, about 4ft up, at such an angel that it popped open and shot cleeeaarrr down the aisle as if we put mentos in coke😂😂