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Come chat with Murph while he gives DM advice!


Behind the Screen w/ Murph - 05/26/23

Come chat with Murph while he gives DM advice!



How do you create an NPC so great that one of your players names their baby after them?


Would you ever do another 1-20 campaign?

Alexie Smith

Murph’s hair is so dang cool

Patrick Hynes

How do you run session zeros for NADDPod?


With a session how do you balance injecting your own humor into a situation and letting players take the lead?


Who’s on your guest wish list?


Any advice on how to push a player from not spending 2 weeks in one spot? Running a solo game and last session my player spent the entire session skinning a minotaur and repurposing the parts of it and never made it further than 20 feet from where he had been.


Thanks Murph!


Missed the first 30 or so minutes, will a VOD be made available?

Leo Munck

thanks murph!


Ha, the homebrew I run is based off Breath of the Wild so I'd dropped him there without any gear or armor, so I kind of encouraged it. Did I expect him to use every part of the buffalo? No, I did not. He made glue from the hooves


I'm really sad that I missed this :( are there plans for another one in the future?

The Silversmith

Watching Murph fail at technology for the first eight minutes made me feel better about myself.


Thanks so much Murph. That was an awesome session


I'm sorry I missed it murph you're my favorite


LOVED this - would absolutely tune in again if u did this again!!!

Tyler Gob

Murph! Murph! Murph! Murph! Had an absolute blast watching the stream. So many tidbits of phenomenal advice! Forever a fan❤️


Definitely keeping this stream handy for future DM planning!


Seeing those heavy bags under Murph's eyes just makes me appreciate him even more. What a trooper. o7


I honestly just noticed it was on the schedule lol I really need to pay better attention to it


I’m so bummed I missed this one! Pro tip: don’t be the person who agrees to pick people up from the airport 🥲 can’t wait to watch later! 🤎

Richa W

Sad I couldn’t attend live, but I can’t wait to watch back later!


I hope we can see more Murph live streams. That was great. But 40-50 hours per ep? Whose got time to do more content!


So glad I caught a bit of the stream at work!! I'm prepping to DM my first campaign (we’re all first-time players so we’re doing Lost Mine of Phandelver) and thank you for all the useful tips! I’ll definitely be watching what I missed later :-)


Couldn’t catch live, but just finished watching the vod and totally hope I can catch it live if you do one again! Awesome tips that made me want to dip my toes into dming :)

Michael Lawton

A Bert in a room full of Ernies was the best line!!! Love ya Murph!!!


Omg this is so cool


This is absolutely some of my favorite content on the Patreon! Murph, you are an inspiration and a master at your craft. Thanks for all that you do for us.


This was so amazing and helpful!!!! As someone that is trying to share a story on the Internet through a podcast, love the experience you get to share


Murph are you aware everyone on twitter is yassifying you


Maintaining that tight 37-year-old energy


Really great stream, thanks Murph


This was awesome. Would love to see a Emily character building stream too!!


Low key just replace that random guest dudes stream with this. (Just kidding I love you Jake have fun parenting)

wizard wearing a poodle skirt

Ready to fight anyone who complains about how long it takes episodes to be released with the knowledge it takes Murph 40-50 hours of editing per episode 🤺

Ruben Esquer

Liking cause Murph looks hot in the thumbnail. Will watch later.

Josef Jozefowicz

This is awesome Murph please keep doing!! Jake and Caldwell have their own lil shows now you and Emily need some! Please please more content , more!


I love Jake's streams, but please bring back more Murph. As a DM these tips were amazing.


First 6 minutes of this live stream is my fave: top-tier content fsho


Thank you Murph this was so interesting and insightful! I ran this just before DMing a boss fight and getting super whomped, so your comments about how getting whomped is great was relevant haha.


More murph!!


"Anybody can roll Nat20's" Oh Murph

Ben Delahay

Hope to see more of these in the future

Liam Cornell

this was lots of fun i hope you sub in for Jake again some time in the future!

Peydon Bush

My favorite naddpod live stream so far!

Garga Lenoir

Using combat mechanics for non-battle is awesome. I ran a "fight" against a fire in a building in a Mage: The Ascension game. The players had to use their abilities and powers (without normal people seeing) to contain it. At its turn the fire could spread, kill a civilian, weaken the building, or burn a PC. They loved it!


Audio was kinda low. But overall 11/10


Ty for spending all those hours planning and editing. You are the absolutely best DM. You are doing it right, man. Love this show so much!


This was great! By the way, have you heard of a podcast called behind the bastards? There’s a 6 part episode on wrestling and Vince McMahon


This was awesome! Please just post Murph talking about Brandon Sanderson for an hour lol


Loved the video murph, I'm astounded by the ammount of effort you put in editing. But I'll be honest, I'm curious for a more uncut version of a naddpod episode


This was so great! Thanks Murphy! Hope you come back for more. You're not bad at livestreaming at all


Just catching up on this now. Thanks Murph!


More Murph

just a little bawn

The gesture in the thumbnail is exactly how you'd expect Murph to look

Rotem Cohen

Have yet to listen but noticed it’s not on the podcast app. Am I missing something?