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Heya Naddpoles!

We had such a fun time reading through your previous Spill Stories that we're going to do a part 2 for this month's Mixed Bag! (Subscribe to the $10 Tier to hear it!) If you've got a juicy example of a thrilling spill to just begging to be shared, please submit it below! Brief is best, and as always, we promise not to razz you too hard!

~ The 2 Crew 



Once when I was a waitresses, I was bussing a table, filled the tray, stood up with a heavy af tray, tripped over the tray stand, and spilled all the plates and glasses (breaking most of it), right next to a table of 15 people


So a while back I was asked to watch my friends dog while she went to visit family for a few days. I figured it would be a fun two days of hanging out with a dog and watching some fun ghibli movies right? WRONG! On the first night I had ordered chicken tikka masala and some beers, and as I was getting ready to sit down the foil take out bowl folded in the middle. As if in slow motion, tikka masala rained from my hands onto a large part of carpet. The dog, Gewn, bolted for it so I nudge her out of the way only for her to bite me. I end up having to call my friend, who trusted me to do this job, to frantically ask where cleaning supplies were. There is still a light stain on the carpet signifying my shame. Worst yet, my friend found tikka masala on her dog a day after she got home.


It was Monday Night Football. My Eagles were set to embarrass Kirk Cousins in prime time yet again, and it was the first game of the season I was able to watch because I worked during the day on Sundays. Naturally as a self respecting Eagles fan I made myself a cheesesteak and a cocktail for the game. Finally sat down ready to dig in right at kickoff and my new puppy, who was raised right, thought the cheesesteak was the greatest looking food he’d ever seen in his young life (it was). The glass was in my hand on its way for the first sip when he lunged for the holy grail. I successfully kept him from stealing steak but in the process managed to spill my drink all over my pants, the couch, and worst of all my sandwich. So I was forced to watch the game with no drink, no sandwich, and no pants. The Eagles got the win but I can’t help wonder if they would’ve won the Super Bowl had I never made this prime time fumble in week 2?


When I worked at McDonald’s, I accidentally dropped the mayonnaise dispenser gun (basically a modified caulking gun). It shot a lot of mayo onto the ceiling…about 2 cups worth 😅 I think I had to use a mop and a step ladder to clean that one up


I worked at a sub sandwich place in high school and the thing I hated doing above all others was changing out the boxes of syrup for the soda fountain, as I'm small and they are pretty heavy. Well I was changing one out and couldn't get the nozzle of the feeding tube to hook up to the syrup bag. I got so frustrated that I yanked on the bag a bit too hard and the whole connection point popped off, sending about 3 gallons (like 30 lb) of syrup onto me, my coworker, and the floor. Took me hours to clean it all up and they never let me touch them since.


It was raining, and I was commuting to work. I thought I was treating myself by getting a cup of coffee on my way to the train. As I approach the station, I hear the train coming. Desperate, I sprint, coffee in hand, 20 feet, 10 feet; 5 feet—but just before I make it I slip and release the completely full coffee INTO the train. An unintentionally malevolent passenger holds the door open for me and another intentionally malevolent passenger offers me papier-mâché instead of napkins to just move around the spill. I spend the rest of the commute to work standing over my mess, guarding future passengers from having to step in this puddle of shame.


Almost one year ago, my friend and I got those ice creams that are served in chimney pastries before heading to watch a play nearby. We didn’t realize that they fill those pastries with chocolate syrup. One bite in and both of us were covered in chocolate syrup. We were also wearing white sundresses. 5 minutes before the show, we were stuck in a park trying clean off the chocolate using tide pens and wet wipes. The stains remain to this day.


I was renting this room for a couple of years with the owners living there with their adult kids. An older couple. One day I had asked the man of the house for a ride to the train station and on the way there he dropped a HUGE BOMB ON ME! Turns out all those years I had been living there the man had a secret second family that nobody in the house know about but me now. Whenever the rest of his family would leave he would call her in front of me knowing I wouldn't say a thing because I needed a place to stay


When I was around 10, my family took an RV trip to British Columbia where we visited an interactive science museum. In the gift shop there was a display case full of Canadian flag pencils. These weren’t just mechanical or wooden pencils though, these were the ones that had like 9 pre-sharpened pencil tips nestled into each other like Russian nesting dolls. The rack was full. I picked up one. One pencil, and the arm supporting the shelf drops. Dozens of pencils hit the floor and immediately scatter; it sounded like I dropped an entire Lego set. some pencils cracked and the tips inside spread across the floor like caltrops. They also had raised shelves so for several seconds after the initial clash you could hear the pencils and tips roll to the far ends of the store. My mother was the only person close enough to look up and see me. So almost instinctively I yelled “Mom!” Just as the sales associate came around the corner. My mom turns around and says “oh no that was my son” but now the sales lady thinks she’s just some American blaming her child to save face, and gives her a pitying “ma’am, it’s ok, you don’t have to do that.” My mom tried and didn’t convince her of her innocence. She found it funnier when we got back to the RV though.

Foster’s Very Confused Veterinarian

For starting context, my uncle is a paraplegic who has a service dog named Pluto who is INCREDIBLY well trained and helps him with things like picking stuff up and opening doors. (Shoutout Canine Companions for Independence) So we’re having dinner at a nice restaurant and everyone is eating dinner and enjoying themselves when I reached across the table and accidentally knocked over my mom’s strawberry margarita. It was a very ordinary spill that we all worked to clean up what was on the table before someone thought to look at what spilled off the table. Low and behold the exact point of the table waterfall was right over Pluto’s head, and Pluto being the insanely well-disciplined dog he was HAD NOT MOVED THE ENTIRE TIME THE DRINK WAS SPILLING. He had the MOST “why would you do this to me?” look on his face and had a big wet spot on his head and smelled like margarita the rest of the night. As apology I gave him lots of pets and played with him when he was off the duty. The betrayed look on his face is still seared into my memory to this day.

Lorelei The Succubus and Kyra her busty Queen

You never claimed they couldn't be explicit so here we go. I was living in my apartment in eastern Bremerton, Washington. I was tossing around the shaboing-boing like no ones business making my girlfriend wetter than Jakes forehead when he sees Tucker around the house T-posing to assert his dominance. I wasn't really getting anywhere as sliding down the water slide was a little to much for dear ol Lorelei at the time. Apparently the opposite was true for her however. As I pulled out she began to squirt spilling both our juices all over the mattress, since then ive laid a towel beneath thy partner before the making of love to catch the juices. But woo that spill was a real pain to clean up


To the patrons saints of spillage, I come to you with a tale of woe. I was 17, about a month into my first ever job as a dishwasher, and during a busy Friday night was asked to carry a tray of empty glasses to the dish pit. I made it away from the bar fine, with only minimal wobbling. Then came the stairs. I take one step, and one glass clinks against another. In a panic I overcorrect, sending all but two glasses tumbling down the stairs, smashing fantastically and nearly hitting a waitress. Every nearby customer turns to look at me, as does the owner of the restaurant, who just so happened to be there that night. Shortly after, the trays were replaced with bins, and I wasn’t asked to carry anything down the stairs for two months.

BK Westbrook is my favorite white boy

When I was fresh out of high school, one of my first jobs was to oversee the food department in a bargain store. It was easy enough, but one day haunts me. We had gotten a shipment of olive oil, which was cool because we never got any in before. It felt like I was really moving up in the world, but my pride was quickly strucken down. I dropped the very first bottle I went to put on the shelf, and I was forced to clean up my shame. On the way to bring the mop bucket and broom back to the stockroom, I brushed by the five other cases of oil, and dropped every single one. The terrible spill went across three isles, and it took all night and three associates to clean up.

Brother Alder

Late night at a festival - I foolishly tried to bring a saucy plate of Patatas bravas in to a jam packed aerial burlesque show. I stepped gingerly through the crowd towards my friends, only to trip at the absolute last second and spill several globs of perfectly spiced sauce onto a complete stranger while trying to sit down. I profusely apologised and offered tissues to the victim of my hubris, but she was understandably pretty livid and declined my “snotty tissues”. I finished the last of my bravas in shame and left the show as soon as my plate was clear

Kevin Wixom

Two weeks before our wedding, I spilled a bowl of egg drop soup onto my wife's (well, fiance at the time) laptop. The same laptop that contained all of our charts for seating, budget and paperwork, our program (that my wife spent days on). The laptop was toast, and to this day I'm not allowed to eat soup when she has her computer out. Luckily, we were able to get the hard drive out and safely keep all the files, but it was a rough week leading up to our wedding. We've been married 11 years now, btw. PS, our little 15 min of fame happened because of the wedding, as well, when our second kiss after being wed went viral because she had the officiant (her brother) hold up an Xbox achievement sign she had made that said, "Achievement Unlocked: Obtain a Wife".


When I was 8 years old, my family lived at the top of a 3 family apartment building. Everytime we got groceries, we'd have to lug them up the 3 flights of stairs. My dad always took the gallons of milk, citing that my younger brothers and I were too young, and not strong enough to carry it up without spilling it. Being young and full of hubris, I finally insisted on carrying up the two milk gallons after a grocery run. My dad argued, but eventually relented, and I carried a jug in each hand up the stairs. On the first flight, I felt confident, and took the stairs two at a time like I normally did when unencumbered without a care in the world. On the second flight, I continued going 2 at a time, but I tripped on one of the stairs mats specifically put there so that you wouldn't slip on the stairs. I fell forward, knocked my chin against the stair, and dropped both jugs of milk, which I heard explode behind me as I got up. Milk ran down the stairs, for my brothers and disappointed dad to find when they came up behind me. We all had to clean up the mess, and the 2nd floor tenants came out to investigate the noise. To this day, my dad still brings up this milk spill at every opportunity.


When I was a kid, long before I was old enough to DRINK the wine I was spilling, spilled red wine MANY times in my grandma's living room. A normal family get together would be anywhere from 15-20 people and we would regularly be sitting on the floor. Cut to: a family visit where I spilled not one time, not two times, but three times in the same long weekend. Once was on the carpet and a minor one. The other times were during our many person "Apples to Apples game" (a family friendly Cards Against Humanity"


I've split drinks at many inopportune times but this one takes the cake: the time I accidentally lit a tractor on fire and nearly blew up the farm. For context, I work on Farm, and i had to fill up said tractor with gas before i started with my jobs. To do this, we have a tank on property, the kicker being that the pump was a manual hand crank with no automatic stopping mechanism and overflows were pretty frequent, but no harm really ever came of it until that day. I go to fill up as normal and it overflows, "no big deal" i think, until i see a part of the iginition, which is exposed on this particular model, smoking. In a matter of seconds, i see the tractor light up like a match and the gas tank blowing fire like an exhaust pipe at monster jam. I was worried the large tank might explode: not too far by were our barns with equipment exeding $100,000, our crops for the year, and my own home. So, in panic i call my uncle who tells me where a fire extinguisher is but in a cryptic way, only further fueling my panic. Luckily i found it in my panic and put it out, the damages were about $1,000 in repairs, my pride, and a the cost of an automatic gas pump.


Hi Two Crew! One time I was walking through my neighboord and noticed a dog, a Husky to be specific, wandering around all alone and I thought, "Hey wait a minute, that looks a lot like my neighbor's dog!" I led the dog to my neighbor's house and I knocked on the door. No one answers, so I knocked again, still nothing. I didn't know what to do with their dog and I had places to be, so I decided to give their front door knob a try to see if it happened to be unlocked. And what do ya know- it was! So I slipped the dog in their house and closed the door. I walked away thinking I'm a hero who's just saved the life of a dog with such irresponsible owners. A week or two goes by, and a friend who goes to their church told me they overheard my neighbors talking about the strangest thing that happened to them recently. They'd gotten home from work, and instead of there being one Husky inside their house, there were TWO (the second of which had done some serious damage to some furniture). I told my friend "Hmm, umm, sounds really weird, like who would let a dog into someone's house like that? Or I mean, like, how would another dog get into their house?" Long story short, I never fessed up to letting a strange dog into their home, and have carried this with me ever since.


My mom came out when I was in my 20’s and quickly formed a community of awesome, artistic, professional, motorcycle riding badass lesbians. My mom invited me to go to brunch and window shopping with them, and I was excited to meet this intimidatingly awesome crew. During our post-brunch window shopping, we went into an adult store, where I promptly tripped and fell onto a display of dildos, causing all of the dildos to cascade down upon me. I managed to knock the display forward, grab it, pull it back on to me, and fall. It rained dildos on me. I lay in a puddle of called dildos. My moms cool friends saw everything. I demanded to live it down immediately, but have, to this day, not had any luck there. I hope my spill brought you some joy. 💦


When I was in the middle of changing fields in my mid twenties I went to work for a fancy restaurant. Learned how to balance plates and remember meals, it was all going really well and I was banking some money to pay for the extra schooling. Two very memorable menta cemented the fact that food service was not my gig. During breakfast service I managed to spill a man's wife's drink into his lap. Upon bringing a replacement for her I promptly dropped it in his lap again. (Needless to say that meal was comped) after this I was a bit gunshy so while serving a table full of middle aged women a tray of generously made chocolate martinis I was being extra aware. The tray wobbled just a hair and I panicked and absolutely threw the whole tray of martinis at myself preemptively. I did smell delicious though.


I used to work at a grocery chain that sold 3 buck chuck wine, very popular, so we always kept cases upon cases of it in the back. These cases happened to be near the walk in freezer door, where i would wheel carts of frozen boxes in and out to restock the floor. One night, an empty cart slips from my hands at the top of the ramp, and collided with one of the stacks of like 5 boxes of wine. This one stack toppled, knocking over another 3 stacks with it. Red wine, white wine, rose, all the kinds, shattered on the floor. I cried a whole bunch, and it took forever to clean, but I never broke another wine bottle after that 💀😂


When I turned 21 I had never really drank in front of my dad before. I made a drink with tequila (my first drink of the night) and went to sit down with him on the couch, excited to be bonding with him as a real adult, when I trip and the drink explodes all over the couch. He looked at me, did not say a word, and went to bed. I silently cleaned the cushions in shame and we’ve never spoken of it.


How my friend was accused of attempting to assassinate SecDef Back in the 90s, my friend was part of the banquet team that served the US Congress. There was a gala, and he was carrying a tray of red wine glasses. As he was making his rounds, he was bumped into from behind and as you might expect, everything went flying. As he went to try to save the spill, he had accidentally broken one of the glasses and was holding onto the stem. As he looked up, he realized he had spilled all over a man's white suit. That man was US Secretary of Defense William Perry. So, there he was, in view of the entire gala, holding a sharp piece of broken glass, while the US Secretary of Defense was double over in surprise clutching his now bright red stained suit. Not a good look. Three hours later, he was released by a laughing security team and he never worked an event for Congress again


When I was a host at an outdoor patio I was bussing a table, which was unusual as we had servers as well, and carrying a tray of a half dozen beers. Halfway through my trip to the table I was faced with the great task of walking down two steps of stairs. Naturally I tripped, stumbled very slightly and, in a carnival of failure, one beer began to tip, I attempted to correct the way I held the tray, causing a second beer to tip, I did the same again as a third tipped. One fell, the change in weight caused the tray to swing back in the opposite direction and the other three beers all tipped and dropped all over the place. Beers shattering all over the ground, leaving me, drenched in beer, standing in broken glass 5 feet from the table in view of the entire place.


2008. We had JUST got our new car and we’re driving to my in-laws to show it off. We stopped at a gas station and I got a toddler-sized cup of soda. Got back in the car and I go to set my purse down and balanced the cup in my lap, but clearly not securely enough. In slow motion the cup tumbled down, spilling about 30 lbs of sticky soda and ice alllll over my seat, the dashboard, the middle console, the floorboards…everywhere. You ever see that scene in The Shining, where all the blood comes cascading into the hall? Yeah it was about like that.


I was a bartender at a retirement community. Since most of the staff was high schoolers, I had to bring any booze directly to the table.


Do anti-spill stories count? One time I was taking a bottle of wine to a table on a balcony when a toddler rushed out from another table. I rolled my ankle while trying to avoid them, thus initiating an excruciatingly long fall where I just could not get my feet to work properly. Over the course of about 30 seconds, I dramatically windmilled my way toward the railing of the balcony. When I got to the railing I underestimated how short it was and, instead of grabbing it, just sort of jack-knifed over it and fell about 10 feet down to the ground below, busting through a glass veranda and landing on my arse just outside the front doors of the restaurant. In a baffling turn of events, the veranda slowed my fall enough that j was almost completely uninjured when I reached the bottom. Even more baffling: as far as I can tell none of the wine spilled. Admittedly, there was a little bit of smashed glass in the bottle, but there was also a whole bunch of wine in there and no wine anywhere else, which I'm counting as a win. The only serious injury I sustained was the busted eyebrow I gave myself by cracking myself in the head with the bottle when I tried to give the bewildered patrons an emphatic double-thumbs-up from the ground to show that I was okay. I needed stitches for the eyebrow and I still have the scar.


Wife and I lived in central mass a few years ago and, we were hanging out in Northampton at a coffee shop. I had been feeding these adorable little cheepsters my muffin crumbs and they were literally eating it out of my hands. Before we got up to leave I went to toss the rest of my crumbs to them and lost my grip, flinging my plate opa frisbee style into the parking lot, breaking it, and shocking the cafe patio patrons from their tranquil afternoon snack siesta. Then, to cap it off, I stood up from our tiny folding table to go pick up the shattered pieces of my pride, I mean, plate and I knocked over the table...by folding it up as I stood. Aaaaand curtain

Bukvar's Assistant Isy F

Although not a spill story, it's in the right vein of tabletop accidents... I was playing my regular campaign with with party and my friend had brought along her new tablet to show off her digital character sheet. It was literally band new, like first time out of the house. During some down time I was playing around with my dice and decided to flip my Naddpod trickster coin. It flipped and I watched in slow motion as it came down on the tablet and smashed the screen. Fair to say she was not upset at all and shrugged it off, but I felt awful. I bought her a brand new one and the smashed tablet now sits in my bookcase as a reminder of my shame.....

Jack Jones

I bring to you the Extreme ski super spill spectacular. Myself and my family were on a skiing trip back when I was around 14 years old we were finishing drinks at a café at the base of steep run and were about to head to one of the chair lifts to said slope, I expressed my concern with this as I wanted to practice on a beginner slope as the last time I had skied was 3 years prior so most of the movements were lost to me however I was cajoled into this run by my father. After reaching the top of the lift I clumsily made my way to the starting point of the slope, then proceed to point my legs straight down the slope and RAPIDLY picked up speed, soon getting to a point where I felt to afraid to force a fall incase I broke something, so instead I screamed GET OUT OF THE WAY repeatedly, trying to warn the other skier's and the rapidly approaching outdoor café at the bottom of the slope before moments later colliding with several plastic table sets and decking chairs, in the crash I ended up going through around 5 sets of tables cutting cleanly through them leaving a trail of plates, glasses and spilled food and drink in the wake of destruction, luckily no one was harmed and I made it out with only some bruises and a sprained arm. However we did have to deal with a very angry café manager soon after.


My friends and I did a 24 hour film festival where you had to concive, write, shoot, produce and submit a short film in 24 hours. It was an intense and very tiring process but we had procured two 40 ounce beers to split as a way to celebrate afterward (we were underage so this was also a long process). After a long, frustrating and tiring day we were ready to relax and get a little buzz on. I ran in my house to grab the beers and as I was heading back to the car I thought I'd give everyone a laugh by pretending to trip and drop the beers. Unfortunately I actually did drop one of them and as I tried to catch it, I hit it with the other bottle causing them both to shatter. I'll never forget the look of disappointment on my friends faces. We still hang out and at least once a year the three of them will take me to the razzberry patch about it.


Went to one of those ‘seafood boiled in a bag’ places and the bag spilled tons of boiling garlic butter on to my crotch. RIP pants.


In college my friends and I had a Friendsgiving at our apartment, for which I was tasked with buying the turkey. I went to the store and found two suspiciously small turkeys, but figured they were just little guys, scooped them and got on my way. I got on the subway escalator to head home (Place des Arts in Montreal for grime level context), but misstepped as I walked down, and the two raw turkeys tumbled down the escalator past the other passengers. I was then forced to, without a modicum of dignity, chase down the foul fowl that rolled afoul throughout the subway station past the ticket counter and buskers. The good news is that the wrapping didn’t burst, and the birds were now tenderized. A week later, the day of the party, my friend looked at my receipt, and asked why I had bought $40 of chicken. Turns out I can’t read and turkeys aren’t that small.


Three years ago we got an Airbnb cabin for my sister’s birthday. We were playing board games and drinking wine when someone noticed a spider on the window blinds. I decided to be a hero and bravely offered to kill it, despite being terrified of spiders when I’m sober. It was so high up that I had to stand on the couch to reach it, and because it was on the blinds, when I tried to squish it I just pushed the blinds back against the window and sent the spider flying in my face. I immediately jumped back to dodge it, forgetting I was standing on a couch, and ended up falling backwards onto the coffee table. I was only a little banged up and embarrassed and the spider was completely unscathed, but the entire bottle of red wine and everyone’s glasses spilled all over the carpet. We spent an hour trying to get the wine stain out with no success. Fortunately, when my sister explained what happened to the Airbnb host, she felt so bad for me that she didn’t charge us an extra cleaning fee. Yikes.

Faisa Awow

This is so embarrassing but in 2015 I visited Atlanta Georgia for the first time (I’m British) to visit my aunt. As a fun trip she took me and my sister to Coca Cola world, we had a blast learning about the companies history and doing the activities on the tour. The end of the tour is a room with soda dispensers that have every Coca Cola company beverage ever made. I had found liquid gold when I found watermelon Fanta (only sold in Japan). As I was drinking my 4th cup and chatting with my aunt the cup dropped from my hand. I didn’t even react until it had hit the ground. This thin plastic cup filled with Fanta crashed onto the ground splashing me, my aunt and a pregnant lady holding their 2 year old son. My 13 year old soul died from embarrassment. I instantly apologized and left to go find some tissue to clean with or at least wipe my Fanta off that toddler but I couldn’t find anything. Out of shame I decided to wait outside for the rest of my family to be done with the tour. I’m now 20 and still feel incredibly embarrassed.


One time when I was younger my dad wanted to take my mom, my sister and myself to “Marvel on Ice”. We notoriously have bad times on family trips so I was already nervous. On the way we stop at a Wendy’s to get food. It was an hour drive. I ordered some Chili Cheese fries because they’re my favorite and I wasn’t gonna go to Wendy’s and NOT get chili cheese fries. Anyway, the worker stuffed everything in one bag Tetris style leaving my container of cheese fries sitting vertically in the bag. The weight of the meat and beans must have popped the plastic lid and caused the chili to seep through the paper take-out bag and onto the seat of my dad’s car (not leather. it soaked in.) We pulled off at a gas station and the next thirty minutes consisted of tears from every member of the family, angry shouts from my father, and intense scrubbing of car seats using the windshield wiper fluid from the gas station terminal. My mom threatened to divorce my dad. But in the end, we did see the show and I think I remember it being fine.


A different intent of spill. A spillesson I went to a culinary school, we had 7 hour cooking classes on fundamentals. A whole class produced 3 separate bins of waste; trash, recycable, and compost. A HARD rule the chef set in his kitchen was to never have anything in compost that belongs in trash or recyclable. One day, a particulary tough class, he had found 3 disposable gloves in the compost on separate occasions. Finding the third he told us all to stop what we were doing and to form up. He sent a few of us to get 6 baking sheets and someone to wheel the 2 (full) compost bins. A student went "Chef, you aren't going to spill this are you?" and Chef went "No Im not doing that...I would hurt my back, you two do it" and two students proceed to dump the bins onto the baking sheets that did little to contain the mess. To make matters worse, Chef told us that he would take 20 points from everyone for the day, and the only way to get them back was to fill the compost bin back up, half a point for each handful of compost. (I can provide a video of this incident)


One time I was on a bus tour of famous Game of Thrones locations in Northern Ireland, and having been up late partying the night before, I was feeling pretty sleepy. So when we stopped at a small town, I went to a cafe and got a to-go hot chocolate, real thick and delicious. We got back on the bus, and something about the rolling hills and rumble of the bus engine, I fell asleep with the drink in hand. I’m not sure how long I was asleep but I do know that I woke up just in time to feel my grip relax on the paper cup, and it hit the ground, in the aisle between all the seats set up schoolbus-style, and I watched this thick brown sweetness run up and down the aisle with the hills, soak peoples shoes, bags, cosplay capes for photo opportunities, it was mortifying. (2nd half of story if there is further interest) When we got to the next location, I asked the bus driver if he had any paper towels ‘because I spilled a little bit’ (note; it was not a little bit, it was almost a full cup) after I tried to wipe it up for a bit, he looked to see what I was doing, sighed, and said he’d take care of it. On my way off the bus there was a little tip bucket, and I emptied my entire wallet in shame. I was met with many angry stares from Game of Thrones enthusiasts who’s belongings I had ruined, and I spent the remainder of the tour trying not think about how everyone here had just seen the red wedding and was hoping they didn’t take inspiration.


Tew Crü. Once upon a time, I was swinging merrily on a swing set when suddenly, my booty dipped too low and underpants scooped copious amounts of mulch into my downstairs mixup. Much to my 8 year old surprise, the playground teachers were sympathetic and got a nice laugh, but I never forgot the time I spilled soil from my tightly whiteys.

Jennifer S

Literally the most embarrassing moment of my life. I got a new job a few years back that I was pretty excited about, just had to get background test and drug screen done, so I drove to the drug testing facility, chugged some water for the pee test and walked on in. Everything was going great until I stepped out of the little bathroom and I think you can guess what I was holding in my hand as I tripped and stumbled. With the employee standing there watching, I tripped and spilled my own urine all over the carpet and my jeans. Luckily there was just enough still in the cup that I could awkwardly wipe off the sides to hand it to her as she pretended nothing happened and then run out to my car to drive 40 mins to my house with my jeans still soaked with the reminder of my fall from grace and dignity. Still haunts me and I think it always will.


not me but my friend, she had gotten up and refilled her cup of water in the middle of our dnd session and as she went to set the cup on the table it slipped out of her hand, she immediately started to grab the cup and was successful but she grabbed the cup upside down and all the water poured on to our combat map. we all had a good laugh after the shock wore off. it was incredible to watch someone go from so proud to devastated


Less of a spill and more of a fall: years ago, I was helping my dad paint the walls of his house in preparation of him moving. I was on ladder: paint roller in one hand and my oh so fragile dignity in the other. I descended to get more paint, slipped, and proceeded to land butt-first in the rolling tray. Keep in mind the tray was not placed on the drop cloth.


I submit a story that was simply known by my family as "salsa-gedon". I was a teenager and went to snack on some chips and salsa. I got myself setup, put away the chips, and then on to the salsa. This is where disaster struck. I grabbed the salsa by the lid, not realizing I hadn't screwd the lid on all the way. The lid gave way and I heard a loud crash of glass hitting the floor. Luckily, the glass had not shattered and the bottom had broken off in one chunk. Leaving a pile of salsa but a fairly contained spill....or so I thought. I proplclaimed to my parents later that I had dropped the salsa bur luckily was able to clean it up. Being a teenage boy and maybe not the world's cleanest creature, they went to investigate. They found salsa, and I can not stress this enough, everywhere. The kitchen ceiling, under the fridge, on the oven, on the walls. What I thought was a controlled spill was basically a salsa bomb. We continued to find little red stains until we eventually moved years later.


Knowing it's a spill story, I had a sinking feeling the minute I read the word "pee" 😂

Noah Kyle

This sucked but it’s funny now. I was on a third date with a girl I’d been friends with for a while and things were going well. We were having drinks at a casual Mexican restaurant/bar and really enjoying each other. Something interesting about this restaurant was that you didn’t sit in chairs, you sat on couches with pillows and throw blankets. I of course spilled a full to the brim strawberry cider all over myself and one of the pillows, soaking my pants and the pillow absolutely through so badly I had to go up to the bar and ask the cashier to take the pillow back for cleaning, making her look at me like I was a complete idiot who had just soiled himself and her job’s property. My date looked at me with mostly pity and amusement while I used tiny napkins to try and clean things off. Safe to say I had to call it a night early to go change my pants and things fizzled with the girl shortly after. :p


In college I was at lunch with my friends and one friend was working on a spanish worksheet that was due the next class, which was right after lunch for her. I had gestured at something and got a little too close to her cup of water and she flinched to catch it, said she thought i was about to knock it over onto her homework. I said what, like this? And the plan was to make that same gesture close to her cup again, but this time, in true Caldwell fashion, I ACTUALLY knocked the cup over and it soaked not only her worksheet, but her folder and notebook that were off to the side. I felt soooooo bad, but at least she had an excuse now to not turn it in.


Here is my near death experience. When I was a child, I went to a restaurant that had a second floor/loft area. My family was sitting at the first floor of the restaurant and I went to the bathroom. When I returned to the table, everyone was wiping down my seat and the table. This is because Patrons from the loft area, had accidentally knocked there glass over the railing and onto where I was sitting. The restaurant has since been demolished.


In college I took a metal casting lab and was talking a lot of shit about how I'd be great at it. You have to wear a lot of PPE to be around liquid steel (>2000°F) and I didn't realize that when your face gets sweaty (due to said liquid steel) your glasses slip down your face and due to face coverings you can't fix it. I was pretty much blind and had to set the pour rate by tipping the crucible. I way overshot it, spilled liquid steel over the floor, and set my boots on fire. The TA had to get a bucket of sand and throw it on me to get me off fire and I delayed the lab because they had to melt down more metal.


One summer while I was in college I worked at a combination Tim Hortons/ Cold Stone where my only job was to make the ice cream. I would lug these HUGE bags of ice cream bases around (they were about as big a my entire torso), pour them into the machine and add the different flavorings. One day while transporting a bag of chocolate cream base from the walk-in fridge to the ice cream machine, I slipped on some water. Instinctively, I squeezed the bag to keep a hold of it. Instead, the cap popped off and all of the cream spilled everywhere (all over me, the kitchen, everything). None of the other staff members said anything about it (no one laughed, asked if I wanted help, anything - just blankly stared). It was a pain to mop all of it up. To make matters worse, I absolutely hate chocolate!


One gorgeous day, I was working at a farmers market selling honey (Hi from Bees in the 'Burbs!). We’re at the height of the day, our booth is full and bustling when from the corner of my eye I see an older gentleman's electric wheelchair get tangled in my tablecloth. I screamed WAIT PLEASE but alas it was too late. He zooms off like a bat out of hell and two shelves of over 100 jars of honey come crashing to the concrete. To make matters worse the honey starts to attract critters, including honeybees. For the next two hours, the market staff and I try to clean up so much honey while keeping the public calm about the growing number of honeybees (and yellowjackets) coming to visit. Market security had to get involved with crowd control with how many honeybees found us. That was one sticky situation. P.S, the wheelchair gentlemen never did stop. We found the tablecloth at the other end of the market at the end of the day. P.S.S The next summer this happened again, but it was my dog getting his leash caught in the fold-up table leg and he only spilled about 20 jars.


The summer between by first and second years of college I worked at my hometown’s burger joint. We were always critically understaffed and my second summer I was frequently acting manager. One on these days when I was “in charge” I went to restock the line and accidentally dropped the full 4 gallon container of our speciality hot sauce all over myself and the floor. It took a full 15 mins to clean it all up and what I didn’t realize at the time was that I had completely soaked my socks and shoes until about 30 mins when I kept feeling a burning sensation in my feet. Well it turns out for prolonged exposure to Capsaicin can cause the sensation of physical burns. Needless to say I was in great physical pain and did not have back up socks. All of this happened in front of my coworker who had just the day before found out that I had a massive crush on him. I was absolutely mortified and am still cautious around hot sauces to this day.


Intro free 2023 I have a tale of the most unforgiving of so-called "spills." When I was but a spry young teen, my father gifted me with a lowered VW drifter type of car. Now I felt so cool flying down the road in this lovely little Initial D homage that I neglected to see the construction of a new manhole. Unfortunately for the car flying down the road over a raised piece of metal generally would puncture some sort of hole in the vehicle, but no this little VW kept going just like it'd been punched in the stomach. Now this only boosted my confidence in being able to dodge the manhole the next time I encountered it and let me tell you I certainly did not dodge it and the so called spill was transmission fluid spilling all over the roadway after the manhole had essentially disembowled my car as I drove home like some wounded dying animal ashamed of my Icarus type of cockyness.


I’m a cashier at a pharmacy/drugstore. We have a large drink cooler that we have to restock pretty often, especially in the warmer months. We keep the extra non refrigerated bottles on a large 4 teared cart. One day I was pushing the pop cart a bit too fast down the isle and rammed it directly into a misplaced tide display, knocking over several containers of tide pods. But wait, it gets worst. Since the bottles of pop (and cans of ice tea) are just lined up loose on the cart, a domino effect took place after the force, sending several dozen bottles and cans flying off the cart. Many cans punctured and leaked all over the floor while some bottles of soda hit the ground before rocketing up about 5 or 6 feet before bouncing back on the floor. By the time everything settled I was covered and surrounded by tide pods, slowly leaking out ice tea and many hissing bottles of soda. It took me half an hour to clean everything up.


Affleckted Arbitrators, Last summer, I was subleasing a room with a friend while we were figuring out our Fall situation. As tends to happen, I didn't feel like making dinner one night, so I ordered takeout. Gnocci with red sauce. The delivery driver took FOREVER. It must have been one of those situations where the map wasn't taking them to the right spot, so they kept moving in circles. But I. Was. Hungry... When it finally arrived, it was cold, of course. So I took the lid off and began towards the microwave, which happened to be in a little nook where we also kept our cleaning supplies - mops, Swiffers, brooms, you know: things that could do well to pick up a spill. I don't know why or how, but I lost coordination in that moment, and the delicious dish slipped from my hand, soared through the air, and splattered... right all over ALL of the cleaning supplies. So not only did I not get to have my pasta while I was starving, I had to clean up the mess with only the few napkins that I had on hand, and clean the very things that could have helped me most in that moment. Bonus points that my friend watched this entire meltdown


One last PS, a case i had was the very first one ever to be tried in dungeon court! Not relevant but it's something that makes me smile.


Less of a story and more of a fact, I used to spill my fruit cups in elementary school so often that one of the lunch ladies exclusively called me “isa-spill” (my name is Isabel)


WARNING: not a liquid spill, but a terrible fate nonetheless. An old coworker of mine was very hungover. It was one of the first brunches I worked at this new restaurant, so I was following her lead as she had some seniority. 4 adults came in with a baby, who was set up at the end of a long booth, in a high chair. The other end of the booth is a wall. You NEED to bring food and drink in close proximity to the high chair, or dare to go over it... There was a teetering BLT croissant, with a flaky and buttery texture. It was a hazard. I'm talking thick roma tomato slices, with crunchy lettuce and wavy bacon. I watched as it *plopped* on the baby's head, then fall to the floor. The parents looked at their child with blank expressions, hoping this didn't start the water works. It did. She apologized profusely, and we couldn't help but laugh at the very visceral *plop* much later when the family eventually left.


i work the night shift in a grocery store deli and we fry chicken so every so often we need to boil out the fryers (change oil and clean the inside). one day we had a tornado pass by so in the middle of the boil out process we had to go into the produce cooler for like an hour. by the time we got out the deli was closed but the store was still open (we close an a hour for the store). i told my coworker to put the food away and i’d finish boil out. well, now, she overflowed the sink drain in the back so she was squeegeeing for all her life. meanwhile, a customer came to the counter and asked me for tongs for our self serve chicken tenders (which were still out because my coworker was dealing with her perpetual mishandling on the sink and not putting food away like i told her to). so i got them for him. then i got back to the boil out and my flipped the fryer on so it could start boiling. customer comes back again and asks for some jan sauce which i had to get from the back and because this guy just had to be worst he had the nerve to say that he thought he was bothering me and i was like “well we are closed.” and he responds “but you have food out?” like dude you had to ask for two essential things and the heat lamps were fucking off. context. clues. anyway, so im so out of it that i think i have enough time to go back and get this sauce. so i hand it to him and i turned around and half the water that was in the fryer was on the floor. like gallons, dude. so i had to use an obscene amount of spill magic to clean all that up. and we got out like so much later than we should have. cherry on top is that i was told by the cashiers apparently that chicken guy told them that i was rude (when really i thought i was actually being very nice but i do have a bit of a rbf). but they had my back and kinda told him off.

Andrea Quinn

Once, after being a little over-served at the bar, a friend and I went to kill time at a nearby big-box store while we waited for a ride. We were pushing our cart around, and somehow (accidentally, I swear) managed to knock it into the corner of a giant pyramid of 5 gallon jugs of red and blue Hawaiian Punch. I think the weight of the pyramid must have compromised the structural integrity of the bottom layer of jugs, because I swear we hardly clipped it, but the corner jug not only toppled over, bringing the entire pyramid down with it, but it and about 8 or 10 other jugs fully exploded. Just an absolute cascade of red and blue Hawaiian Punch pooling up around our feet while we stared in drunken horror. We offered to clean it up, ourselves, but I think the employees were more interested in getting us out of their store before we caused anymore fruit juice catastrophes. This was like a decade ago, and my insides still shrivel up whenever I think about it.


Got tons worked in a restaurants for 14 years. I once stumbled and spilled a glass of ice cold chardonnay down an old lady's but crack. I was carrying a tray of wine I stumbled and corrected saving the tray but one glass of chardonnay spills some how going directly down this lady's back straight into her exposed crack. She stands shocked.I'm just frozen in shear terror and mortified beyond belief her family is also frozen. We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity. Suddenly the spell breaks I start apologizing she says it's fine these things happen. I start handing her towels from my appron. Thankfully I worked in a country club, and she was wearing her tennis shorts so she went to the locker room to change. Came back and assured me everything was fine. Downside to it being a country club is I had to see her again and again. Thankfully it became a joke between us . "Now dear I'd love a chardonnay and this time let's keep it in the glass". Quick freebie I also was emptying the fryer in the back and went to dispose of it in a specialized oil trash bin outside. Lifted the lid and bees flew out I panic stepping back and sloshed warm fryer oil and grease all down my chest was the end of night so I still had to finish cleaning the kitchen before I could go home.


We were hosting Christmas for the in-laws. Everything was going smoothly, turkey cooked on time, all the trimmings nearly done, the only thing left to do was the gravy. I started cooking it on the hob and thought to myself what could go wrong. My father-in-law walks in and asks me where the Christmas Crackers were (UK thing where you pull a snapper with toys, paper hats and a cheesy joke inside. A proper staple of UK Christmas) for the table. I had placed them up on the cupboards above the hob not realising my husband had put something else on top of the box. So I yanked. The other box fell and hit the pan right on the pan handle, cascading boiling hot gravy all over me, the ceiling, the floor and the father-in-law.

Gurl Luigi

I punched a full steaming serving of lentil soup into my friends lap seconds after spilling my entire size large coke all over the table. I suppose I saw my coke tipping over and in my fumbling attempt to right the bev, my hand shot out, and directly collided with the paper tub full of hot lentil soup we were sharing. 👍 I'm a life long spiller


I was in a wetherspoons in England. And i was telling my friends a story, during a drunk hand gesture i knocked a tray if drinks there waitress was carrying. Knocking 3 pints of pepsi on her and my self.


My friends and I had all planned to meet up for a meal as we were on break from university. At this meal i was one of the designated drivers so we went to a frankie and bennys (UK Chain) and drove my friends there. I ordered a Coca cola. when the drink came it was with a straw and i was like okay and put the straw so i wen i went to drink from the straw i also tilted the glass and it went all over my pants and had to go bowling after looking like i pissed myself.


one of the first times I was playing dnd, I spilled a whole bag of chilli heatwave Doritos on the floor and then backed my chair up which had my synthetic will scarf draped over the back to lean down and pick them up... I forgot I was sat directly in front of the gas heater so while I was bent over picking up my Doritos, my scarf started to catch fire. Thankfully I finished picking up Doritos before it became unmanageable and stopped the scarf smoking before anyone noticed


I worked at a brewery up until very recently. Naturally the sheer volume of liquid (usually a too hazy DIPA 🤢) inherently makes spillage a common occupational hazard. Just recently a half-pallet of beer (which is roughly 1500+ pints of beer, or 13 half barrel kegs) was lost to a forklift taking a sharp right turn over a drain divet. However, the most HARROWING of spills was through my hand! While loading sanitizing chemicals into our keg washing machine, I went to pump a few ounces of caustic acid from a barrel, as I had many a-time before, only to have the vessel come loose from its locking clip and spill roughly a pint of the stuff onto the floor splashing my jean clad legs! Now, this deep purple pepto-bismol look-a-like is highly corrosive and ate right through my pants, and to prevent the worst I had to practically wrestle out of them in the middle of the brewfloor, in front of the entire Brew Crew (shoutouts to them!) Ended up without any chemical burns after a thorough hosing down of legs and the chemical area, but my pants were strings cheese at this point, couldn't even salvage them for jorts... had one of my boys buy me some CVS gym shorts so I could return to work in something other than briefs.


Dear NADDPod, Here is a faithful retelling of what my family still refers to as “The Red Wine Incident”. Years ago my family had gathered at my aunt’s house for Christmas. My sweet, oblivious, black lab, thrilled to have her favorite people in one room, trots up wagging furiously, her tail right at coffee table height. I didn’t guard my glass fast enough and her tail wagged into my wine, spilling cab sauv all over my 9-year-old cousin’s math workbook. After some cursing and sponging I went over to the kitchen to re-fill my glass and, well, my hands must still have been wet because the full magnum bottle of cabernet slipped out of my grasp and shattered on the floor. My family just about died laughing and immediately started razzing me. After the hilarity died down I went and got the mop & bucket and mopped everything up while my aunt grabbed the bigger glass pieces. Right as I went to wring out the mop one last time, the mop head fell off the handle and dropped into the bucket, knocking the whole thing over the kitchen floor again. My family never recovered. I now stick to white as to this day I am razzed if they see me with red wine.


P.s. My little cousin then went back to school having to explain why his math book reeked of alcohol


I used to work at an Italian restaurant when I was 14 with my cousin for my first job. It was my last day working there and I had been working on mothers day, which was the busiest day at this restaurant with 1200 reservations just that day. I was supposed to bring a table of 6 women their waters but I had a bad hold of the tray and spilled all 6 waters on two of the girls. my cousin to this day still razzes me about it to this day, so just like Emily I too had a bad experience with water.


Spill adjacent. On my first day of work as a substitute teacher, I placed a yogurt in the seat of my new car and forgot about it before just sitting right down. The stain remains to this day.


When I was 16 I worked as a CNA for a nursing home. During meals all the residents would come to the dining room to eat and during my first week working there the meal was tomato soup and grilled cheese. I was passing out the trays and spilled the only tray that had thickened liquids on it. If you don't know, thickened liquids are given to the residents who have trouble swallowing so all liquids are mixed to become a honey like consistency (yes it is nasty and those on thickened liquids will do anything to have normal water). I spilled the thickened soup, coffee, and water all over my scrubs and since I didn't have a replacement and we were short staffed I had to work the rest of my shift in them. I just threw those scrubs away as the texture and smell wouldn't wash out.


Oh, and in college, my gf at the time was eating oreos with milk and spilled a bunch on her laptop. She got a new laptop pretty quickly, since the old one was unusable. After we broke up, I heard through the grapevine that her new laptop also experienced an oreo milk accident, and I can only pray for future computers in her possession.

Rachael Essen

This was a recent one! I was having a girls night on Cinco De Mayo and we went to Chipotle. On the way back to my sister’s house, I noticed that my bowl was leaking through the bag, and in an attempt to save the bag, I set my drink down next to me on the seat because I didn’t know where the cup holders were in my friend’s car (I was informed they were in the center console that you had to pull down) And I lost my whole drink on her back seat, and my bag ripped open as well. Then back at my sister’s house, I couldn’t figure out her water dispenser, and so it spilled all over the floor before she showed me how to turn it off. It was the most consecutive spills I’ve ever had 🤦🏻‍♀️


My boyfriend and I were recently trying to make cocktails in his tiny kitchen, and when he was turning around he elbowed a full bottle of vermouth and it shattered into tiny pieces on the ground. It took us 30 minutes to clean it up. We ended up just grabbing beers instead, and then as we were sitting down to watch a movie he spilled his beer on the couch and all over his brother’s sheet music next to the couch. Truly tragic

Donovan Phillips

One time when I was a server, I spilled a tray of drinks (probably like 6 full beers) on a customer. His friends at the table started dying laughing, and he was very nice about it. After I apologized and cleaned up the mess, I went into the kitchen and started talking to another server about it. She starts cracking up. At this point, I'm confused why everybody finds this so damn funny. Well, apparently, she had spilled a tray of drinks on that exact person, not 10 minutes before I did. So I'm not sure if he was cursed or if the floor was just a bit uneven next to his seat.


I’m definitely a kindred spirit to Caldwell as I have multiple spills. At a pub with outdoor seating 3 of us sat at a picnic bench. Unfortunately we all decided to sit on the same side at the exact same time. Our combined weight toppled the entire thing over, spilling 3 pints of beer onto us. Had to go home and change my trousers. My brother was painting a Warhammer model. I decided I wanted to give it a red dot to show it had a cybernetic eye. This one millimetre bit of painting led to me spilling the entire pot of red paint over the floor. We had to throw out the rug. And my trousers. Finally I was at MacDonalds for breakfast and had an orange juice. Went to shake it to mix up the pulp bits. Unfortunately I didn’t realise my dad had taken the lid off so I sent orange juice all over myself and the table. Once again I had to go home and change my trousers.


When I was younger, my family used to have brunch every boxing day. One time, I was cooking beans, and my grandpa warned me to watch out because some bacon grease had spilled on the floor. At the height of hubris, I assured him I would be fine. Lo and behold, as I brought the pot to the table, one foot on the grease was all it took for me to completely slip, sending the pot out of my hand and the beans spilling all over the house. As far as I heard, beans were still being found for years, spilled all over, and my family will never let me live down the time that I spilled the beans in the most literal way.


Maybe not a spill, per se, but one New Year’s Eve my family tried to use a chocolate fountain. My eight year old self read the instructions on how to set it up to my dad, who ignored my advice completely, and poured the not yet melted chocolate into the fountain, which proceeded to whip chunky, oily chocolate all around the room and me - in my brand new, pink, silk monkey pyjamas I had just received. Still, not my worst NYE!


I used to work in a pizzeria, one day the other cook made a bucket of pizza sauce and was carefully bringing it in the walk-in fridge. The chef loved to mess with us so he shut off the light and slammed the door behind him locking him in. After hearing some very loud swearing through the thick wall of the fridge he opened the door and light back up and we saw the whole room and the cook covered in sauce


When I was 10, my sister was on her high school soccer team. This was the game to determine whether or not they went to State Championships. As a celebration, our entire family chose to go to the Pizza Hut in town before the game. This was a HUGE deal to us since we never usually had extra money for things like that. To cut some extra costs, we all got water to drink. All 8 of us. As the waitress came back to the table with her tray loaded up with our waters, she lost her balance. The entire tray of water poured all over me. She freaked out and admitted that this was her second day on the job. I spent the rest of the night completely soaked with water. P.S. This was a cold TN spring night, and I had no clothes to change into since we lived 20 miles from town. I spent the entire game outside, freezing.


A few years ago I moved into a new building in Williamsburg Brooklyn. On the second day I went out and bought myself and my roommates some smoothies (3 total) and was walking back into the building. In an anxious attempt to befriend the doorman I raised the whole tray above my head as sort of wave. Unfortunately got ahead of myself in my excitement and launched the three smoothies up and they crashed with a gargle on the big new welcome mat. The doorman just sighed and when I asked how I can help he said “just don’t do that again”. For the next 16 months I walked over the stained welcome mat and would occasionally hear other tenets asking “woah what happened hear”. Haven’t had a smoothie to go since.


I work in a commercial paint store so spills are as frequent as breathing. Walking into work and seeing 160 gallons fell overnight, stepping on a lid an going through, and recently having a gallon of methyl ethyl ketone leak and having to strip and shower at 8 in the morning. However, one of the biggest spills I’ve been a part of involved a delivery we had. We loaded a small order of 30 gallons into the back of the delivery van and we thought our driver had secured it. Unfortunately, the five gallon buckets immediately tipped over and began spilling all over his van. He then drove a half hour to the job site leaking paint behind him. He had a perfect trail of his route painted onto the roadways and his van’s interior was completely covered. the guys at the job site took many pictures and now only drivers are allowed to load their vans.


Mine happened today, Driving in the country lanes of Gloucestershire, UK. It's national speed limit (60mph), I'm driving a long as you do, and it's a new route, I'm exploring. Very quickly I see the road conditions change from road to cobbled, torn up, muddy lane. I tried to stop but couldn't get enough traction and flew over these potholes, destroying the undercarriage of my car and spilling oil everywhere. Next time you're zooming in the lanes, make sure to know your route ahead of the zooms


I work at a little Mexican food place that has a two basket fryer. We cap our own hot sauce cups and put them in big buckets, well while separating those buckets a hot sauce cup fell in the fryer right before opening and after having just changed out the oil! We knew we’d need to change the oil again but the fryer had already been on so the oil was still hot, my coworkers took the chance and emptied the oil out into buckets like normal, except this time the oil melted through the 5 gallon bucket and we had five gallons of hot oil all over the floor 10 min before opening needless to say we opened an hour late!

Summer Rose (Grantaire)

I was a college student in nyc during hurricane sandy and my suitemates and I went out the day before to load up on essentials in preparation. First stop was the liquor store, for several handles of vodka and some mixers. On the way out, my friend carrying the vodka tripped and fell and they all shattered (the mixers were fine, thankfully). We only had enough money left for either food or replacement vodka, so obviously we went back in and got more vodka and then just lived off dollar pizza for days in the aftermath of the hurricane


This story is not about me but about my dog. Our coffee table is at the perfect height for is tail to wag and knock over all sorts of beverages. Since I let him on to the couch to cuddle he often hops down and is at perfect height to cause chaos. I have lost many cups, mugs, and wine glasses to the fate of my happy and excited dog. This has become such a common occurrence that he has earned the title Charile Von Danger Tail The Third.


I am a notorious #spill-gal and for Friendsgiving freshman year I volunteered to back cookies… in my dorm’s shitty shared kitchen. I had to include an insane amount of butter for to make like 4 dozen cookies so I thought I’d just melt it all and pour it as needed. I spilled probably a pound of butter all down the front of my hoodie and onto my slippers. I ran that oil stain through every imaginable laundry technique and eventually left it to run overnight as it was like 1am. Came back to the shared laundry room early in the morning and lo & behold someone had stolen my university hoodie. (the butter was a bitch to get out so 3 years later my friends and I still joke about keeping an eye out for a giant-ass oil stain every time we see someone wearing the same style hoodie wearing around campus.)


When tears of the kingdom came out I was so into the game that I accidentally elbowed a giant smoothie I had just made and the entire thing poured onto the carpet.


This is a reach for a spill story but it does involve water being where it shouldn’t be? This was over 10 years ago (so 11 years) and I realize that this is extremely dangerous. When I was 14, my friends and I would get water balloons and throw them at cars so that they landed on the windshield (such shitheads). We lived in a residential area in a city (grid blocks) and we would do this so cars would chase us and then we would climb fences, run through yards and hide etc. Anyways, it was my turn to throw a water balloon. It was the last one of the night, so everyone was kind of over it and not paying attention. Anyways I throw the water balloon, hear a big SMACK, and I yelled SCRAM! We all break out and run in different directions. My friend ended up getting caught and was being questioned by the guy who got out of his car and grabbed him. The driver was pissed because his buddy who was sitting shotgun had the window down, and the balloon flew in through the window and hit him in the face and broke his glasses. My friend managed to get the guy to let him go and we never got in trouble. Anyways I spilled water with a water balloon on a man’s face while he was in a car driving past.


Sitting as front passenger in my boyfriend's (now husband's) car, we had gotten fast food. I had gotten a large (32oz?), bright red fruit punch. Put the straw in, went to take my first sip, and was left holding only the top as the entire cup fell onto the TAN floorboard of his car..and submerged my feet in about an inch or so of icy cold fruit punch.


When I was 18 I worked at a McDonald's cafe that was separated by the entire seating area from the back area, so to get more milk we would have to carry between 9 & 11 bottles of milk in a milk crate across the entire store (so around 18-22 kilograms). One time I did this and a customer was waiting to order a coffee, and right as I hoisted it up to put it on top of the bench, I dropped the whole milk crate, splitting open at least 5 of the bottles open all over the floor. I then had to step through the pool of milk (because the drains were clogged and did not drain the milk) to take the order of the very impatient customer who informed me that me dropping the milk was very unprofessional of me, I made them a coffee, had to mop up all of the milk, and then do the whole process again because I didn't have enough milk for the day.


I was 19 working at Applebees. I’m just a hostess but I have a woman flag me down at a table. She said she hasn’t seen her server and she needs her drinks refilled. I’m like hey that’s easy I can do that. So I grab her new drinks and walk over and proceed to splash 4 tall cups of coke onto this woman’s lap. She’s pissed, I wasn’t allowed to do what I did. She tears a new hole into my manager Tim.


Freshmen year of high school I was out celebrating my birthday with my best friend and family. We were at Buffalo Wild Wings and I ordered a mtn dew, but what I was ended up getting a 7up instead on accident. I do not like 7up and I do not like conflict either so I didn't tell the waitress. However, minutes later I swiped my arm across the table and hit the 7up. It went everywhere. The worst part wasn't the spill. It was that my entire family and best friend thought I did it on purpose because I was mad I got the wrong soda and I wanted a new one. It was entirely on accident. After the poor waitress cleaned up my spill she asked what my drink was. I told her mtn dew and I eventually received the correct drink.


I was 19 working at a pretty fancy bistro. We brined our own turkeys for sandwich meat. The brine tubs were in the basement. The stove was upstairs. Instead of transferring the boiling hot brining liquid into a container for safety - I rushed down the stairs with a hot stock pot. Slipped on the 20 some stairs. Bounced on my ass all the way down. Spilling hot salty water all over. 1st degree burns and my pants were so covered in the brine they got stiff and could stand up by themselves. Safety first. But safety second makes for some good stories.


In my senior year of high school, a friend of mine spilled his full beer all over the tiny dog of the girl whose house we were at. It was one of his first times drinking, and he couldn’t remember much of anything the next day besides the dog being wet. Even though it was a total accident, we convinced our friend that he maliciously and purposefully doused this dog with corona light as some kind of sick joke and that the host of the party was super pissed at him. We let him in on it eventually, i think (?)


I am a notoriously clumsy person but this one takes the cake.I worked as a lifeguard at a swimming pool for four years. On the LAST DAY before the pool was closed because of Covid and I was eventually laid off I was sitting on the lifeguard stand. I leaned down to take a drink out of my water bottle when I accidentally knocked it over, no big deal. I rolled my eyes at being my clumsy self and went back to watching the pool. The last person left lap swim and so I stood up to get down from the lifeguard stand. I slipped on my spilled drink and went ass over tea kettle into the swimming pool. But nobody heard my splash or my fumbling as I climbed out of the pool. I so I made walk of shame in my squeaking shoes, drenched uniform, and makeup streaked face to my bosses office to get the official paperwork needed for my foolishness. He did a double take and never before have I seen someone laugh as hard as he did in my life when I explained how exactly I fell into the pool after nearly four years on the job. Especially because I had talked about my reoccurring nightmare that I had about falling into the pool… that morning!!! So that is the last memory that my much beloved coworkers have of working with me, my lasting legacy of nearly four years of passion and personal growth—my fool ass falling in the pool.


I would like to present my triple spill I was at my cousins 31st birthday party and there was like a really classy cute on the ground sorta japanese style table and a beautiful charcuterie spread and we were drinking this tequila punch and I went to put down a bowl of olives which caused a rube goldberg style domino effect of things falling over until my cousins best friends drink spilled directly into their plate, I was embarrassed but there was a spare plate so the food was salvaged though not my pride. later on we were finishing our drinks and my other cousin doesn’t drink so he asked me to chug his which i did without issue until the end when I went to take the final gulp and air entered my pipes and I coughed out my drink in a rainbow spittake right at the same girl who’s plate I had ruined my cousin later missed her cup completely when pouring her a drink and spilled punch right in her lap. the real kicker is it was an all white party :(


I worked at a grocery store in the salad bar, making veggie trays, salads, parfaits, and the like. I was on my own and trying to get everything wrapped up at the end of the day. I was carrying a huge container of loose powdered Parmesan cheese to the fridge and I tripped, spilling the parmesan all over the floor mats. They were those slip resistant rubber mats with dozens of holes. I stood there defeated, staring at the cheese filled holes for a moment, when I heard my manager (who hated everyone and was hated in return) standing on the office balcony right above me start to slow clap.... Bringing my spill to the attention of all the staff and customers in the vicinity 🤦🏼‍♀️... It took over 30 minutes past the end of my shift to clean up.