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Hey there fam, Jake here and we are looking for some Q's to A for a Hearthside chat record. Please post your Campaign Questions here along with some questions completely UNRELATED to the campaign and we will divvy them up!

Thank you!




Murph or any of the other DM's , are there any plot points in any of the campaigns that the heroes didnt explore that you were hoping they would? Any major plot shifts that had you rewrite certain parts of the campaign?


Fire genasi, water genasi, earth genasi, air genasi, what are some other kinds of genasi?


What is Calder's, Callie's and Sol's favorite dish or food?


If there was a blockbuster movie of campaign 3, who would you want to play your characters and NPCs?


It’s the first week of warm spring weather where I am and I’m seeing more animals already! Do Murph and Emily have any critter country updates? And for Jake and Caldwell, what’re your favorite spring outdoor activities?


What are your hopes and dreams for NADDPOD?


What species was albie? Did I miss it or was it never mentioned.

Rose Smith

DM Question: In my campaigns I have noticed that I tend to pull punches on PCs whose stories I've grown invested in, but not for PCs whose stories the PC seems uninterested in developing. My question do you think as a DM its okay to pull punches or let everyone suffer the cruel whims of the Dice. - Rose


Hey Jake, since you are quitting “if I were you” do you think you will have the time to finally appear on 8 bit book club?


Emily and Caldwell, what is it like to interact with Hardwon pretending like you don't know his whole story? Murph, how do the interactions with hardwon play with new audiences who just tuned in for this campaign? Jake, thanks for being a special guest on this hearthstone chat! Look forward to hearing from you in future episodes!


What's up 2 crew!! My sort of question is for each of you to pick one ingredient to make a soup with. Let's say we start with a vegetable stock base, now each of you picks one ingredient to add to the soup until we have a 4-ingredient soup. Finally, what's the name of the soup?


What is your favorite class you have or haven’t played? What’s your least favorite?


If you could have one person dead or alive be a guest on the podcast who would it be and what class do you think they would play?


What is your all time favorite (so far) court case?


There used the be a lot of guests in the campaigns but campaign 3 is 30 episodes in and there hasn't been one so far, is this a move towards trying to be more narritive focused or is it just harder to schedule now


Ciao! Would you rather cry oatmeal or sweat ketchup? Assume your body can handle the process (ie. nothing's getting ruptured here) but discomfort and such is still very much at play. Arrivederci!


Do you guys want to come on my stag do? We're getting an airdnd and playing one shots for a weekend! My one stipulation is Binky Fiasco must be in attendance. May 13th, Exeter UK. Be there or be... Not there.


not the most fun question lmao, but as someone planning to perhaps write an essay assignment abt some naddpod stuff, i wanted to at least try asking: in terms of crediting the podcast in a works cited page, what order would y’all prefer the order of names to be when listing creators?


What a the cardinal sins of dnd? My personal opinion is choosing the wrong stats for the class, going full dex with sorcerer, or full int warlock. You’re doing it wrong you’re not going to be able to use your class properly, and no one’s going to have fun


Have you guys seen sky high?!


How do you guys navigate meeting characters or talking about things from c1 that you as players know but the characters dont? It seems like improving that would be kinda hard


What are each of the blue crews skincare routines?


Will you guys sing the hemp milk song?


What is the name of hardwon's axe? Would he have named it after three years alone?


Would you consider doing a campaign, especially a major one, with a system besides dnd? Do you think such podcasts have the same chance at success/appeal given the popularity of dnd over other systems?

Jack Malizia

Who is the strongest character in the Roald Dahl universe? And who would you dress up as if you went to a Roald Dahl themed party?


Do you guys have plans to bring back video D&D Court videos? I have ADHD and the videos were really good for keeping me focused so I don't have rewind so i can pay attention and understand what was said like 30 times over. Thanks so much for everything you guys do, I've been a fan since day 1!!


Are you going to do a campaign or oneshot based on pathfinder?


Does the Ruby Dawn still exist in Campaign 3?


How often do funny phrases from the show carry over into your regular lives? For example, how often did you say ‘but this is ridiculous’ after that recording session?


for any and all of you: do you have a favorite set of dice? if so, what do they look like, what makes them fun to use, etc. !


hey all! if you were to give your real life selves dnd stats, what would they be? additionally, if you could have any one feat irl what would you choose?


Will we get another instalment of hot boy summer?


Will Jake ever DM?

M. Smalloak, PhD

Murph, how do you keep encounters creative for only 3 PCs? I'm a GM for a 3 PC game and I'm always struggling to raise the stakes when downing a PC can radically shift the tide of combat for the worse.


G’day! When y’all flew Down Under for the live shows did you get to try any Australian classics, such as the infamous Vegemite? Or any other Aussie delicacies! I heard Caldwell is a big fan of our Tim Tams! Love the show, thanks gang


How many other kids does Meemaw have and why was it assumed Moonshine would be her heir??


Q for Emma Stafford - Love your music! Which musical project were you most excited to compose? Any exciting plans coming up or desires to work on something?


How would you rank your major villains in terms of evilness, Thiala, Moxora and the Triplets?


Caldwell. Now that the Trinnyvale Triplets have been to Bahumia, is there ever a chance they make it to Kongo Bongo Island?


Hey Murph, did you ever watch this show? https://youtu.be/Hyb1S1YpftQ

Ben Wilcox

Jake/Murph! With Ultriss always trying to escape whenever Calder had to sleep, do you think Calder is trying to break out and reclaim his body when Ultriss decides to nap?


Jake, if not for the super hype return of Hardwon, what other characters would u have contemplated playing

Lexi Hurley

Emily - do you plan on releasing some of the C3 music any time soon? Even just on the patreon? I love it!!

Omar Mtz

Have you seen the D&D movie? If so, what did you like?


would your campaign have differed?


Caldwell, if Sol fully died in the fight against Glen, what class would you have played next?


How is Calder keeping himself busy?


Why haven't you called the new campaign Ba-two-mia yet?

Declane Gilhooley

With the game on hold, would you release a naddpod source book/ pdf?


Will we ever get a Bahumian cookbook?


Everyone - have you guys started brainstorming on ideas for Jake’s paternity leave? I know it puts a lot of pressure on guests, but I thought Lou’s performance/chemistry was amazing during Eldermourne.


Im sure this question gets asked a lot, but I think it just shows how intriguing the prospects could be: To Jake, do you think after years of being a player both in DnD and in real life, are you feeling more confident with the rules and general aspects of DnD that you may find yourself wanting to DM for the show at some point, and if so, do you have any potential eggs cooking for what kind of setting you would create? P.S. Congratulations on upcoming fatherhood!


Jake hugged a tree a while ago and said he felt connected and grounded, jake are you still hugging trees or doing other things to ground yourself? What about Emily, Caldwell, and pebblepot marty?


More of a suggestion than a question but have you considered having Chatgpt write a campaign and then running it for the Patreon or something? I think it would be hysterical


Hello Emily, Murph, Caldwell, and Jake. I am a relatively new DM and I am struggling to keep my players focused on roleplaying there characters and just roleplaying in General. I was wondering if you all had any tips on how to get my players more involved in roleplaying ? Thanks and love the show! It got me into DMing my first campaign!


Question for Jake: What is the smallest race you would be interested to play for a full campaign?


Question for Jake: What are your thoughts on playing a spellcasting class after playing with Calder for a bit? Holding out hope for an ‘oops all mages’ party one day! Love the return of 8BBG btw!


Question for Murph. Are you interested on doing a high level oneshot for the OG Band of boobs maybe it could even be shot as a flash back for Hardwon back to when they bested some high level Astral force or entity. Question for All. What fiction franchise (of any media including books, movies, recipes, sculptures, ect) would you consider to be amoung your favorites of all time?(sometimes its hard to pick 1 favorite so i left it open to multiple answers)


Question for Emily: Regarding the Mavrus timeline, does your head-cannon include any major differences from the Prime Bahumia timeline universe? Since we got see how Bahumia-Prime changed over time when Murph jumped ahead a few hundred years, do you think future-era Bahumia in the Mavrus timeline would be largely similar or drastically different? *Personally I'd love to see Emily run Spelljammer or the StarWars5e system in space-opera era Bahumia.


I have two campaign questions for everyone: 1. Episode 29 ended with the party wanting to keep Glenn "in custody" so that he wouldn't cause more trouble. However, in the beginning of episode 30 the party casts off Glenn so that he runs into the woods. Why did the party change their mind about what to do with Glenn? 2. Does Mee Maw and/ or the Crick know that Old Cobb passed away? How do you think they would react to hearing the news? If they do not know, do you think Hardwon would be treated differently after knowing how/why Old Cobb died? Thanks!


Id pay to see emily running a starwars5e campaign!!! (Ig i already am paying but u know what i mean)


What are your favorite bridges (both of a song and over a river)?

Hugh Mungus

Quick question for the crew to tickle your tastebuds and quench my curiosity... What are your all time favorite meals? I'm talkin death row, last meal, you can pick whatever you want... what's on the menu?


this has probably already been recorded but i figure it cant hurt to ask and see: for murph - your encounter designs on this podcast are continually so cool and dynamic, just wondering how you would feel about making encounters for battle maps? we the fans are aware youve had experience playing in them, but do you think it’d be the same level of difficulty/work to create these encounters as your theatre of the mind ones? how much do you think translates between making these two different kinds of encounters? and is that something you would have interest in doing for content, or do you prefer your theatre of the mind encounters?


Hello boobs! Is there any updates on the NADDPOD video game? 😊


Probably too late, but Murph, how much of C3 is based on or inspired by real world events/politics? The Mothership corporation sounds like a certain real world companies. Thanks!


Dearest Jake, Daddy Murphy, Thick Tanner and of course Ms. Callie Crits, please enlighten me. TGI Skydays... Do they cater and did Krugen havr it at the church from time to time? Door dash situation maybe?