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Dungeon Court is STILL in session! Join Justices Murphy, Tanner, Axford and The Most Interesting Man of the Year Jake Hurwitz as they continue to pass judgement on your trials at the table!

Dungeon Court Theme Song by Sam Weiller




Hardwon did become a Dracula like Ron Burgandy. Maybe Murph is deflecting.


I used to say the pet is in "the glass case of emotion" when I worked as a vet assistant and we had a plexiglass box we used to sedate cats and other small animals.


Ima Murph Stan, but Murph went to hard on Sex Panther. And I agree this once with Em Murph should be punished. Watch another bad movie for mixed bag and gaslight him about it being good.


There's a lot w the one DM who was apparently new in the second case that just felt weird. I get a lot of it bc I play older DnD but if this is the first time they've DMd and are playing 5e this seems weird. Like they've read too much online. Should totally just play B/X dnd


i love sex panther; they were so committed to playing! just because they had a silly name doesnt mean they cant be serious about playing the game! i imagine a very suave and sensual paladin in skimpy gold plate armor with black fur everywhere, who has risque signature moves ala jens' infinite cheeks of destiny; and another thing, how dare murph go off on sex panther so hard when they did NOTHING WRONG and jens could burlesque dance so good that ALL of his genitals are imperceivable! little finch behavior murph should be punished to act in the next b-list dnd movie


Obviously *I’m* not Emily but I don’t eat bananas either. I was complaining once about how acidic they are to a friend when I was having leg cramps and they were so confused and I said “You know, that banana mouth feel that stings.” This was how I found out in my late 20s I’m mildly allergic to bananas because of something called Oral Allergy Syndrome.

Jack Campau

Murph turning out to be the Clarence Thomas of DnD court was a turn I didn’t expect



Chloe Peifly

foolish of me to expect an answer about why emily doesn’t like bananas

Chloe Peifly

also hilarious how many anchor man/sex panther defenders in the comments lmao

Noah James Perito

Massachusetts is a commonwealth Jake you can’t practice in states


Is anyone else mad about how much murph hates anchorman?

Dr. Bearkele

Honestly, the name Sex Panther is a bit like Anchorman: it's funny at first, then it gets old, but after a while it might just get funny again.


To be fair, wasn’t Binky Fiasco supposed to be super well built and powerful?


I am also here to defend Sex Panther! I'll always get 100% more invested in my silly-on-the-surface characters named shit like Trashy Dickolas compared to some rube named Borgnar Bloodhammer. Murphy simply has bad taste in this one case!


I mean Anchorman is a fine movie, but tbh it makes me uncomfortable how people like Murph are sooooooo obsessed with it.

Cheese of the Lake

I don’t like bananas either, especially ripe bananas. They taste too…. banana-y. But I’ll begrudgingly eat a banana that has a touch of green, it tastes a little better. And the texture… the texture leaves me feeling as if I’m eating wet cotton.


Can’t wait for the mixed bag where the crew watches and comments on Anchorman for Emily’s first time


I'm playing through Tomb of Annihilation on Roll20 and I successfully recommended to our DM that we roll private death saves because it's meant to be a bit of a meat grinder and we already lifted the death save DC to 12, and it's for exactly the reason you suggested where it makes it more tense and prevents metagaming for healing.


Nah I can totally buy Sex Panther actually being totally serious and invested, I've seen tons of great characters where the name/concept is just a dumb pun or reference, but the character itself is played completely straight.

Benjamin Korynta

So does Emily hate bananas bc Chiquita destabilized a south American country to sell bananas

Michael Lawton

Ran Boston Marathon in 97. First half mile is just filled with runners running into the woods (no leaves) shitting! Blew my mind!!


there is prejudice against characters with goofy names in this court


To be fair, "Moonshine" and "Hardwon" (Hard one) could be viewed as joke names too


My friend built a Kenku Bard as a throwaway for a one shot named Boing Boing. That campaign ended up going on for almost 2 years.


Strong agreement Emily. I also don’t like bananas. Though my issue is more texture than taste related.

Dr. Bearkele

I wonder how an Anchorman themed DnD one-shot would go.

Dr. Bearkele

Also, do I have to piss myself next DnD session bc Jake said so? Because I will...

Adam Sutton

Caldwell’s “A little bit of a brag but okay” in regard to Emily claiming her pee doesn’t smell is the most underrated response. I died laughing.


I'm sure people aren't going to care, but something on the piss pants Merc story: In the book Red Platoon by Clinton Romesha, he entails the battle in which he got his Medal of Honor. While under fire, someone (can't remember off the top of my head) took a dump fully in an ammo box while simultaneously calling in air strikes on Taliban forces in the Korengal Valley while their base was under attack. Just a fun thing about battle and bathroom habits.


I just got a catalog from ULINE that has Ron Burgundy laying across the cover and says "our huge selection is kind of a big deal"


This was great! Can't believe my case got on! Note about Sex Panther: I was hesitant to ok the name because it felt kind of cringy, but this player was sooooo set on it and was the most excited of the group to play and it was the first character he had ever made. I adjusted during gameplay and would just call him Sex instead of the full name.

Matt Kilsby

Emily has such a wild list of movies she hasn't seen - have they ever talked about why? Does she just not like sitting down to watch full movies?


hi can someone pretty please tell me where to put submissions for court cases im new here


Usually there is a post a little before that they ask for court cases


Dang, my husbands DM is just like the only rogues dm. Dude clearly has a vision and a huge story he wants to tell, but is trying to force it through a dnd lens :/


In defense of Sex Panther, my absolute favorite and well rounded character to date is named Blippi Springstep, named after that dipshit annoying children's YouTube character. However, the similarities between my Blippi and the YouTube personality start and end exactly there. If Blippi died, I would be a broken man and maybe leave the campaign altogether.


Murph literally named a character cooter.

Martin Benson

This episode was worth the price of Patreon alone 😆


I assume the friend of the bitter player was just a ride or die mother fucker who was mad for their friend. Tbh sounds like a good friend to me

Sean Boyle

Murph just hates silly names in DnD for no reason. At no point did the DM say that Sex Panther was a problem player. Murph just decided that because he hates the name.