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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 30: Old Man on the Edge of Town. 



Steve Slatky

I love the new intro free 2023 intro

Steve Slatky

Oh my God congrats Jill and Trevor! Jake congrats on becoming a Nanny!


Shit, I hope my comment wasn't one of the ones Emily meant. I was disappointed that no one seemed interested in a Glen redemption arc, but I wasn't angry! Not everyone has to share my love of that trope.


I was also thinking about a Glen redemption arc! You’re not alone


Anyone catch themselves thinking ‘It must be weird for Hardwon having missed all this campaign 3 stuff..’ and completely forgetting that Jake has been here the whole time?


Big Bev was 1000% acting hot



A.E. Ross

here for big bev/callie


Didn't hard bean lost his arm in tomb of horrors? Or they just mend it up

Micah Edmonds

Congrats to Jake and Jill!!!


Will people be able to realize that it’s Hardone? I think it would be fun if hardone walked around in the black dragon mask because he doesn’t want to be recognized and seen that weak


Jake gave us a masterclass on how to start off the 2nd novel of a characters story. It was so fresh and new, but still felt SO satisfying to have him back. Jake just knows this character inside and out, I was laughing and crying all at the same time just to have him back again lol. cant talk enough about perfect this episode was


Also Emily I am hugging u 😭 everytime I hear how people say the most out of pocket shit at u for no reason I am dumbfounded but unfortunately not surprised...... Sending strength and love on behalf of the girls and the gays

Maxwell Haranda

Hardwon coming back feels like Ol' Cob


Congrats Tucker!


congrats jake!! i really love hearing you guys talk about your characters’ new trait and why you guys chose them


There’s a really interesting Homebrew class called The Mentor, that would have been perfect with Hardwon’s reintro Deleveling will probably be more true to Hardwons character, but it would have been an interesting turn for him I think! So excited for what the future holds!


Can the episode where Hardwon and Calder meet PLEASE be called Maxims and Molsons?

Dr. Bearkele

I literally started to cry when Hardwon was introduced, and then had to check in with myself on my emotional levels 😅

Thomas Hegarty

Congrats to Jill and Jake!!!! So happy for you!!!


congratulations jake!!!


Congrats Jill and Jake!!


Monks are my favorite class and Long Death is my fav link subclass! Very excited for Sol/Caldwell! Also congrats Jake and Jill!


It would be awesome if Calder becomes a Rune Knight with the giant runes after being stuck with Ultros so long

Scarlett B

Emily could take the Interception fighting style from Tasha's instead of Defence; it works like Protection but you subtract damage instead of imposing disadvantage and you can use it with a martial weapon or a shield.




I had a tiny part of me thinking Jake would've played an adult version of Tread being embarrassed at all his spells being emo acoustic lyrics


If the time dilation from the feywild is the same as campaign one, then to the feywild the band of boobs defeated Thiala like 73,000 years ago.


Also is Tucker letting Jake be god father or…?


I’m not crying you’re crying


Maybe a little odd but i was cleaning out my old room while listening and grabbed the only model plane i ever owned, an F-1 tomcat, from the back of a dusty closet at the literal exact moment caldwell started talking about an F-1 tomcat


I know yal probably wont see this but the dice you sent out for merch ARE SO SICK!!!

Terran Benedict

Congratulations Jake and Jill and Tucker!


Quick question did Murph know Cooter was southern slang for vagina when he named him?




Congrats Tucker!!


The next person who slanders Emily Axford is on my list. Absolutely not on my watch. She’s single-handedly changed the way I look at this game and I owe the smart (and smart-to- only-me) choices I make to her. Disagreeing is one thing (acceptable and, often, encouraged), slandering or bullying is another (and I will not stand for it). That being said, i can’t wait for the next arc in this series!! It’s going to be SO good! ❤️❤️❤️

Omar Mtz

Congratulations Jake and Jill!!! And Tucker!!!!


Emily don’t listen the misogynists people always trying to put you down. You are great and keep going!

Piping Plover

Ah fuck, I wish I was funny

Jenna H

Emily is the best 😤


Emily is my inspiration as a DnD player, I try to be like her when I play. She's simply the GOAT.


Hardwon coming back and still somehow being low status while being high status works so well for his character.


I for sure thought Jake was gonna play as one of the hot boys, but grown up.


oh my god, has jake announced Jill’s pregnancy anywhere else? this is the first time I heard it


I like how hardwon channeled his mom when breaking up sol and penople's wrestling antics, like she did in the shadowfell with moonshine and hardwon in campaign one.



Sean (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-10 22:17:58 De leveling down to 9 seems wrong and hard to believe. I get it, but were talking about a demi god level in his in his middle aged "40s" only 3 years out of adventuring seems silly that he'd be down at the level of cali and the frogl. Its really hard to believe
2023-06-10 20:11:36 De leveling hardwon to level 9 is way to hard to envision. I get it, but it doesn't add up talking about a demi god equivalent person in his in his middle aged "40s" only 3 years out of adventuring seems silly that he'd be down at the fighting level of cali and the frog. But I guess its a hard thing to implement. Its tarnishing hardwons legacy imo.

De leveling hardwon to level 9 is way to hard to envision. I get it, but it doesn't add up talking about a demi god equivalent person in his in his middle aged "40s" only 3 years out of adventuring seems silly that he'd be down at the fighting level of cali and the frog. But I guess its a hard thing to implement. Its tarnishing hardwons legacy imo.


i am part of the crowd that doesnt know what a maxum? is


It wasn't until listening to this that I realized that Hardwon in the Stormborn has big Han Solo in TFA vibes. Like that ship was his father's, it was old even back in C1 😂


To the people complaining about the death of Hot Glen: the reason Glen stopped being hot is because his authentic self—a sniveling, egomaniacal, loser—started overshadowing his sexy swimmer's body. Hotness isn't solely determined by physical appearance. A 10/10 body plus a -10/0 personality makes you infinitely unattractive.


It’s been 200 years on the material plane - so hasn’t it been thousands or tens of thousands of years in the fae wild?


iirc, Murph said in campaign 1 that the flow of time in the feywild isn't always the ratio it was when the boobs were there. I think he said sometimes it can be the opposite. I could be totally wrong though but I think he said it on the episode when they first find out about the time difference.