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Hear ye, hear ye! Join the Supreme Crit Justices and the Lowly Bailiff as they try cases from their first ever open court session. We cover murderous horses, murdered Gnomes, and of course, we take a romantic trip to the Holy Chapel of Dice Christ.




I once witnessed several warm hot dogs launched from a t shirt gun during Punxsutawney's Groundhog Day celebration- can confirm there was no beef juice


This sounded so fucking fun, I'm so sad I wasn't there for it. From what I could tell all of you judges got croissanted! Such a great podcast guys. Keep doing what you are doing!


I had SUCH a fun time with my DM at the show! Even and despite the AWFUL drive back to NH in the snowstorm! Definitely got stranded at my DM's house on monday


What happened at the very end? Something about absolving everyone, then the crowd went wild. Thought some guess came out on stage or something but I couldn’t pick up on any context clues to figure out why the crowd was going nuts. Anyone know?


Of course a counting horse can't be counted on


I wanted to go to this so badly :( But thank you for posting!


A croissanting. You can hear Jake eating at the end while talking haha


The best part about this is that the judges can ask questions and get clarity


I demand photo or video of the croissanting


I increased my subscription level just for this. Amazing work y’all


The Wilbur is one of my fav venues of all time, granted only ever been their as a patron not a performer, but this episode has the energy of every show i have seen there. Just top tier episode gang, had to constantly pause so i would not miss the next bit


Hey Gang, just want to give a big shout-out to Jake, who literally almost killed a man with a bit. I had taken a swig of a vanilla latte while listening on a long drive and Jake says "that's my favorite part of the King Kong film... when he eats the giant banana" I inhaled SO MUCH latte while going 80mph on the freeway. I couldn't take a breath for what felt like 10 minutes, and my car is pretty much covered in lung-infused latte. I just hope this is some sort of comedic milestone for our boy Jake, you did it bud. I'm so glad I didn't actually die, just because it would be such an embarrassing obituary, 'killed by basic bitch coffee and a podcast.'


I'd Have enjoyed this more if I read the Packet XD

Rotem Cohen

I loved this so much would have loved to be there. Gonna see you in November!