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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 26: Big Bev. 



Mae B

We had a Larry and a Little Larry in our family. Little Larry was called that into his late 40s

Mary Colligan

Jake!!!! I don’t burp all my carbonation up either and so I’ve never been able to drink beer or anything without all that chest pain! I can burp regularly but can’t burp after drinking carbonation. Everyone thinks I’m crazy but it’s 34 years of this shit! I thought I was alone!


I have 1uncle johns 1 cousin John and my dads name is John! I also have two mikes and 2 aunt Angie’s! We talk about then by going “cousin John” or “aunt Angie” instead of my aunty Angie


I tuned out for half a second and now they’re aligning types of jerking off how did we get here

Sawyer Bernard

Bro I’m 13 and burp and feel pain when need to poop some time


I’m late to this, just catching up on episodes and I learned how to burp when I was 18 at Thanksgiving. My mom said I struggled as a baby instead of burping I would just cry and then spit up. Crazy how many people out there don’t know how to burp!


Absolutely wild that Jake has never had a stomach ache- from chronic stomach ache haver


Finally someone who has gone through the weirdly specific problem I’ve had, not being able to burp is rough.


I also was unable to burp until a few years ago! Was rough and the chest pains were awful


Anyone else disappointed there wasn't a clip of Jake's ribbits?


Speaking as a fellow 37 year old who has chronic stomach aches, fuck off.


I think I'm in the minority, but I wish this ep had more dnd talk


I know I'm months behind, but wanted to shine some light on the burp issue and medical advice! If you go see a speech therapist who specializes in vocal strengthening, similar to what Emily was theorizing, you can be given exercises to improve your "throat sphincter" as you called it. My throat muscles were not working properly and I was overcompensating using my shoulder muscles and my doctor was able to help me learn to use my vocal chords correctly. Once I started working on improving my vocal chords, I could not STOP burping! Related to this, I also had thr silent type of heartburn which contributed to this issue. Long and short of it, you aren't alone and I wish you many good burps!!


JAKE all of my uncles are named Chris!!


Another one for the sign. In This House We Believe Anime IS Science!


Anime is science.


I CAN’T BURP except it’s surprised me about four times in my adult life lmao

Melissa 'Mj' Fordos

Ok so, my mum has 2 bothers, called Peter and John. My uncle Pete (coincidentally is over 6 foot tall and used to play Rugby) named his son Pete, so we have big Pete and little Pete! It gets better; my dad is called Pete too, but he gets nicknamed Pedro, it's rather amusing having all three in the same room 😅


this has been my favorite short test ever, and as someone who has listened to every short rest, that’s saying something


As an adult uncle Johnny, I appreciated the John convo


Can we please mixed bag that is jakes medical history. The world must know

Kaileigh Rose

I have a friend who literally cannot burp. This is a thing! Hahahahaha

Kaileigh Rose

I'm LOSING MY MIND my friend was literally telling me about this burp reddit and doctor in Chicago and everything. Hahahahah


As a Greek, there are so many repeated names. We can usually differentiate with, like, “John Jones!” And “John James!” Or “Uncle John!”