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Dungeon Court is STILL in session! Justices Murphy, Tanner and Iyengar, as well as the Beneficent Bailiff Axford reconvene in the Headgum Studio to bring you EVEN MORE trials at the table.

Dungeon Court Theme Song by Sam Weiller - https://twitter.com/SamIAmpersand



Ilana Galpert

it would have felt weird to "um actually" my own death though


I was jumping up and down aboit Caldwell hating on Blippy oh my god. I taught preschool for a few years and Blippy is the WORST. I’ve never been able to commiserate about that with anyone. 😅


Oof the pregnant bard is controversial… in the lie, the bard “knew” she was pregnant, so the ghost was actively checking….


Hearing the heroes feast story made me so happy for that lizard chef and then so mad that their friends would object to that!

Lindsay B

Je suis Jerry 🫡


Dr. Momma Jones (board certified OBGYN) actually watches episodes of "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant" monthly on her YouTube channel. Highly educational and entertaining videos. Also, if you're ever in doubt, just go take a pregnancy test, ya'll. The $0.88 ones are just as accurate and readily available.

Dylan Irish

“You’re gunna defend this fucking Blippi??” 😂😂 I love Caldwell for this.


The only reason I know about Blippi was my friend talking about this article on FaceBook: Kids YouTube Star Blippi “Regrets” The Viral Video In Which He Poops All Over His Friend Boy being in your 30s is fun!


I know I’m a few days late on this but I want to be clear: if this is now a pro-Blippi podcast I’m cancelling my patreon sub. We can not equivocate on Blippi. Blippi is bad.


Wait, so we're anti-Jerry but pro-minion? This court's all over the place


I'm surprised how painful it was to hear so much defense for letting someone play a minion. Just. Absolutely not. 😂Y'all admitted to not having seen the minion movies and you don't sound like you're aware of the minion discourse over the movies and ahorts. She also mentioned that the Mom liked the minion memes, which are like antivax vegan Facebook memes. I absolutely couldn't handle it 😂. I think their solution of having minion-like traits was completely the right move, not only in avoiding annoying minion antics, but also allowing the Mom to make her own character and not get stuck in a personality box. I would not enjoy playing in a campaign with a minion; it's sort of like playing with a low intelligence child character who constantly wanders off and acts like an imp, ignoring all strategy and incapable of stealth. You mention having them give the help action, but they truly wouldn't be helpful. Having minion like characters would be great, but minions as-are definitely wouldn't be.