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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 21: Glen. 




wow it was 1:09pm when i listened to the intro xD


Frozen toothpick, aka a Wart Freezing Wand 😂

Millie Marrai

Is Glen Deadeye's bastard son?


I hit the gym everyday and eat a crazy diet so I can achieve Brian's ideal male physique as revealed at 9:25 😂




This sode was thick as fuck


👁️👄👁️ not the scramble man himself!!!!! That would indeed be quite the twist!

Donovan Phillips

Oh my god I also cracked up in the theater when Johnny Depp appeared bc I kept imagining all the wizards being like "holy shit is that Johnny depp?"

Branson White

If Jake is still looking for good history books he should read “under the black flag”. It’s all about the golden age of pirates in the Caribbean

Nick Powell

My kids (5, 3) always ask about what it was like when they were babies, that's definitely a universal experience. Recently my daughters also ask what its going to be like when they're 100, so painting fantastic pictures of the future to disappoint them when they become adults has been a real blast these past few months!


My Dad used to get me to close my eyes and he’d verbally walk me through the house when I couldn’t sleep


For some reason I cannot picture the serpent as anything else but an 8-foot silver worm-on-a-string shape