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Hatchlings! The Tortles will be convening soon and we're looking for players and DMs to pitch Homebrew rules and creations for us to invest our eggs in.

Please comment with your ideas here on this post. As always, to be as succinct as possible.

Thank you!




Hey there Tortle Wizards, Have you ever battled a BBEG spellcaster thats has higher level spells than you? You try to counterspell but you still have to roll for it! No reason to upcast you still have to roll 10 + spells level to beat it. ie DC 19 against Power Word Kill. My idea is for every level spell slot you use above 3rd level takes the DC down by 1. Ie using a 6th level spell slot for counter spell will take DC for PWK to a 16.


Variatable upcasting, when you cast a spell using a higher lvl spell slot that would increase the damage output you can instead use the base lvl damage but increase the range by 10ft per lvl . For example fireball lvl 5 still does 8d6 but has a range of 170ft and is a 40 ft Sphere I ask for but a single egg from the weakest tortle in the tank.

Katie P.

Shell met, Tortles. I would like to present to you my favorite homebrew weapon: I allowed my player to name it "Shattered Teefs". The item is an ancient elven longsword that was broken in ages past. It's original name is long forgotten but through the years it gained sentience and a sense of Devotion. I don't really do alignments, but for morally upright characters this attuned sword will form an attachment, and if the player has all of its shards along with the hilt, the sword will reform though still be visibly broken. It acts as a +2 longsword and as a bonus action a wielder can send one of its shards as a +2 thrown dagger attack. As an action the wielder can send all 5 shards as a barrage of daggers either at 5 different targets or at 1 target for 5d4+10 damage. I would like one tortle egg that's just about to hatch please


I love this because it's not mechanically good in most situations except for those situations where it's fucking incredible in, which is a sign of a good mechanic


Hope I'm not too late; I'm slow like a lil tortle. Shell met, Torts. Presenting the Card of Melaxias: the anwer to all your party's costly component issues. This magical business card is stamped with the symbol of Mammon, D&D's Archduke of Greed. Offering a prick of blood on the surface of the card will cause it to serve as an interdimensional market stand for a devilish merchant, whom I have named Melaxias as a placeholder. For 10 minutes, Melaxias will sell material components for costly spells at a steep upcharge rate of 25%. The text on the other end of this card explains in no uncertain terms that this rate is non-negotiable, and explains that if a user of this card attempts to bargain with Melaxias in any way, he will cancel any incomplete transactions, close the connection and destroy the card. A generous gift for players who don't want to go out of their way to gather a golden effigy or a really specific gem-encrusted reliquary, but a stern reminder that convenience can be costly. For this item I seek sixteen eggs, one for each of the Outer Planes, that I may hatch and raise a family of otherwoldly turtles.


Hello Tortles and Jim Here are two rules that we use! Sprint is you can quadruple your move speed if you move in a straight line, it also takes up your whole turn. So if you have 30 feet of movement you’d be able to move 120 feet in one turn. Crunchy crit maxes out your weapon damage dice in addition to your normal damage roll. For example of a short sword does 1d6+2 damage normally with a crunchy crit it would be 1d6+2+6 I am asking for Jim’s eggs in my basket

Aaron Aposhian

Shello and well-met, esteemed Tortles. I lay prostrate before your grandiose heap of succulent yet leathery eggs. I am running a very potion centric campaign, similarly to the current campaign in Bahumia. It is a pastel colored gothic sci fi world where there is a dominant gnomish alchemical corporation which mass produces low quality (yet delicious) potions. However, in a potion centric campaign, the stakes of death are often diminished when the players perpetually have access to life saving potions. Introducing: FLASK BLAST, a potion/energy drink that is far cheaper (and tastier) than your standard artisan-made potion. However, it comes with the caveat that it cannot restore health to an unconscious creature. Quantity over quality. Flask Blast also comes in different flavors equivalent to higher powered healing potions, such as “Flask Blast Citrus Smash”, and “Flask Blast-OFF!” Get yours today at your nearest Fitz & Flask fantasy vending machine! Tortles, for 50% of the mass produced homebrewed potions i ask only for a measly 50 of your glistening and supple eggs. Thank you for your time.


Shellutations to the Triturtliate of Amphiblance and the tart tort, I bring for your tortulations a beta tested home rule which I have run for over a year already: critical failures on Nat 1 in combat. Upon rolling a natural 1 the attacker deals damage to one of their allies or to themselves if no allies are present. We expanded this with a miscast rule where before every damaging roll the spell caster rolls a 1d20 to see if they’ll get a 1 or not. Over the campaign this brought more light of Dice Christ upon my party’s misadventures by our fighter accidentally decapitating our warlock in the first session and the big bad Red Wizard who the party was hunting miscasting on a high level disintegrate and vaporizing himself on his first turn. I am willing to sell rights to the chaotic joy of this rule for a single chortle.


I'm so glad to be here😭😭😭 I bow so deeply before all of you distinguished tortles


Hello Tortles, I have commandeered this flesh being to speak to you directly to establish a mutually beneficial financial arrangement and advance my own nefarious objectives. I desire eggs to hold in a menacing, albeit respectful way. I come to you with the Shadow’s Thief, a rare magical dagger requiring attunement. It is a slightly curved blade with a black Damascus steel-like texture that shifts as a shadow would. While attuned to the weapon, the dagger can hold 1 magical charge, which can be used to cast the darkness spell initially centred on the blade. When cast in this way, the darkness lasts one minute, requires concentration, and you can see through it’s magical darkness but not beyond it while within it. However, the trick is that the weapon does not naturally generate it’s magical charge, and instead must be taken from the world. While standing in dim light or darkness, you may activate the blade with an action to steal the darkness from it. In it’s place, a permanent 15 ft sphere of stagnant light, similar to a moonlit glade or the pale light before dawn returns. This sphere cannot be illuminated further, the light does not illuminate beyond the 15 ft sphere and no shadows are created by the light. Further, it is not affected by magical darkness or the absence of a source of light. I await your decision tortles.


Hello Tortles and Donatello, or Jake. Please correct me, I get those two confused all the time. Lets get drunk and see ghosts! I bring to you the Brew of the Forgotten Spirits, which is the brew of choice for a monastery of drunken master monks in my game. Each flask of brew contains enough of that good juice for 3 uses, which can be restocked with a DC 15 check from a creature proficient with brewing supplies during a long rest. A creature may drink from the flask with an action and must make a successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. Pass or fail, the user is able to see entities native to the ethereal plane as brightly coloured and illuminated silhouettes for one hour. This normally takes the form of whatever beasts would normally be found in the local area many years in the past. (think about those fish in the desert in that one Love Death and Robots episode) Additionally, while under the effects of the brew, you gain the eldritch blast cantrip using your CON modifier as your spellcasting modifier. You may also cast the blink spell once per imbibe. Finally, when 5 or more creatures within 15 feet of each other are affected by the Brew of the Forgotten Spirits, they may ritually cast Speak with the Dead, targeting the ethereal creatures. They are insightful, wise and hold knowledge that is beyond the minds of mortals. If a creature that is poisoned by the brew attempts to join the ritual casting, they will have to succeed on a DC 8 Charisma save. On failure, the creature’s HP falls to zero and their soul is stolen by the ethereal creatures. Other characters may rescue the soul by appeasing the ethereal creatures, but is otherwise lost forever after the spell ends. I will take 500 eggs for a 25% investment in my new brewing business that is totally not run by dead animal spirits.


We do a fun crit rule where its automatically max damage + another attack die! it sucks when you crit and you roll a freaking 1 on damage so we do this instead!! the best feeling ever!!


Hey I got idea from tiktok everyone gets a nerf gun and during any point the can yell sneak attack if they hit the dm they get a bat 20 but if you miss they get bro give you a nat 1