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Dungeon Court is STILL in session! Justices Murphy, Axford, Tanner, as well as the   freshly renamed Bailiff Jon reconvene to bring you EVEN MORE trials at the table.




the way caldwell just so casually dropped “they laughed at jesus because he was right” had me dying 😭


A few guesses as to why Monk is incompatible with sneak attack: 1) Monks have the most potential attacks/turn early on (extra attack and 2 unarmed strikes with flurry of blows) so they'd have a lot more opportunities to do the sneak attack damage, whereas a usual rogue might miss on their main attack or offhand bonus action. They may have wanted to avoid assuring the sneak attack hitting. 2) It might be just to avoid being able to assassinate people incredibly effectively with no weapons, that'd be tough for dms trying to run high-intrigue campaigns.


RAW sneak attack is thankfully only once per turn so it doesn't factor in with multiple attacks (either as Rogue or having Level 5 martial Extra Attack)

Blue Bee

I would rule in favor of the monk/rogue player because multiclassing into monk has now locked them out of wearing armor forever if they want to punch with dex, plus they used a feat to get the unarmed fighting style instead of 1 level of fighter or something so their stats are going to lag from that. I would give them any help they needed at that point to facilitate their character with how squishy they would be as a melee fighter with monk ac and d8 hit dice.


Rachel dies in All Dogs Go to Heaven

Jordan Clement

Addicted to the YouTube vids, tho


No spoilers warnings wtf Murph


Thank you for not sentencing me to the shit fountain 💕 can’t believe you read my case! Love you guys, even you John 😉


People around Jesus be like: "Look how correct this guy is! It's hilarious!"


Love that murph is rating boyfriends 10/10


Tsk tsk mr tanner. Anyone ever play jade empire? The white demon fighting style is one punch to take someone out that's obviously strength, but thousand cuts style is hitting someone a ton of little times to hit as many pressure points as possible (the definition of dexterity) which makes fists (if you are trained... Like a monk) finesse


In call of Cthulhu magic makes you mad because there you are an average Joe thrust into a magical horror world... Like this campaign and it's a lot of fun to have that extra threat and to see how the dm changes the world for you as you go mad. But Cthulhu has options other than magic that a DND spellcaster doesn't have. Here's what I'd rule as the dm. Start with playing with madness (allies also roll when you're magic affects them so it's more fair). If it's fun add in a mechanic to use an action to center yourself and role for sanity instead of madness. If it's not fun make it so that the character gets used to magic and the accumulated madness goes away as their brain adapts


Some DM’s are monsters


For me the monk/rogue thing is fine because monk unarmed strike at first level is a d4, so it’s basically the same as getting a sneak attack on a dagger, and you only get sneak attack once per turn so it doesn’t seem broken to me. If you took enough monk levels to deal let’s say 1d8 per unarmed strike plus sneak attack on top of that, that could get a little broken, but I don’t know off the top of my head how many monk levels that would be, and this person sounds like they only took one level of monk so you wouldn’t even have ki at that point. If I was their DM I’d be fine with it.