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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 17: The Green Lord. 




When I lived in New York City, I got hit by a cab while I was biking home and got thrown under a semi truck. I somehow only broke my hand, but my helmet definitely prevented much worse injury!! Wear a helmet kids!!! Shout out to that truck driver tho who stopped when he heard something (me) slam into his truck and didn’t run me over lol . ((This is my first comment as I’ve been working my way through from the beginning, I know this is literally a year old, but had to comment on the helmet discussion.))


Hey Emily, you could keep the protection paladin and use the ice dagger. Popular in the earlier Renaissance, many swordsman used a parrying dagger. These weapons were used as off-hand weapons in conjunction with a single-handed sword such as a rapier. They were made to defend against other swordsmen if they got too close, and parry their blows. So you could keep the shield and flavor it as the ice dagger.


It would also be cool to protect Calder with the same dagger that he made you.


As a DM, I love Calder’s helm. It’s such a fun way to do a cursed magic item and I will for sure be using the same structure for a cursed sword in my next game. Thank you for the idea Murph! My favorite magic item in all of Naddpod

Sam Johnston

The helm of Ultris is legit the coolest cursed item I've ever encountered. It's so well designed to actually be interesting and a legit give and take item that wont just get shoved in a bag to be destroyed at a later date. I also love that it gives us another fun NPC for you guys to riff with. Way to go Murph!


The Oberon lore is so cool, and such fun timing for me personally because I'm playing Puck in a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream right now. I just love this Late-Bahumia setting so much!


Just wanna say bards have access to revivify now (although yeah I don’t think it’s as fun as picking other things even within bard spells known)

Jamie Matthews

I just started a new job at my local library and listened to the entire restricted section fight on my way into work! It was such a fun way to set the mood for the day! I love all the library shenanigans through all three seasons ❤️

Jamie Matthews

Also, my pawpaw pin is front and center on my lanyard and the kids love him

Lil Drummer Boy

I apologize if this has been answered already as I'm still on c1 when they started doing short rests. Where can I find band of boobs short rests?

Lil Drummer Boy

Oh wait nvm. They just didn't show up in the search bar for some reason. Had to scroll all the way to the bottom lol

Brandon Wiens



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Millie Marrai

Murph over here giving Calder a Liliana of the Veil, and Emily is suggesting it be an Oko ;) Loved the episode!


Hoard in this case is spelled “whored”