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For ages it was prophesied: a live show in the land of Jalapeños, where margaritas and mirth flow freely. And now, at long last, the THE DREAM IS MADE REAL. On  December 4th, NaddPod will be performing at District Live in Savannah, Georgia! 

Tickets are available now!To get your ticket, visit this link and use the Artist Presale Code "PawPaw" at checkout.

See you in Savannah! (And almost certainly Jalapeños as well)

The 2 Crew 

UPDATE: Looks like Artist Presale is sold out! General Public tickets go on sale Friday at 10 am EDT! 

UPDATE 2: Looks like tickets are nearly sold out! Fortunately, we also have an Atlanta show planned for the day before! Details and ticket link will be announced as soon as possible! 


Maxwell Cornwell

or is there anyway to stop the Ticketmaster super gouged tickets? i love you guys but $150+ is ridiculous


We're definitely not fans of this system, and are looking into whether it's possible to turn it off! Thanks for your patience! ~Caldwell

Sarah Trimble-Tutor

Than God! I was so worried you guys might do it last year while I was pregnant. We may hit up the Atlanta show.


So is there a definitive Jalapeños location? Lol

Adrian Vance

Pls do another GA show with a bigger venue 💀💀💀 I’m begging I can’t afford a 150+ ticket


Hey guys! If anyone needs to unload their Savannah tickets in favor of the ATL show, let me know!


I've been looking forward to going to this show since the gang started joking about Jalapeno's forever ago... Really disappointed it rolled out like this. Love the show, love the gang, but damn this was a big let down.


Not sure how to message on Patreon but if I can snag an ATL ticket then yes!


Come to Huntsville, AL! The Von Braun Center is a great venue!


Haha apparently I don't know how either! Maybe you can't? No idea. But I guess if you grab one just reply here, I don't mind sharing my email. Thanks for the response!


I know my state is a steaming hot mess but… have y’all considered coming to Florida? We have super cool reptiles and amphibians. I know how you are about cold blooded critters. 🦎🐸🐊


Will do! Do you want to go ahead and send me your email so I don’t lose this thread and forget?


PLEEEEEASE I'm so much closer to Atlanta and I've been regretting not seeing your last show there immensely. Definitely booking the ticket immediately


Question. Does the live show require one to be caught up on everything? I'm like halfway through the first campaign.


If anybody is going to swap to ATL and wants to sell me a Savannah ticket, let me know!


nope, not usually!! sometimes i think they might make callbacks to things that have happened in the campaign, but i think you're safe to go into it knowing the main jist of the story. they're also all usually self contained, so the one i went to was on a totally new island


Come to Missoula MT!