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Hello NADDPOLES! We're relaunching the concept previously known as Owlbear Cave as "Tortle Tank" and we're looking for players and DMs to pitch Homebrew rules and creations for us to invest in.

Please comment with your pitch here on this post. Try to be as succinct as possible so we can get to as many as we can! Let's hope your Homebrew works for our eggs. Yes we still have eggs.

Also we will be joined by special guest Jasper William Cartwright of Three Black Halflings! Hell yeah.





Wassup oh great turtles, I bring before you and idea sure to reap all the profits, I call it executioning damage: Basically it is a form of damage that only works if it were to kill an enemy, for example if a target had 20 HP and you did 10 normal damage and 10 executioning damage you would kill the target, however if the foe had 21 HP then you would only do the measly 10 damage. Some magical items might have this damage type as a special finishing ability, like if you crit you get to roll double damage along with double executioning damage leading to some insane finishers attacks. All I ask from you turtles is 1 egg preferably hard boiled but scrambled will do. Thanks


I don't know what Tortle Tank is, but I have a homebrew booze table I enjoy. I run my games with Stamina HP, so HP represents the amount of energy and control characters have during a fight, with zero representing a successfully landed strike. In this way, they aren't shrugging of multiple stab wounds with a single night's sleep. It also means that alcohol can sensibly function as potions, and as we all know from the mean drunk we know, verses the sleepy drunk we know, different boozes effect us differently. So the first time anyone in my game drinks a new alcohol, (wine, beer, rum, etc) they roll 1d8 to see how it effects them. 1 Violent - Intimidation & attack perks, but short fuse RP. 2 Sleepy - Modified sleep potion mechanics. 3 Sick - Poison damage. 4 Stupid - Extra Intelligence and Wisdom penalties 5 Amorous - Love potion mechanics 6 Durable - Healing potion mechanics (stamina HP) 7 Confident - Charisma bonuses and fear buffs. 8 Warmth - Cold resistances. All effects requires constitution fails (which you can choose to fail) and effects increase with drunkeness. Every alcohol grants Constitution boosts and Intelligence/Wisdom penalties, higher levels cause exhaustion and eventually blackout; an immediate long rest, requiring a history checks to remember what happened in the last 12 hours. Eventually there are always constitution roles for hangovers. I'm considering asking everyone to roll a luck check to avoid cholera if they drink water, but I think I'd rather boozy shenanigans stay optional.


Waffle man


Hey Tortles, thank you for your time...I will keep this brief. I bring to you for your consideration, the "Panic Action". It is guaranteed to speed up game play and decision making for many players. Although this may be something that does not affect you prefessional TTRPG folk, for many of the rest of us, watching players hem and haw for 5 minutes deciding what spell to cast, or whether or not to use an ability is mind numbing. So, at the start of each session, each player decides on a character specific panic action, ie: attack nearest enemy, heal most injured party member, cast fireball, piss their pants and run, you get the idea. Now, when the DM says "what do you do?" they start a count down clock, we use 60 seconds (which is enough time for most people), and if you haven't said what you're doing in that 60 seconds, your character panics for that round, and does whatever their panic action is...even if it makes NO sense. Panic actions can happen in or out of combat, so depending on your chosen panic action, the results can be pretty damn funny. Now, I'd love to capitalize on this idea, however, it is not mine, BUT, after 40 years of friendship and D&D, my DM still refuses to listen to NADDPOD, no matter how easy I make it for them, so, it's free for the taking, no eggs needed! Anyone who won't even give y'all a chance deserves to have their ideas taken by the lowest bidder. Cheers all, see you in Vancouver!


Good tidings my Torts! My proposal for you today is to make Zone of Truth more spicy (do Tortles enjoy spicy foods?) RAW the person who casts Zone of Truth automatically knows who passed and who failed their saving throws. A creature that passes the saving throw is universally distrusted of course. Meanwhile a creature who failed cannot speak a lie, which leaves the person in the hot seat (usually the DM) in the difficult spot of having to either speak in a roundabout way to mislead but not lie outright, which a table of 6 people will see through right away, or be silent. Instead I propose we make the hot seat HOT...literally. First we remove the saving throw and everyone is affected while in the zone. When a creature utters a lie inside of the zone, they take radiant damage equal to the modifier of the spell caster--minimum of 1 (e.g. a Paladin with a +5 CHA would inflict 5 damage the first time). Each subsequent time they tell a lie, the damage doubles. Characters can make insight checks when they think that a creature is lying to them; each time they do, said creature will make a deception check (roll regardless if it was truth or fiction to keep the bluff up). The creature that cast the spell has advantage on Insight checks while in the zone. The investment I'm seeking for this idea is your hottest egg (temperature-wise or aesthetically, your choice).


Hello Torts and Turdises, I come to you today looking for an investment of two eggs, over-easy, every Sunday, for my Coat Jacket of Accounting. I originally created the coat for a worm businessman NPC named Slugworth (via willy wonka) who llives in an underground gold horde. The homebrew item works as follows: "This Stylish Coat has Cool Shoulder Pads. It also grants the following benefits: - 5ft Burrowing Speed in Soft Ground (dirt, sand, mud, etc.) which grants you half cover - Swim speed of 25ft in coins - +1 to your INT score - Advantage on INT checks about math, accounting, money, value, risk, statistics, etc." My shelled friends, I believe this item could be a boon to many fellow business minded folk, and a lucrative investment for you all. Also, I am wearing the prototype and burrowed 5 feet in the ground, so I am sure you are impressed. Thank you for you time.


Passive checks for baseline knowledge for everything. For example, a passive Arcana is 10+proficiency+ Int mod, and players don't need to roll to know things that someone educated in that area would generally know. I use it for lore dumps. A passive arcana lets a PC know what spell is being cast by an enemy spellcaster before they decide if they want to counterspell it. I use a DC = 10+ spell level if it's a spell on the class list of the player, or 10 + 2x spell level if it's not. A passive religion check would let a PC be familiar with the basic tenets of a religion, a passive performance to perform a simple piece that is common, like a nursery rhyme or a popular song if the stakes are low or meaningless. It cuts down rolling and allows for simple lore dumps for PCs.


Rolling a natural 1 is not a critical failure, but PCs are given the choice to let the DM make it a catastrophic failure in exchange for a point of inspiration. If I really feel like screwing the players, I'll negotiate with them and offer them multiple points to screw them harder.


Fey for the day. My group and I are kind of crunchy when it comes to the rules but will occasionally let the rule of cool sit at the table. In recent campaign several members of the party were satyrs and centaurs. Essentially this boils down to because those two playable races are “Fey” instead of “humanoid” a niche group of spells and abilities specifically target humanoids. (RAW) When approaching a minib boss to members of party asked if they could get married to benefit from the ceremony spell, which is one of the spells that only impacts humanoids. This lead to bedlam in the discord over the topic of fey marriage (ceremony). What we came up with was this, a fey race creature has the choice to roll a d20 at dawn, with a 50% chance to be a humanoid. One interaction of this rule also flips the rule so That a recently humanoid fey would need to repeat the process to successfully return from humanoid creature type to Fey. We currently have a centaur who has been a humanoid for the last 3 sessions.


Greetings illustrious Tortles. I’ll cut to the chase. Do you believe there aren’t enough classes in Dnd? So do I. Thus I introduce to you the Spiritualist class. In short this class is a Wis based spellcaster who uses their knowledge or connection to the cosmic energy of nature to buff allies and debuff enemies. Much like the Warlock this class makes up for a lack of spell slots by using their unique class ability called “Gifts from Beyond” and an action to bless or curse creatures as they see fit. Subclasses (Callings) for the Spiritualist include: The Enlightened, (able to Block/Unblock Chakras to modify physical prowess), The Wiccan, (able to form a Coven with her party, enabling allies to spend parts of their turns to bolster each other’s spells and magical abilities) and The Shaman (who specializes in creating wards specifically designed to hinder undead and extra-planar foes) Obviously there is a lot more that I can’t succinctly throw into this pitch and admittedly there is more work to be done. But if you get in on the ground floor I’m willing to allow you the rights to play test this class at no cost


Dang I can't believe I missed this! I've been working on so many homebrews!