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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 16: The Terrible Fate of Sir Calder. 



Rotem Cohen

Spoilers for Animorphs


Can we just get a short jaunt where these goofs buy a mansion and Murph tricks them into Strahd, but it is Pender-Strahd?

Keith robinson

Emily, if you like stories with dragon riders, try the Dragon riders of Pern series. It's an old series but has bonded riders with their dragons

Ilana Galpert

i love the idea that you guys have 1d4 wishes each day and use them for incredibly stupid shit, like pods for cali's vape

The Silversmith

Am I the only one who heard the ghost of Bastian for a second in that dead giant king's voice?


I’m a little salty nobody abbreviated the frozen goat to fro-go.


My first short rest after starting NADDPod earlier this summer, awesome to finally be caught up!


i am actually in an animorphs book club currently and my roommate is reading the series for the first time and it's so funny that i am probably one of the few ppl who is genuinely like oh no animorphs spoilers! every time rachel's death comes up in case my roommate overhears when i am listening lmao


The talk about the real estate stuff (specifically the late checkout-hilarious) was giving me big Trinyvale vibes in the best way possible


One of my other DnD podcasts had to do an entire impromptu realtors epsiode cuz the party decided to buy the mansion of the guy they killed a week prior. Now one of the party memebers is dating the realtors daughter


Is it just me or everytime Emily says "yeaaah" with the longer "a", i see the scene in Austin Powers with Doctor Evil and his assistant saying it!!!