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Hello Duck Team initiates!

Due to a manufacturing quirk, the Duck Team hats for the Q2 Merch Club aren't quite ready yet. We had to make some adjustments to the design to ensure that they looked correct, because while Duck Team sucks, their merch shouldn't!

We had anticipated being ready to send out the rewards claim emails today, but due to this minor setback we will be sending them out on the 23rd of July. So keep your eyes on your inboxes then for your email so you can claim your Q2 rewards.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding, you'll be decked out in your Duck Team in just a few more weeks.

Duck Team

(I used "Duck Team" so many times in this post, they don't sound like real words anymore)



Something something duck team something something


Where do I get one :(

Emma Margaret

Hey! So I had to drop down to the $5 tier a couple weeks ago, like early-mid June. Am I still good to receive the Q2 Merch when it is ready? No complaints on the delay! Just want to make sure I am still good to get it when it's ready.


TLDR: Duck team gets cucked by manufacturer fucks

Jeff Carbine

You should be good! As long as you were a Merch Club member before the cutoff of June 18th, then you'll receive your Q2 rewards.


A manufacturing quack, you mean?


That luck sucks! Hope they don't lose bucks. Get those hats on the trucks, or we'll just stay in flux!


Jimminy Jilickers


Can I request the store adds some button up short sleeve shirts that are full of nadd graphics? Would love to rep naddpod at work!

Brittney Bee

Is there a way to double check that out email we put in the form is the correct one? I know it’s the one attached to Patreon I’m just always afraid I miss type something.


Did any of you receive the email?


Did the emails get sent out? Don't think I received mine

Brittney Bee

I just got a message saying that they had fulfillment issues and should be sending them out today

Jeff Carbine

The emails went out last night! Sorry for the delay. Make sure to check your spam folder if you don't see yours, and feel free to DM us if you have any questions!

Jeff Carbine

Hey Eric! Emails went out last night, we had some unexpected delays. Make sure to check your spam folder if you don't see it. Feel free to shoot us a message if you have any issues!


Hey guys, I never saw an email. I just saw the Q3 merch club email, so wondering if I got lost on Q2. Let me know. Thanks!


I didn't receive an email either?