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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 12: Go! Go! Team Tection. 



Katherine H

Okay I know I am years late to this conversation now, but my brother-in-law works in marketing at Wendy’s HQ. And I also live in Columbus, and it’s actually pretty great. (You should do a show in Dublin, OH)


I started naddpod last July at work when I started grave shifts and I am now completely caught up with main feed and short rests

Michael Singer

Looks like caldwells never heard of fosters freeze ❤️

Gino Rodriguez

wait arbys is the most realistic - they have done anime partnerships haven't they?


https://ibb.co/sCYH7Tf thought of y’all 😘


Straight up, I do web work at a holding company in Nashville that owns 90 different Wendy's locations and is looking for a Marketing Account Executive to work directly with Wendy's cooperate. Hit me up Jake, I can get you on the inside.


Callie's Parasol is a Parafuego


I am way late to this but they should totally do a show in Dublin, OH 🤣


Pleeeeeaaaaaase do a show in Ohio so we can finally come 🤣 I'm gonna have a new born in like 7 months and won't be able to travel for shows 😂


I was literally just in the drive thru at the Wendy's across the street from the Dublin headquarters while listening to this!

Joseph P

You should do a show in Key West FL! It would sell out immediately


Dublin Ohio's a suburb of Columbus, come do show out here!


A puke story is one way to start an ep I put on to listen to while I eat