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Hey, NADDPoles! We've got our Seattle / San Francisco live shows and I need a little more time to edit. It'll be posting over the weekend. We appreciate your patience! 





Take your time: love y'all, man

Brianna Taylor

Just saw the Seattle live show, what a blast!!! Congrats to the two crew for cultivating such a wonderful community, and you guys had us in stitches the whole time! Consummate performers, you all were wonderful :)


All good be safe yall we love you




You'll be hearing from me via cheeky postcard!




As much as I love you guys, you are the only creators out of all of the ones I support financially that are unable to stick to a schedule!! You're getting like 100k per month, surely you can sort it out 🤣


Where is Siobhan when we need her?


Thank you! The SF show was absolutely hysterical! I have not laughed that hard in a looooooooooong time!


time for self care &gt;&gt;&gt; making sure to post early!!


The Seattle show was INCREDIBLE!!!!


I wouldn't say that's particularly rude! Just saying that with the literally hundreds of thousands of dollars they're making they can afford an editor / publish content on time! Ruder is probably trying to get rid of a loyal fan that supports the creator who happens to have a bit of feedback

Ian penman

Perhaps they can’t convey what they want the edit to feel like in the end to a third party, so they continue to do it themselves??? Allows us to get the best end product possible


I kind of agree with Jorge. I love Naddpod and it’s not a major thing for me at all. I understand that the crew works very hard on the show, I totally sympathize. But delays are a pretty regular occurrence.

Macauly Leiher

I was confused for a second but now I know, thanks guys for all the hard work absolutely loved the episode!!