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Howdy fam! Got some nice live streams coming up this month. Tune in for the following!

Hardwon's Party Mix: Tomorrow! 1/19 at at 4pm EST/1pm PST

Drawing Stream with Caldwell: Wednesday 1/26 at 6pm EST/3pm PST

See you there!




https://www.twitch.tv/naddpod/ ! I'll be there

Preston Taylor

Any plans to do a Discord/Twitch live stream adventure? Similar to live show format. Maybe live from the Twodio?


Is there a NADDPOD Discord? If so can you educate my ignorant self and tell me how to join it? Is it sub based amd if so what is the threshold?


10pm France time...I can do that!!

Zachary Janes

Hey Zach it's https://discord.gg/naddpod

Stovepipe Flange

Been listening to Campaign One again- cut to almost 4 years ago when Jake said he'd DM while Emily voicing time restraint concerns.