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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of Eldermourne - Ep. 6: The Rook's Gambit. 




Excited to hear what bonk, zonk, and honk thought about the episode!


Hank Hogfish? More like Noob Saibot

Aidan Boyle

Welcome back to Shonk Ronk


Love u guys

James Wagner

Im from buffalo and the bills are gonna win the Super Bowl one of these years I swear


Murph has his work cut out for him this campaign. Smarter more savvy players with clever classes....let’s go dungeon daddy- MAKE THEM SUFFER


Terry Pratchett is amazing! I was so lucky to meet him!


squids are smart, you fools


Caldwell I understand the Dorohedoro reference.

Vince Mascoli

I got a strong Beetlejuice vibe from Petty Jack


DUNCLE CALDWELL, DUNCLE CALDWELL, I got the Dorohedoro reference.


Can I offer another book recommendation? Emily, I think you would love Naomi Novik’s Uprooted. It’s inspired by Slavic folk stories.


Having grown up going to Red Wings games, I can tell you people sneak them into the arena in down their pants 🐙


I'm playing a battlesmith/gunslinger in my latest campaign and BOY HOWDY y'all I'm loving it

Cj Ferrigno

Emilonk Onkbonk


Chode rose. A chose if you will hahah


What about twocrew the vaping dragon?

Kailie Hind

Back when the alaska aces still existed, people would throw fish heads onto the ice after they scored the first time. Everybody fishes so it was very easy to obtain fish heads without being wasteful. They would have an announcement after the first throw that was like "ok, that was rad once, but remember not to throw things on the ice after this!"


I was ready to comment about the Red Wings hahaha absolutely loved the Olive Garden shaming.


it does make sense that the choo choo crew have to buff each other because they can't be powered by Hardwon's massive quads


Squids ARE dumb as hell (I’ve also been bitten by one so I could be biased)


I can confirm that squids are, indeed, dumb ass hell.


Why doesn’t murph just wear the shorts under the pajama pants? Couldn’t he still use the pockets this way?


How would that be possible? The shorts have the pockets and not the pants. Unless you're talking about pulling the pants to the side by the waistband any time you want to reach into the pockets. Wait why am I seriously discussing this?


Sooo happy Emilie is reading Terry Pratchett! If you really enjoy Death, their next book is Reaper Man. Sounds like you're reading in release order but keep in mind the early books were written in the 80s! The further in you get the better they get, even Terry said his early books are not his best work

Ian Dack

Love the Terry Prattchet shout out! Some of the best books ever written!


Emily, so excited that you are reading Discworld! They are so much fun. I highly recommend Guards! Guards! It is the best one that I have read and starts if a great sub-series of books. Plus you get to meet Carrot, whose backstory has some overlaps with Hardwon (like raised by Dwarves).


Very important question: Conkwell, what did you think of Nathan's drawing of you as Tasha?


My wife works at an aquarium and confirms that squids are dumb as hell.


Squids are dumber than octopuses but smarter than many other animals.


Athletic shorts and pj pants together is a Choice


This one is filled with lots of good bits and fun contemplations! Also, Caldwell, the Noi reference - very accurate giving the picture Emily painted.


The color of magic and Light Fantastic are hands-down my favorite, though! But they are all really high quality imo

Debra Wasson

Phantom Maze is my favorite Star Wars


Conkwell Tonker is my new Gnome Artificer

Melissa Titus

Omg Emily I can’t believe you haven’t read Terry Pratchet! I totally assumed your character was based on Equal Rites. You have so many great books ahead of you AND my favorite Christmas movie ever: The Hogfather!!


So happy that Caldwell also is a man of culture and appreciates Noi. Best girl.


Octopi are intelligent as hell, squids are dumb as hell. You're in the clear, Jake.


Emily I can't recommend the Battlesmith enough! Elka Glittergem is my gnome artificer, with his steel defender Sparky. Super super fun, hopefully you get to play it soon!


I understand Murph's pocket struggles


A good way to solve your disappointing crit problem would be to adopt a house rule I use. Instead of rolling twice on a crit, you take your maximum dice roll (4 on a d4, 6 on a d6, etc) then roll once and add any other modifiers. That keeps you from rolling low damage on a crit. This also goes for enemies though so be careful!


I'd highly recommend Jake gets the new fighting style in Tasha's- if he wants to use bone claws, great weapon fighting wouldn't work on those, so this keeps his options open!


Maybe Emily watched Hocus Pocus recently? Those witches are supposed to be scared of salt too!


Really excited to hear that Emily is reading Discworld, it's my all-time favorite series and Pratchett has a really interesting take on how witches work and what role they play in society.


Octopi may be intelligent but they are bottom feeder and thus the most eco friendly seafood you can eat.


Yes Caldwell love the Dorohedoro reference


You can still use bonus actions when stunned since you're under the incapacitated condition. I believe everyone's action economy this campaign allows them to at least do something every round with a bonus action. Fia or Zirk could squeak off a healing word and Henry could summon or swap places with Shank.


Also wanted to shout out a Blade being named Brayden. My parents were way early on the -ayden wave and I rarely ever see my name pop up in media.


Pst uncle I got that anime/manga reference.


Peep that Dorohedoro reference, fantastic anime😍😍


Your podcast have truly been a light in my life especially working on COVID floors at the hospitals. 🥰 Thank yall


Wayne's World does NOT hold up

Barback of Penance

Murph getting razzed for his “Homebrewed pants” kills me

Cole Power

This whole time I thought “unbutton that top button” meant unbutton your our jeans, not shirt button 😅


Home brewing it so a stun or a freeze or something only affects certain limbs so you can’t attack but you might be able to run away, or vice versa, or something like that is how I style things. Like the archer might get his one arm frozen so he can’t shoot or the monk gets her legs frozen so she can’t move so they have to adapt differently

I Love Not Finishing My Sentences

I need to know if Emily read the same book that made me also fall in love with octopus. Soul of an Octopus, Emily? WAS IT SOUL OF AN OCTOPUS?!


i was gonna huck a dead octopus onto a frozen lake, but decided to have a nice cigarillo instead. thanks, choo choo crew.


Bananksgiving: Return of Funky is next week right?


I'm so glad you're reading Discworld!!! My absolute favourite series ever


Petit Jack sounds like Ol' Cobb if he were a Pebblepot

Maggie Reed

Octopus are EXTREMELY intelligent and squid are less so, but still semi smart animals.

Jacob Buttarazzi

Unrelated, but I just want to drop by and say y'all NEED to have Lou Wilson and Ally Beardsley come on as guests. (Having Brennan back would be cool too)


The shorts over pj pants homebrew solved a problem I was having at that exact moment - you guys rule

Jack Waters

Austin Powers definitely still holds up!


If Emily hasn't seen "My Octopus Teacher," she needs to see it and bawl her eyes out. I saw it and it made me 100% sure that I'll never eat octopus again. Amazing film.


Based on some light internet research, squid intelligence has not been studied as extensively as that in octopi or cuttlefish, but prevailing thought seems to be that they are not as intelligent then their relatives. They still do seem to be fairly intelligent animals though capable of communicating with other squid via changing their colors, and one species of squid as been observed simultaneously communicating separate colors to two different squids!

Broghar The Bugbear

As a big Red Wings fan the end of this short rest made me smile so much, I am so glad that there are now others that know about that XD


When they talk about Shank is different every time he comes back it definitely gives very strong Mr. Messeks vibes from Rick and Morty.

John C.

The equivalent spell to Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion would be called The Phantom Tollbooth


The Nashville Predators throw catfish on the Ice and I could have sworn that’s what Caldwell was thinking of lol


You know, being a longtime Pratchett fan, I have always assumed that The Boobs read his books, and now I find out that it's new to you. I am sorry, I have failed the 4 of you. I should have brought his world to you long ago, and will do better in the future...maybe.


Odds that Lou Wilson joins in with the Choo Choo cree in the future?


At 1:42:10 Jake thanks 'Jack Meoff'


plz talk about it in the next short rest hahahahahahaha

Garga Lenoir

Someone on the subreddit found a math problem about how far an octopus goes on a hockey field's ice. Congrats Jake, your misdeeds made it in textbooks!


Discworld fan here with some reading suggestions. It's a good thing Emily didn't start with book one, the series doesn't work like that. Rather, there are several series woven together into a mega-series called discworld. Mort is book one of the Death series, and there are more books you can read that follow Susan and Death, they're just not the next books published in the overall discworld series. Book one in publishing order begins the Wizards series, and it's just not as good as what comes after. My two favorite series are the city watch (which begins with 'Guards! Guards!' a wonderful parody of the hero's journey ) and the Lipwig series (Which begins with 'Going Postal' ) because they both heavily feature Lord Vetinari, one of my favorite characters in all of fiction.


Pretty sure Murph will never see this but look up status effects in the Pathfinder 1E system for alternative suggestions for Stunned! There are things like staggered, dazed, etc in there you can mess around with


Squids are smart y’all! In the marine zoology field, cephalopods like squids, octopus, and cuttlefish all are well known for their intelligence. I feel like people tend to think their not as smart because they don’t “look intelligent” in the same way octopus do. In my experience, people tend to assign a higher level of intelligence to things that can more easily be anthropomorphized


Also! Emily If you are ever wanting to read a cool nonfiction book, “entangled life” by Merlin Sheldrake is awesome! He goes into detail about all the wonderful things fungus do in the earth and for society


Thanks for sharing this tentacled trivia! I'll henceforth refrain from throwing any of these beautiful creatures on the hockey rink. ~Caldwell

D'ran Dana

I'm soooooooo happy Emily has reading started Terry Pratchett. Caldwell MUST read

Aidan Skipper-Martinez

I can't remember which NPC it is, but the one that you guys say sounds like the opposite of Ol' Cobb? That voice sounds like Beetlejuice.


Discworld is my favorite series. Absolutely loved each book.


My copy of Tasha's was supposed to get here 2 nights ago and I'm still waiting for it :(


As a life long hockey fan... the Detroit octopus stuff is just the tip of the iceberg. If y'all want a really ridiculous story check this out from the playoffs in 2017 where a guy bought a catfish in Tennessee, squished it and vacu-sealed it, drove to Pittsburgh, paid $350 for a ticket, threw it on the ice, and was charged by the police for "interrupting a meeting using an instrument of crime." It's poetry. link 1 - https://sports.yahoo.com/news/nashville-catfish-tosser-charges-dropped-pittsburgh-da-162424214.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAERN5RB7rVAeIa0psoRFaFlPcyRY_LLmVBQ1ouznT-pICZwx-mPat1oZdSSnl2LMa4AXwHNU5yDdnsSV2TD9vDEwUfjls5hCj00Gg7Rof_LKKohg1watXKiRlcOFEn9bPAwm49HSVXX4TCadpV9TYIZMa-YXjHbLCQc0hJBkEkwx link 2- https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2017/05/30/report-predators-fan-who-threw-catfish-ice-charged-pittsburgh/354356001/


Not that this means much, but I thought Em would have loved to be a Battle Smith Artificer for season two: https://twitter.com/a_real_llama/status/1260380987453661190?s=20 (Definitely missed the mark on Caldwell and Jake)


Omg the first character I made is a battle smith! It was definitely difficult as a first character because there are a lot of nuanced things they can do that I kept forgetting, plus feats I took 🥴. They are dope as heck though, would love to see y’all play as one. ...Still playing as my battle smith if anyone wants to throw some advice my way... lol


Home brew some group stealth might add more flavor to this misfit group? Maybe all guards are on passive perception, if you roll below passive they roll to meet/beat. When a guard rolls better then a player they go from passive to active, they are actively seeking the area and do roll offs? I feel like social rolls and stealth rolls should be degrees of success instead of fail/pass. But maybe it’s nice to have it quick and fast without the extra rolls


Austin Powers Mixed Bag!!

Wandering Giant

I've finally caught up to the main feed after over a year. I'mma have to listen to audiobooks now while I wait for more :/

Robin Greer

Omfg my time has come...I fucking LOVE cephalopods. Emily, you need to read "Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness" by Peter Godfrey-Smith, it's nerdy but also really readable and fun. The main difference between squids and octopuses from a behavioral perspective is that squid are far more social than octopuses, although octopuses from areas without much shelter have shown communal behaviors, squid actually will swim and hunt in large groups. Both creatures are smart, just in their own ways.


Play a dwarf Battle Smith Artificer w a metal Great Dane named Beau and it’s killer. Want to tank? Ok, want to cast? Sure. I’m a Swiss Army knife and it’s amazing. It’s also become a fun joke of how I rebuild the dog if he gets smashed, out of random parts, beer kegs etc lol

Ian Reilly



Hearing you guys talk about a local hockey tradition was insane!! I love listening to you guys! Eldermourne has been an amazing experience so far. Totally agree with Emily about the blacksmiths and butchers being hot women but gotta disagree with whoever said they had tiny husband's because those butchers are marrying the blacksmiths fo sho Love yall


I am an evolutionary biologist and while I love this show and everyone in the 2 crew, every time I hear y'all talking about animals on the short rest I die a little bit inside.


But Murph, I'm a Midwestern man you loves energy drinks and has a beard that will not go any higher then my jaw. I'm crushed, yet honored to be compared to Emily.


I was thinking while listening to the episode that a feat that could work well with Shank would be Sentinel.


Murph I love your homebrew pants. I've been wearing good-pocket shorts over crap-pocket pajamas since 2017, and I won't stop.


Tonker is the gname of my Gnome dude.

Joelle H

"I'll spend a round doing nothing as long as we talk about me for a minute" I died when Jake said this... a more honest and hilarious thing has never been said.


"we're not going to play characters that smoke juuls or something" lol


Why have I not been wearing shorts with good pockets over comfy pants is the better question!?!?!? Omg that's brilliant