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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of Eldermourne - Ep. 4: Ghosts of Thornkirk. 




am i tripping? i cant find eldermourne episodes 2-4 on mobile and the search feature is abysmal, nor can i find the short rests for 2 and 3

Alex R

I’m listening through for the first time and I found them by sorting the episodes by month and year. Maybe their tags aren’t working for some reason!

Sean Boyle

My Dad is the exact same as Emilt's pretty much never yells except if it's an emergency or if he's watching football. Then he's the loudest thing on the planet.


Perfect timing!


Yes I finally caught up today

Terran Benedict

Transporting me two days in row? 😈


I can’t wait to see what happens next week to the Graverobbers!

Billie Ash

Just finished the ep so love this timing

Jordon Brown

No sexy Chicken Nuggets or Stinky Uncles?

Jacob Buttarazzi

I have an idea for figuring out the party name, each cast member should come up with a name and then y'all could have us on patreon vote! It could also help to promote the patreon in the main feed


YES! Love getting the short rest after the day


I would love a naddmom sode


The loner boners?


If I got a text that just said "tingle" I'd assume it was about zelda lol


I believe this is the second time Caldwell has ended the short rest with a “rolling with the bone dice”


What’s the stretch goal for getting Jake’s mom on short rest?


Did Emily choose a wizard subclass for Fia yet? I’m pretty sure that’s at Level 2, isn’t it?

Eli M

Based on her initiative mod, I think she went for Chronurgy which means she can add intelligence to initiative.


Honestly that Bone Disrespecters shirt sounds dope

A. Stamper

Murph doing Jake's shadow is his Kugrash voice and I love it! Dimension 20 on Dropout y'all!! Naddpod is my favorite but the days in between are smoothed with Dim20..Thanks for the heads up JoNathan ;)


The “Mountain Dewds” needs to be the name of the opposing ski team in Cool Boy Winter. 😂 (the sequel to Hot Boy Summer)


I really hate my last name right now lol

lilly smoke

Im so glad and sad that ive finally caught up after a lil over a month of binge listening 😭


honestly the bone heads is such a mood after 'band of boobs'


Yo they sent the ghost to the bone zone


I would get a shirt that says "I ain't afraid of no bones", no question

Futureidk 1

Got my Bahumia map today and IT IS AMAZING. Even more detailed in person! Can’t wait to get one of this world, eventually


bro you just posted cringe 😬😬 people really hate it when women talk huh

Connor Noonan

All the bone talk reminds me of Avanash from D20 XD


I would 100% buy a "Bone Disrespecters" shirt

That Boy Lenin

I don’t typically buy merch, but I’d snatch up a “Bone Disrespecters” t-shirt in a hot minute.

Mitchell Blake

Now that Jake said he's never selling a piece of merch I swear to God put it up I'm buying

Lee Gottshall

If Jake wants Hank to be a straight up boxer, there's an unarmed fighting style coming to fighters in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything coming out this month.


So how will you guys run an unarmed fighting style for Jake? I would suggest a monk multi class. It’s a lot of fun.


Did Emily ever confirm whether she leveled up in Wizard or Cleric? If sooo what Wizard subclass? I need them just juicy deetz

Maia Costea

Bold of you guys to assume we wouldn't buy a Bone Disrespectors hat in a heartbeat.


WHY are we just scraping past Bone DisreSPECTRES?? I am begging for this


I'm a beginner Dm and my cousin cloned an anime character called Kaz Kaan from Neo Yokio, i wanted to know how would i make him a true DnD character?

Liz Ruifrok

No joke. Murph, are we related? My mom texts me with "We need to talk." including the period. I freak out and call her back during work. And all I get is a "how are you, sweetie?"

Jayson Bailey

The small window we get into everyone's lives with the short rest is truly blessed


Upsetting that Bone Dusters wasn’t the file image but another great short rest


Hi everyone! Fairly new to patreon and love the short rest! Quick question, Zirk applies poison to the banshee, I thought most undead are immune to poison or is this a variant from Kobold press or some other source?


Is it just me or did Hank turn into Hugh Jackman this episode. Through both Wolverine claws and shadow boxing like in Real Steel


I think it's because the rose water and kiss ritual weakened the banshee so they no longer had their ghost resistances or immunities.


I mean, I would buy Bone Disrespecters™ merch


I am with you Caldwel, maybe I’m self-centered but if my girl would’ve texted me trouble I would’ve been like oh shit I forgot to do something (but still would immediately call to make sure nothing terrible happened lol)


Next stretch goal: a short Rest with your moms.


I just realised how much shadow Henry sounds like Kugrash.

Joe K

I think they are going with the bar brawler feat or some other unarmed feat to keep him A shadow knight.

William Bowen

When Jake said "My dad did that when I was a kid," about putting the burden to reach out, I have never related to him more. lmao




I, too, scare my housemate by walking around in my own house. Relatable content!

Dana A

this was a prime short rest 😂 if bone disrespecters was the first eldermourne merch to hit the store, I would not be disappointed...


So I'm slavic and I absolutely love Fia. Also her sister's name being Irena is great, it was my great aunt's name. Well done by Emily to really lean into the slavic theme for Fia


I love to hear this! I lived in the czech republic for a semester in college and really fell in love with the literature and music from eastern europe! Playing fia even has me wanting to take up Czech again. -Emily


I’m tingling!


I am so comforted to know that Emily is also constantly spooked by her spouse merely existing in the same house. I scream any time my husband quietly walks in any room.

Debra Wasson

All these fae contracts they really should’ve got pawpaw for his legal council. I heard he has reasonable inter-dimensional Estes xD also All the bone talk makes me think of d20’s blood keep, the guy who didn’t want his bones to get wet

Ian Reilly

Can confirm, I listened to this while reading the sink. Podcasts are perfect for chores


Listening to this in June 2021, and I did a spit take at the mention of Steve Kornacki. XD

Summer Tribe

I'm glad to hear Caldy's trepidation about the Alchemist subclass. it's strong for all of two levels and then its main feature's only improvement at lvl 9 isn't relevant to what the feature actually does, it just is sorta better (not as good as protector cannon one sublcass over), and the abilities the alchemist get don't even synergize with Artificer features, it shouldn't even be an Artificer subclass given how it's treated mechanically and I'm glad that so many Homebrews and things like Valda's just make their own Alchemist class as a distinct thing