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Our new heroes join a bar brawl and begin to investigate the mysterious spirit that is hunting the Rooks. Fia sees a pool for the first time, Zirk does some crustacean-based alchemy, and Henry reveals an impressing living situation. Support us at Patreon.com/Naddpod to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content!

Music / Sound Effects Include:

"Club chatter, London" by mlteenie at Freesound.org.

"Rowdy Crowd" by xtrgamr at Freesound.org.

"Demigod" by Emily Axford.

"Broken Heart Banshee" by Emily Axford.

"The Baron's Estate" by Emily Axford.

"Henry's House" by Emily Axford.

"The Children" by Emily Axford.



oh damn being awake at 2 am has its perks


So keen


Ooh short rest feed art got an update too, looks so nice!!


Just in time for me to start work 🤙🏼


I have work at 9am......and it’s 3am.......well looks like I’ll be going to bed at 5 now thanks NADDPOD


Been waiting all week for this <3


Makes night shift easier. Then I hear a bell and start punching undead birds. It happens


I'm showing an incredible amount of restraint by waiting until I start work in 6 hours to listen to this


Thx fam, will listen soon 🤘


The cover art is...kinda hot.


Damn!! 3 am?? Yall work too hard!!!

Samuel Benhardt

Less than 5 minutes in and I gotta say, Hank's switch with his shadow was the absolute coolest way to introduce a new ability.


Pool outfits BAY-BEE!!!

Crescent Minor

Gonna save it for Halloween night. Nice file name, 1. You wouldn't happen to be crazy tired from editing all day, eh? Thanks, guys!



Thomas Rose

Ah I’m gonna save this for after work! Best way to end the work week— thank you!!!


Oh Melora. I only just realised the joke with Fia calling herself Bonkginia, because Zirk called himself Zonk. I thought she was just giving herself a cute Fighting Pit nickname.


Absolutely love how Witcher-like this ep is! Kind of a shame Emily crit on her homework, would have been funny to see the gang try and work it out 😂


Am I allowed to listen to the show even though I'm not from the USA, therefore I cannot vote? Just making sure

Max Telmer

Loving all the stormlight archive stuff... Zirk making himself carapace armor was very Bridge Four


If Jake ends up pursuing this boxing echo knight we definitely need to call the class the shadowboxer


Thank you!


I’m only one minute in and I had to come here to say this: Zonk, Bonk, and Honk


It's so cool to see the artificer class in action! Definitely makes me want to play one in a campaign at some point

That Boy Lenin

Sometimes I’m thankful for my ADHD, never really knowing what day it is can be great for getting regular little surprises like a new NADDPOD episode.

Caitlyn Dill

Crit on my BOOOOOOOK


Man, this is such a cooler way to play artificer than my dm lets me

Aidan Bee

I’m just starting my episode now and heard your awesome voting message, remember folks USPS deadline for mailing in ballots is closed a lot of places❌ swing by a drop box or vote in person (with whatever you need to feel safe 😷) instead ✅ (tallies of millions of mail in ballots have not been mailed back!)


All this shrimp talk I can only think of "I'm a little shriiimp"


Got to say, I've been a loyal listener for years now, but I've got to say this campaign has been pretty disappointing thus far. I hope it picks up, I really do, but I'll be rescinding my pledge for the time being.


The Archers, the Bowmans and the Fletchers was very good

Zach Weisser

don't listen to this asshat, you four are incredible and always an inspiration

Fergus Woods

Honk Bonk and Zonk have my entire heart

Myka Donati

Having flashbacks to the skeleton hell in Dark Souls.


Is the short rest not showing up for anyone else ?

RJ Schoeneck

I voted while listening to this episode!!! Vote everyone!!! :)


I drew a cute spider during this <3 'Crit on your homework kids!'


I love the Barron 😂😂😂😂😂


Aight let’s get down to brass tacks guys, theHades builds. Aspect of nemesis Stygian blade w Artemis’ crits goes crazy especially if you can inc attack speed w Hermes


Damn, toss an Athena Deflect dash in there and you've got a stew going! ~Caldwell

Jacob Buttarazzi

This campaign is the perfect level of spooky I need right now. Thank you!

Maia Costea

No matter what Murph describes, I can't help but imagine it during nighttime, it's just the way I can picture this dark fairytale, what a great ep, guys <3 love the world, love the mister/miss/doctor characters and their familiars, what a great candy treat for this terrible year :)


I thought the previous episode was hilarious with book cheese but this one topped it yet again with the Baron, Rachel and the Pool. I cried laughing at the insanity of the whole situation. Plus THE ENCOUNTER is so vivid. Kudos to Murph for sucessfully setting up a creepy passageway despite the unending hilarious goofs and shenanigans throughout the tombwalk

Brendan Wohlers

I am seriously loving the suspense, encounters and visual description in campaign 2!! Can't wait for next week! Big thanks!


When Fia used power word chill 😂


If anyone was a confused as me when it comes to the lovely honey, It’s burbs like suburbs and not how I say birds like birbs. From one honey globin to others ☺️


In this house we love it when Murph plays a fancy weirdo.

Garga Lenoir

Loved the episode but the recap surprised me. Murph mentioned the big bad's name is The Prophet, but when did they learn that?

Michael Singer

I can’t help but think you gremlins are all sitting in a rich boy’s fountain


They found out the alias from the book the doctor had, in Episode 1


Loving the new campaign so far, and this new intro had me so hype. Keep it up you good mothertruckers


Listening now. Can't believe the group Command save. So perfect.


I really hope Jake calls Henries class "Shadow Boxer"

Eva Vasileiadou

The episode cover on Spotify is red instead of purple


Just wanted to say how much I missed listening to these 4. The players being lower level and having 6 hp taken away actually mattering is great- as awesome as it was when they were high level at the end of the last campaign I very much enjoy the time when any hit can knock them out (esp Caldwell :) ). So glad to have this new campaign beginning! Much love!!! ps- love the laughter


Decay, death, and shrimp. The new fragrance from Verbena & Hogfish


Verbena & Hogfish is of course their flagship fragrance.


I am so honored that my name came up in this game and so sad about the context 😂😂😂 hearing Emily say “Rachel” with soooo much disdain made me laugh out loud. Lmao y’all made my week

Barback of Penance

The PCs are starting to razz each other xD love it

Terran Benedict

2nd time listening to this episode and I realized that Murph’s NPC that hates having books in the bar sounds just like Bill Burr doing an impression of literally anyone he’s making fun of...5 stars, sir.

Jon O

I relate to henry's hot plate life so much


I would like every episode to include long conversations with the Baron, I absolutely adore the new campaign!


Honestly the funniest part was Murph reading out the Patreon name “peepee poopie peepee” at 1:42:28.


After listening to this episode, I completely scrapped everything I had planned for my Halloween side quest and wrote in a broken heart banshee with accompanying painful memories for everyone. THANK YOU for such a cool idea/inspiration. I am loving every bit of this season already.

Michael Lawton

I totally have a glove tub! It’s actually our mix and match mitten and glove basket. 10 points for matched pair different colors, 20 points matched pair perfect. 30 points if the wearer can make two lefts or two rights “work”.

Mary H.

Oh my goodness, I can't believe that someone else has seen that Joey Fatone big bad wolf musical movie 🤣