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Dungeon Bailiff Jake has once again brought your cases to Supreme Crit Justices Murphy, Axford, and Tanner. Thanks again to everyone who submitted cases! 



Wasn't expecting this to drop today.




To answer Emily’s question, I can tell you that any time someone makes a statement in the Supreme Court they say “May it please the court”. If Jake wanted to be SUPER official, he could say, “oyes oyes” which is how the Supreme Court opens each session.


how do you pronounce "oyes oyes"? Is it oi's oi's, or "ooooh yeaahhhs ohhhh yeahhhs" -Emily


Omg! Phonetically it’s pronounced “Oh Yay Oh Yay”


wonderful, I will try to remember and enforce this upon jacob - Emily


You honour us, your honourablenesses


Please god make that bumper sticker my cars ass is waiting 🙏

Lizzy French

Can we please get a few court sketches of the group in the next live drawing? I would love to see angry Murph and suck-up baliff Jake 🤣

Brendan Watroba

FRASER CONNELL! Love your Mbmbam animatics! When we getting some for NADDPOD!?


Please for the love of christ do live commentary for Cluckgane Bowl


Oh man my case was also about items for my players. Lol I definitely thought mine would come up. I need answers! 😭


Per Jeremy crawford tweet the sorcerer was in fact correct :)


I’ll keep you guys in the loop re. Hen Fiend update. Maybe my friend and I will celebrate COVID being over by wrestling IRL dressed as chickens. Good half time event for your next live show 🍗

Patrick C McAuliffe

I am loving the Honorable Justice 'Salty Murph'

Gabi H

The breath of fresh air we ALL need! Thank you!

Michael Singer

So twitter tells me it’s international podcast day so like happy birthday you little gremlins???


Amazing! I was also haunted by this question so I am glad for conclusion from Jeremy Crawford. -Emily


All four of you rolling level 20 characters and just battling it out with no DM would be an insanely chaotic mixed bag that I would absolutely be here for

Noah James Perito

I love my helmet and hate my DM is something my players say nearly every sesh

Jim Jam Flim Flam

Disappointed the gavel was not called Henry Gavel 😭

Jayson Bailey

I love Murph's disdain for certain types of guy

Austin Johnson

I spent the last hour of my work day explaining Cluckgane Bowl to a co-worker who heard me laughing all the way across the office and wanted to know what was so funny.


man, every time they said "hen tattoo" i thought they were about to say "hentai" and i had to do a mental double take every time


“May it please the court” usually said in opening arguments

TJ Michael

If I were feeling generous I'd let the moonlight person roll a d100, and if they get a 100 it's a lunar eclipse.

Casey White

Anybody else hear ass when Em says as?


I feel like that's technically the least possible amount of moonlight you could have in a day, aside from the moon just being below the horizon - but visually, that's awesome, dude


I'd be fascinated to hear how Brennan would rule on the moonlight thing. I'd like to submit that the spell mentions nothing about the potency of moonlight. That said, it also doesn't say other light disrupts the spell. As such I think that's DM discretion. My personal thinking on it is if you can see the moon, you're being hit by moonlight. So it only works outoors, through a window, or a very complex series of mirrors. Now, how often is the moon visible on Earth? It depends on a lot of factors. If I'm feeling generous, I'd say roll a luck check. 15 or higher, the moon is out. If I'm not feeling generous, I'd say roll with disadvantage. Of course, then you gotta guess if the spot you want to teleport to is being hit by moonlight. I might make them make another roll, but I think it would be fine to let them have a teleport like that. Just means that whatever precedent you set on that item at that point stays forever, day or night.


Lol thank you so much for answering my question I’m gonna go rub it in my very good life long friends face. Please release Emily v murph lvl 20 fights!!

Garga Lenoir

Campaign 2 is coming! I wonder if Emily will play a ranger as she said on Adventuring Party...


Using the cube of force with a character with a fly speed is incredible. And yeah a grumbling dm is a good thing it means you got one over on them


There is a very easy way to mediate the moonlight thing. The moon is in the sky about 12 hours per day, day or night, so the player is technically right that it could be in the sky during the day. This also means it could be not in the sky at night. He should have to roll a luck check every time he uses it in a fight and if it's 1-10, no moon, day or night.


I disagree with the ruling on the resistance stuff. The spell resistance should protect from the spell because to me fire resistance negation has to do with someone resistant to fire. Fire damage is not necessarily spell damage. The spell should not have effected the guy.


if it pleases the court, fire resistance resists fire, and the sorcerer ability overrides this, but it does not override magic resistance. those are two different abilities.


Moonlight is reflected sunlight. I would have ruled an arcana check DC20 to use it the way he wanted. On a fail it explodes and is effectively a fireball centered on your head, the item is destroyed


Man, that sorcerer vs paladin one fucked me up. I think it would be more fun to have the sorcerer roll an arcana check vs the paladin's spell save DC every time they used this feat to cast a spell against the paladin.


The sopranos is amazing, everyone should watch it


please make a olaf dies in frozen 2 bumper sticker

John C.

I would buy bumper stickers for sure


Wow!! Our dm also just let us use cube of force for this too and didn't even grumble. Pretty sure she felt bad for us


Specific overrules general. A specific resistance to fire damage over rules the resistance to all spells

Camara Fairweather

For real, can you ACTUALLY do live commentary for cluckgane bowl??

Sabrina Bernaby

I think I would’ve sided with the paladin. The sorcerers ability is able to over come fire resistances not magical resistances. Since the paladin is resistant to all magical damage It doesn’t matter what kind of damage the spell causes since it’s already magical.


Not sure how to submit complaints to Bailiff Jake, but this happened last night and it's bugged me enough that I've got to turn to the (hopefully welcoming) arms of NADDPOD and their amazing fans. The DM of a group I've been playing with for a few years has been running a very politics heavy, war machinations campaign for us for about three months now. Part of my dissatisfaction with the following problem likely comes from my interest less in machinations and more in storytelling and the rule of cool, and that's my fault for not having clear communication with the DM and the group at the beginning of this campaign what exactly the vibe would be. Our party started at 7th level as the powerful champions of various noble house in an empire on the brink of civil war, but spent several sessions at fudged levels going through our upbringing and our connections within the empire. Context aside, the case I present to you is thus (sorry it's so long, i'm verbose af): Our group of 5 powerful adventurers (now level 8) are leading a force of around 3,500 against a force of 5,000 intent on attacking a town we are trying to defend. My character is a 8th level Battle Master fighter (taken from Sword Coast) mainly because I thought they would fit in well in this kind of setting. She studied at the military academy in the realm, and we spent two sessions as a group covering her extensive training. I had my own ideas about how to defeat this army, but recognized that I'm not actually a trained general. I spent some time working with the other PC's to spy on the approaching force, map out the surrounding terrain, and generally gather information, but the DM told me I couldn't use my "Know Your Enemy" ability because technically, the army wasn't a creature. A bit frustrated but willing to concede the point, I then suggested my idea to the party (basically ambush the army) but asked the DM if this was actually a good way to attack them. As well as any other ideas or knowledge my fighter might have, as my character would know actual war strategy while I do not. He told me to make a history check. My intelligence is terrible (I'd never built a character above 5th level or a fighter before, hopefully history's a bad ability for other battle masters too rip), so although I also planned to (and did) add a superiority dice, I asked if I could add my proficiency modifier, and he said no, which is a choice DM's can make and that's okay. I ended up rolling a nat 8 even with the help action and added 6 from the d8 for a total of 14. The DM then told me that my idea was "fine." We proceeded to put the plan into action and ambushed the army by pushing them into a swamp, where our soldiers were waiting to cut them down. The fight began next session as the NPC armies battled it out and we took on the armies spellcasters and generals. We won, but the DM told us that we had suffered heavy losses, and were likely to suffer many more as our enemy used slicing weapons and injuries our soldiers received in the swamp were likely to get infected. I was distressed to learn this, and said I would have picked a different location for the battle if I knew that was a concern. He told me that I didn't beat his DC 15 for extra knowledge about my plan, and that my character just knew that it would be an effective plan without thinking beyond that. A DC is fine, but I hate that one poor roll caused so much (NPC) death. It's especially frustrating because he didn't allow me to use my proficiency because my "noble" background doesn't give it to me, even though we had well established that my character was a trained military leader. He may be right that I wouldn't have known to think about infection, but I still believe I wasn't given the opportunity to inhabit my character and their unique knowledge while facing this situation. It's up to the courts to decide. tl;dr: my battle master led an army into a terrain that indirectly harmed our people and didn't inform me about it in my planning, though I admittedly failed a DC. I'm definitely biased because it's my character, so I need a jury of my peers. Thank you!


I don't think the DM was in the wrong with what he did, but I also don't know your character's full background. Was your battle master familiar with swamps? If so it should have lowered the DC or allowed you to roll an alternate skill check like survival if you had a higher modifier for it. I would have let any other party member roll a relevant skill check during planning if they were familiar with the terrain or tactical planning, or I would have allowed any healers in the party to roll a medicine check to lessen the effect of the swamp's infection, but I think it is more of the party members' responsibility to ask to roll instead of the DM asking them to roll.

Mitchell Sigalas

I think this is fair, The DM didn't punish you, the battle seemingly benefited from your strategy, winning with 1500 less warriors. A 14 check at level 8 is pretty much .5 above average (+3 for standard prof on a 10 intelligence). The alternative is, you're saying a troop of 5000 wouldn't have an opposing general with above average +3.5 in intelligence/prof in history to gain an advantage over you? not even with extra troops ? I understand it sucks when rolls don't gel with backstory, but a middling number gets a middling result. All factors considered I think your DM was fair. Now like the above commenter said, If I had a players who's characters were familiar with the swamps/medicine I might ask for a check to discern the risk/ mitigate against disease. Likewise, if a player was a doctor/medic and wanted to try help. Also it seems like the DM tried to bring context and story telling too, with the background "fudged" level sessions. It sounds like a super fun game and whilst this roll didn't go your way, I hope there's room for you to tell a story from this win with a cost situation! Also brief tip, I'd say take it to your DM, we're usually just trying to make sure the game is running fair and fun for everyone! :) TL:DR It seems fair, albeit unlucky. Try make the best of the situation! Open up a dialogue with your DM if your expectations aren't being met. :)