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The 2 Crew answers your questions, reflects on campaign 1, and looks to the future. Thanks to everyone who submitted!



Liam Cornell

Best birthday gift ever

D'ran Dana

Thank you for all the work you put in to make this happen Murph. 💗

D'ran Dana

Happy Birthday Liam

Lynsey K

You're simply the best, better than all the rest You're stuck to my heart, I hang in every word you say




Sweet Beans ya'll! These things get me through work. Love ya'll stay safe!


Yes yes yes




im going to lose my mind if jake doesnt release the letter i think actually


Campaign two should do more planescape hoping!


Does great weapon fighting double on a crit?


Ulfgar and ilanis?


Gosh, I freaking loved the "chicken" moment. The building of the silence before the answer just made it 10x more silly and stupid, I loved it.


Galad absolutely got fucked by the Thorn Whip/Spike Growth combo I still talk about it sometimes it was so good


On the laughing question, I would have to say Moonshine rolling 3 nat 1's while attempting to tame the baby dragon in moonstone was a good one.

Garga Lenoir

As much as I love Balnor, I'd love to have Murph play more assertive NPCs like Ol'Cobb or Pendergreens. Oh gods I love Pendergreens so much!


Some of my favorite moments are when I can hear Caldwell cackling off mic 🤣🤣🤣


Oh man I should have asked this before, but since they gave up the divine heart, do they go back to a lower level now? If they spend a lot of time in peace, will they revert to a lower level like it seems Moonshine's parents and Old Cob? I'd love to a post Thiala miniseries with the Band of Boobs as just veterans, with like an adult Beverly and an Old Hardwon. Like Old Man Logan/Wolverine :O


I forgot how much I absolutely lost it at The Grinch Scene, and I can't stop laughing now 😂


Thank you so much for answering my question guys! I totally forgot about the watchman and like, the moral implications of killing him LOL

Brenda Gibbner

Made my day, been tired and yesterday was not a good day. Thank you for making my work day better :)


Caldwell has a point with the DBZ/Super and DB comparison. If you go big too many times, those big moments become less special. UI Goku was visually cool, but narratively boring.


holy what?! the band of boobs guest dm shots sound AMAZING! especially with lou wilson, yes please


The side boob action sounds like how Archer became an anthology series. Also I somehow made a funny. 🤔😅


I know you mentioned that the side campaigns will be deleveled but in-world were the boobs deleveled?


Murph I am 100% with you on maxing out at level 13 or so. I loved a lot of the fights that happened earlier on. For example, having Beverly fight the Crag at a low level was exciting and great to listen to. The high stakes fights with gods and the world at risk are cool, but there is something amazing about a well designed, low level bad guy who the players hate for personal reasons. Can’t wait for the next campaign


I don't know why you would say the dragon pussy thing in the beginning is hard to get through, that alone got 2 of my friends to listen to the podcast lol


One of the parts I laughed the most was Moonshine's sensual ritual dance when reincarnating Hardwon


On emily's "stuck at one level as a sorcerer" the new UA lets sorcerers change their spells on a long rest! It's not as flexible as a druid or wizard, but it still helps!


It’s the sweet spot where you are powerful, but where you aren’t a God. It’s really interesting to listen to, because it’s more fun to role play

Alex Behr

I'm restarting the podcast and I love how excited Jake is to get his first kill in the tavern fight


Murph should just remove the expression, “cool, guys” from his vocabulary. Then the short rests would never end. He worried me several times in the middle of this episode.


random headcon; Bev writes Palora fanfic for him and Moonshine to read together. In decades to come they're regarded as holy scriptures.


My husband is finally listening through the campaign and he told me he was at the scene where they fight the frost giants. I responded, "take them to The Grinch!" And he was so confused. Apparently he's at the beginning of the fight haha!


I think you can find a really cool compromise with a lower level campaign, just think about what your players are looking forward to in those later levels like for a spell caster it could be high level spells. Give them a magic item that lets them cast one once a day, and in turn you can use those cool high cr enemies without worrying about them dying in one round. Sorry for rambling a bit just an idea for DMs who have players that want high level play without have to bog through designing fights for it.


Jake! Glad I made you laugh with the "Love is love is love" throwback in the live feed! I'm probably not the only one who mentioned that gem, but somehow I feel like you were referencing me in this HC ep. From the absolute bottom of my heart... thank you all SO much for the INCREDIBLE content you guys release on a regular basis. Naddpole for life here!

Nicole Jordan

Thank you guys so much for how amazing this was. NADDPOD introduced me to D&D and has quickly become one of my favorite stories of all time. Especially during such a hard time, it's been incredible to have something to look forward to and transport myself to. I admire all of your storytelling abilities and as someone who wants to be an author someday I'd love to come close to such an amazing story. Hope you're taking a nice break!

Cooper Erikson

Can you guys please get Mathew Murcer to host DM for you guys.

Cooper Erikson

I wana see how flustered Murcer gets trying to DM the boobs.


Finished up with grad school this past week so apologies for the late question- but are you guys considering doing any more streams? The ones you did were a ton of fun, and I loved being able to hear about fellow naddpoles dnd characters esp! (& also I want you all to finally beat metal city mayhem)


#ReleaseTheLetter @jake


The guest DM episodes idea is sorta like DC’s legends of tomorrow, and the 13 yr old inside me just wants y’all to call the series “Legends of the Boobs”


Nurphy! Please, I love when the stakes are high and am so ready for some Murph whomps! Don't give in.

Debra Wasson

Also release the letter as a patreon goal?


Band of Boobs in Star Wars?


Release the Hardwon letter!


As much as I love the Band of Boobs it was a long campaign and I'm more excited for new characters and storylines.


# releasethegoddamnletter!!!


The moment way back when Hardwon pretended to be a Chosen member and lure the Chosen away with a milk song was AMAZING! All time funniest moment for me

Julie V Eckert

"Where do they keep a LOTa horses?" ...Why do you want to know, Hardwon😦?


In my last DnD session our party decided we needed to create a distraction, so our wizard poly-morphed me into a T-Rex, which he then rode directly into the enemy camp until I fell in a hole, he took damage and I immediately turned back into a tiefling. At which point I picked him up like a sack of potatoes and he dimension doored us away, and I have to say it felt like a real Band of Boobs moment


I really just want to say that I have gone from listening to a group of "ragamuffins" in the first episode but then immediately buying in after the first 30 minutes. I literally check almost every day for new content because I love the dynamics of the group (the way you interact with each other in and out of character, the way you follow each other through some crazy left turns over and over again like it's most natural thing in the world). You overtook podcasts like Godsfall and some other ones that shall not be named to easily become my favorite podcast. I wish I could offer more than $5 a month and some praising prose but it's beyond me at the moment. Thank you for taking the time to do all this amazing work and for sharing your talents with us. I look forward to many, much more episodes in the future. Bring it on, come on!!


The dragon pussy talk at the beginning of the pod almost scared me off just because it worried me about transphobia but I stuck with it because I know Caldwell from Drawfee and I know their stances on things


Please release the nannerfly effect recordings?

Michael Coggins

I don't understand any way in which their dragon pussy talk could have been offensive... There was literally nothing to that discussion what so ever, a question was asked and was answered (it has a dragon pussy)... If that little discussion about a make believe creature's theoretical genitals makes you worried about someones tolerance, you probably should reassess how you judge others.


On the subject of #releasetheletter, I have changed my mind. I'm with Jake, I think it would be more satisfying for it to be read in a campaign in character. So Jake keep on edging on!