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NOTE: This 'sode is too thick for Patreon's file size limits, so we're posting it in two parts!! 

Part two! The conclusion of our campaign finale! 




Man Murph was up late after the stream


Thiala killed Olaf in frozen 2


Thanks for all your hard work Murph ❤


Thank you all, the emotions are still running and will probably keep running until campaign 2.


Ryan Murphy only needs 2 hours for a long rest


Thank you all so much for your hard! You all deserve a long rest. I'm here crying so hard. Thank you, thank you, thank you. . .!


Thank you so much Murph!!!! We all truly appreciate it!!!

Hollie Tawhiao

Held it together until Balnor bit and I freaking LOST IT! Please please PLEEAASSE keep us updated re THAT 🙏

Dustin K

Great job Ryan and sidekicks.


Thank you so much all of you! You've given us so much laughter and tears this campaign. I think it's time for a well deserved long rest ❤

Camara Fairweather

That was a perfect ending! Thank you all so much for the journey, it's meant so much x


Love you guys, gonna relisten tomorrow because after the live stream I’m emotionally wiped


It's pretty insane how well y'all stuck the landing - making such a great ending to such a massive thing is just incredible. Thanks for all the laughs and tears! "It's time to go, Balnor"


this was amazing

Darian James

That was by far the best piece of entertainment I have ever listened to great job guys loved every episode


This was amazing! I feel empty now


in. fucking. credible.

Michael McDougall

Damn, I joined like a week too late to be an Elder Titan.


Tits out for Malora


Thank you murph. I wouldn’t be playing without you.


Did not finish this episode with dry eyes. This was amazing 💕


Gods... "It's time to go, Balnor..." got me crying so hard... I loved this campaign and look forward to the next thank you so much for everything <3


Now can we get a one big bed animated lofi mix?


During this episode I laughed, cried, clapped, punched the air and even danced around my kitchen during Emily’s awesome song. Way to end, guys. Thank you for all the entertainment. :)


What a truly perfect ending, thank you guys so much for this amazing story 💜 can’t wait to join you guys on the next adventure!


Thank you Murph, Jake, Emily & last but definitely not least Caldwell you all truly are The Band of Boobs


callooh callay!!!!!


thank you guys for all the laughs, tears, and smiles you all gave me throughout the years. honestly sometimes you guys kept me going in times i wasnt feeling too great, cant wait for campaign 2! and hope you guys stay well and happy, thank you.


Balnor is trunks change my mind


Please release one big bed as a track!


Sad it's over for the Boobs, but looking forward to what's to come. Thank you all so much for creating this fantastic world and the community that grew around it. Looking forward to the future. CALLOOH CALLAY!


Man when the moment with balnor came on, couldn't keep it in. What and adventure and story, kept me company when i was on the road. Time to relisten to it again in a waiting game to campaign two. Love you all guys


Thank You Band Of Boobs! Truly some of my favourite characters to exist in any media! Thanks to Jake, Emily Caldwell and Murph for making an amazing show! Thank you to this community for being one of the kindest most beautiful fan community I've every been part of! Love ye all! Can't wait for Campaign 2! Now brb starting a relisten immediately


Thank you all for such a great campaign and finale! I'm really excited for what you have in store. But first, Murph, please get some sleep!


Such a great ending, and thank you for the beautiful song, it made me cry 😭


Lol joined up on the last episode of this campaign to tell you it's not fair for a funny show to make me cry at work! Love your work can't wait for next campaign!


Well those walls didn’t stay up for very long.


Perfection. Nothing else can be said.


Thank you NADDPOD crew for something truly amazing.


im not crying you are!


In the UK, I just couldn't keep myself up last night but listened while baking bread today in my og campfire t. Ugh so beautiful. Cannot wait to have you back here in Manchester (maybe even Newcastle?!?) and to meet the new campaign crew ❤️❤️❤️❤️


A friend of mine suggested this podcast to me a long, long time ago and I am so grateful he did. This whole adventure was amazing, thanks for all the entertaining content guys! Looking forward to the next one :)


Pretty amazing that what started as a comedy podcast is now one of the finest pieces of fantasy media.


What a wonderful ending for campaign one! I’ve been listening every week since the 8 bit book clubs days❤️ Just want to say thank you, this podcast has meant a lot to me and I can’t wait for campaign two!


Wow-wee, for the last year I've listened to this podcast on my way to and from work, it has brought me so much joy and it has brought me to tears.💖 everyone one of you are incredible storytellers (and badass DnD players), I bend the knee. 🌹🌹🌹🌹


Started listening to this podcast around the Frostwind Arc. At that time, I was still getting used to living alone, and this podcast helped fill in those times of emptiness. I hadn't played DnD since high school and was craving it intensely with no one to play with. Now I have a truly wonderful group of friends to play with too, thanks to you reawakening my appetite for DnD. NADDPOD is my favorite DnD media, it has the perfect balance of drama, mechanics, humor, creativity, and shenanigans for me. Thank you all for the wonderful memories and uplifting feelings! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!

Emma Margaret

Alright so I watched the stream last night and fell asleep to One Big Bed and it was fucking beautiful. I relistened to the episode today and One Big Bed killed me all the same. Beautiful. I live for Emily's music, I live for all of y'all's talent and enthusiasm, and I thank you all for continuing to make phenomenal content week after week for us.


I'll have you know I only cried four times. This has truly been a magical journey and I'm so thankful to have been able to experience it. Callooh callay!


I just want to thank you Murph, Emily, Caldwell, and Jake. This campaign was amazing and it brought me so many laughs. I am sad to say bye to this campaign but I am excited to see what else you all do. Also the song actually killed me, it was a beautiful ending. Thank you again so much.


it would be cool to see their level 20 character sheets, I just wanna know what it looked like. I've never played a campaign that far.

Anna Q

I’m literally crying tears of joy. That was amazing. I’ve spent the last year with this story thank you so much for this amazing ending. I’m so excited for what is to come!


Mind blowing ending, so sad the Boobs story is over, they have felt like friends over the past 2 turbulent years. Thank you Murphy, Emily, Caldwell and Jake, i hope campaign 2 is just as bardically inspiring as this one


You guys have felt like friends through dark times, and have brought so much joy to so many people. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us for campaign II. So much love and thanks to all of you! ❤️❤️❤️


best thing i’ve ever heard ❤️ love from sweden!


the song at the end is such a sweet and cozy encapsulation of everything this show has meant to me, so naturally it hit different and made me sob like a baby one additional time at the very end.


This episode made me laugh and cry so hard and at points I couldn’t tell the difference. Thank for this episode and for this campaign it’s was a labour of love and it really shows. Emily’s song at the end was breathtakingly beautiful.


I wondered how any finale could live up to the greatness, power, and humor of this whole campaign... but I was floored. This was intense, emotional, hilarious, and brimming full with everything I've loved about you all, and this wonderful story you've made. So, so, so grateful. You're all heroes to me, brilliant and unforgettable. Thank you!


Thank you guys so much for this amazing season. During the run of the campaign I experienced so many personal highs and lows, and NADDPOD was there to help get me through it all. I’m so grateful for what y’all do, and the finale lived up to it all. Thanks again Murph, Emily, Jake, and Caldwell. Now enough of that. WALLS UP.


Thank you !! I listen to this while grocery shopping and teared up leaning on the cart and have relistened to one big bed over and over,what an epic campaign thank you so so much! 😍😍😍😍


Is there somewhere we can download “one big bed “ finale version??


I wish I had the words for what an amazing experience you all have given to us!

Cody Taylor

Fuck. What a campaign you guys thank you so much. I was not ready for that song again and it is even more powerful after this campaign legit tears in my eyes. You guys are the best thank you a million times thank you ❤️❤️


Can y’all PLEASE do a mini-campaign if Balnor saving his village 🙏🙏


I like to think that the clapping in the song at the end was Hardwon going to town on the wood block


Omg so fantastic! I was expecting to get emotional but made it through the whole episode without shedding a tear. Then hearing everyone join in the one big bed song at the end hit me hard and a was laugh crying like a maniac for 10 minutes.


I love balnor


you got to put up the one big bed song with all of you! had me crying!


You don't know me, but I have grown to know each of you. Thank you for giving me somewhere to escape when my troubles are weighing me down, somewhere to get a laugh, and indeed somewhere to cry. These characters became so real to me. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next, but just know I will be carrying these characters in my heart like Balnor carries the bags.


That was beautiful and yall singing one big bed together had me wrecked! Fucking great job you guys, that was amazing


I was not prepared for the song at the end! got me crying early in the morning, god daym! Thank you for everything you guys do!


This feels so special. I’m grateful that I got to experience it.

Tyreesh Simmons

I’m sobbing, this ending was so beautiful and these characters touched my heart in a way I can’t ever describe. Long Live the BoB!


Is there a way we can get one big bed to download or listen on Spotify? I want to keep it forever. I'll pay for it 😭❤️


I was teary eyed the whole damn ep, but that song made me weep.


Unashamed to admit how much I cried when I finished this. this campaign and podcast has gotten me through so fucking much over the last two years and the Band of Boobs are always going to hold a very large piece of my heart. thank you guys for everything


This was such a heartfelt episode I love everything about it just makes me more hyped for campaign 2


Emily Axford that song heckin broke me, I cried so much Palors blessing I loved this so much, praise Malora


Cherry on top of a great campaign. How fitting that Deadeye’s hand got to screw over a shitty god. Appreciate all of y’all and your creativity. Thank you thank you thank you


I cried so hard during this episode you guys made my week even better each day I listened to you all thank you so much and I'm looking forward to the next campaign


Damn this killed me


That song killed me


Thank you thank you and thank you NADDPOD.


I didn't cry I didn't cry I didn't cry and then the song came on and I cried.


This has been my favorite pod since day one, I've been listening since ep. 0, and this has become one of my favorite fantasy properties ever. Thank you for an amazing journey, I loved every second.


Beautiful. Time to relisten to the campaign for the 3rd time


i didnt cry ... you guys cried !!


Aw man, thank you guys so much! I cried so much at the end my boyfriend was concerned about me! I cant wait for the next campaign and after listening to this podcast for almost a year it truly holds a special place in my heart. Also I just need Emily's ending song on repeat.


In the wise words of hard one “walls up, walls up!” Thank you so much for this campaign! I enjoyed every second and all the crazy stuff the band of boobs got in! Again thank you so much!


I need this song so I can comfortably cry when I’m not working!

Michael Lawton



Thank all four of you for this entire campaign of laughter, tears, and tuna. Every episode has been a gift. <3

Terran Benedict

That was insanely good and I’m insanely sad that’s it’s over. I can’t believe I’ve grown so attached to these characters. Bravo.


Omg!!! YOU NEED TO RELEASE THAT SONG!! Made me weep like a baby listening to you guys harmonize on the last chorus 😭


Man, Balnor's arc just had a direct line to me. Amazing work!


I still can’t truly put into words the emotions this episode caused me.... but wowwee to all 4 of you, absolutely well done.

Cavan McGinsie

Emily got me with that final song, that final chorus. ♥️♥️♥️




I love you guys so much for this campaign it truly been a treat just listening to it grow and just I haven't cried in a long time but yeah yall got me haha much love you did an amazing job.


This was the best kind of crying there is. You guys are amazing. Absolutely ineffable. Can't wait for next campaign so in the mean time gonna replay this hell of a ride campaign.


Me: sitting here not expecting for Balnor to make me cry


My whole heart


That song and Balnor's note got me choked up


Been sobbing off & on for the better part of an an hour. Thank you for a wonderful journey, I can’t wait until the next time we get to be with the band of boobs.




a bastard no more started playing while hardwon was talking to his dad and i fucking lost it


Absolutely wonderful. Thank you, Murph, Emily Axford, Jake Hurwitz, and Caldwell Tanner for an amazing journey. I may have joined only in January 2020, but I feel like I've been with you all the whole time. I can't wait for campaign 2 and I look forward to more Trinyvale. I love you all! I can't wait to see you in person after a live show.


omg, truly the most beautiful thing I've ever listened to. Never has anything made me so happy and sad at the same time. Unbound appreciation and blessings for thee. Also, fuuuuck I love Balnor.


Absolutely amazing. Could not have asked for a more beautiful story and ending. Emily, will you post the One Big Bed song?? It's gorgeous


I've listened to One Big Bed at the end half a dozen times now. 😭🤓

D'ran Dana

I can't believe it's over! 💗 I cried so much today haha. I feel like I've finished a really good book that I'm sad to put down.


Thankyou so much for an amazing conclusion to such a beautiful journey! I'm going to miss these characters so much.


The song at the end is SO NICE. I get teary eyed when the boys join in~


truly amazing, thank you for keeping me company for the past 2 years while i've been creating in my workshop.

kiarra burd

been listening since august 2018. i cant believe it's over. im so sad to be saying goodbye to these sweet characters but i know the next will be just as amazing and lovable as ever. the final song too when the boys joined in got me good. i cant say thanks enough. you four have done something important here.


this was absolutely perfect and I can't imagine how else it could have ended. thank you so much for sharing this story with us. 💕


I'm not crying your crying!!!


Thank you to the gang for an amazing finale to campaign 1, it was truly epic to listen to it live (from 1 am to 6 am cos UK time). I love this podcast and I can't wait to see what you do next.

Eric McDaniel

No you're crying! <3 thank you all the ending was perfect.


i am so sad and happy at the same time . also the song at the end was awesome. ❤❤😢


Please tell me this version of one big bed is available somewhere. I want to listen to it for ever


This was an amazing saga! Epic storytelling and amazing roleplaying made this truly special! My cousin got me into this just shortly after y'all had started and just as I was getting into D'n'D and this just made that love grow. I related heavily to Jake throughout because of that but you all hold dear spots in our heart. Please come to Oregon so I can treat my cousin to a live show as thanks and just like be our pals and play games with us :)


Been following you guys all the way from CH to IIWY to 8BBC and seeing this culmination of goofing and storytelling is so wonderful! It’s been a real pleasure, and getting the chaotic book club energy from the Patreon is a pleasure too. Thanks for a great 2 and a bit years!


Man I think the saddest part of this entire podcast is Balnor never got to go to a green teen jamboree. Omg this series made me laugh, cry and everything in between! The night the final episode came out I had a dream I gave everyone on the show thier podcast patch to put on their ol greenteen sash. Well done nadpod, can't wait for campaign two!


I'm literally in tears right now. I just finished the ep and WOW. Thiccest 'sode of all time. Also the song at the end was absolutely beautiful. I have literal goosebumps from this ep.


I teared up so many times this episode, but One Big Bed made me cry!


Listening to Balnor's farewell letter over and over, got me sobbing.


This was absolutely fantastic. I swore I wouldn’t get emotional but Emily and the guys doing whatever at the end really really got me. Thanks, Boobs, for so many goofs, breathless moments, and just beautiful storytelling. I’ll miss you but I can’t wait for a new tale to unfold.


I want the song in the end to be put as Spotify song or its own separate audio ;~; it was a nice song




The final song is so good it reminds me of the adventure Time finale 😭


<3 So good :D The song is beautiful


Shoutout to Murph for making death scary again for dungeons and dragons. When Hardwon died in part one I paused the podcast and went to bed cause I wasn’t ready for a battle with Theala where Hardwon is dead and I no longer trusted revivify


I am so upset but they did this so perfectly


God that was a cool dramatic spot to cut between the eps


Handy Andy my fucking DUDE


A female CEO of hell, just like the Norse!


Emily released One Big Bed by itself here on patreon a couple weeks (maybe months?) ago but I don't remember if it had the rest of the boobs on at the end. Sadly it's not on Spotify yet, but I'm hoping it comes soon


I feel like I’m saying goodbye to my best friends. I’m so blessed to have found this podcast and have been able to see you all in person. You’ve helped me during so many hard times and even getting the confidence to play DND myself. I can’t believe it’s all over but god am I so proud of how all of these characters have grown. I’ll always carry the band of boobs in my heart. Thank you, all of you for the hard work and passion you’ve put into this journey because I’ve loved every second of it and I can’t wait to hear the next journey. Now I’ll..go keep crying 😭😭😭


Man I put off listening to the last few episodes so long because I didn't want it to end :( Cheers for the laughs guys, such a great end to the campaign. Can't wait for the next one!


I'm not crying you're crying!


Good story, enjoyed the campaign. Paid the $5 to comment and support. My one complaint is rules based but it’s your table so stop reading for a fully positive review. —————— Conjure Woodland Creatures can do 2 Pixies (as the ones with the Fly spell are CR 1) you would have to cast it at 8th level to even get 6 of them let alone 8. —————— Good work all around I’ve loved listening pay no attention to the rules lawyer in me it was fun. Like the shenanigans Emily :)


Thank you so much for this amazing story I loved every minute I cried so much ONE BIG BED ❤️

Nick Wesell

Great work. Thanks all.

Nick Wesell

Murph is my daddy dm


Can ya'll please post the One Big Bed song separately on here? Life has been weird (thanks covid) and there are days that I just want to play it on repeat. Love you guys and that song.


Okay. I cried at the Belnor segment and the song One big bed at the end.... ouch... this was awesome. Thanks for everything guys.


Leave it to Emily to give herself a thorn. Haha

Tryston Cole the Loose Obtuse Goose

To this day I use this episode to friends to show friends that even a ttrpg means a lot more than more than make believe. The feelings are real and so are the bonds you make in your dm's world.


What a rollercoaster from ep. 1 through 100. You guys are amazing. It's a bitter sweet ending. Been crying and weeping from the moment Tiale died through all the event afterwards. How bitter sweet it may be, Balor did get the best ending he could get and he deserves it


Still tear up to this on a relisten.

sydney yalshevec

Finally brought myself to listen to episode 100 and I haven’t been this happy with the wrap up of anything ever. It was perfect, you’re all amazing, I cried the whole time and for like an hour after. Just a real dang good job, gang!


Just finished my second listen through. This podcast has gotten be through the diagnosis and removal of my brain tumor. Every episode was a recovery day under my belt. I'm finally 100 days post op and feel great, thanks to the band of boobs.

Eric McDaniel

Still my favorite outro.

Maia Costea

Moral of Bahumia campaign: Thank your healers every time! Celebrate their birthdays! Make necklaces, something.


I just finished listening to this campaign today. 😭🌹


I gave myself a concussion earlier this week and to rest I finished the campaign. Well done to Moonshine, Hardwon, Bev, and Murph. It’s been absolutely brilliant. I’ve dabbled in DnD with my brother and his friends but am now so keen to get out there and learn it better myself. Thank you!!! ❤️🌹


This is my 3rd time listening to the show and this song at the end always makes me tear up it’s lovely


I am very late to the party, but I just finished episode 100. What a fantastic story 🌹 My heart is so full and I'm so glad to have gotten the chance to listen along ❤️


I cried so much during the Balnor scenes in this episode. Such a bitter sweet ending for him.


I just RElistened to the entire campaign and hadn't realized Caldwell, Jake and Brian sang with Emily on "One Big Bed" at the end. A whole new set of emotions ensued. Love you guys.